Uploaded by Safah Rahman

R Statistical Modeling Guide

This document will outline how to successfully run the statistical learning models built
in R.
1) Open R studio.
2) Select ‘Import Data’.
3) Select ‘Frome Excel…’.
4) Import excel file named ‘HD_Data’.
5) Repeat for ‘HD_Data2’
6) Before running the code, install and load all the packages outlined in the script
named “Packages”.
7) First run script named ‘Data Pre-processing’.
8) Run Models.
Description of Scripts:
Package - Install and load necessary packages.
Data Pre-processing - Prepares data for analysis.
Data Exploration - Code for data exploration graphs.
Logistic Regression - All relevant code for logistic regression model.
Classification Tree - All relevant code for classification tree model.
Random Forest - All relevant code for random forest model.