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Oracle/Microsoft Customer Experiences Case Study

Individual Assignment
Oracle/Microsoft Customer Experiences
MBA/19/5327 M.Shiraad Idrees
Group No.: 02
: MBA 506 Information Management
: Prof.G. Jayakody
: Mr.S. Jayasundara
: June – October 2019
Postgraduate Institute of Management
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
I am fully aware of the content under plagiarism stated in the PIM Student Handbook, and I
hereby declare and affirm that I have strictly observed the law relating to intellectual property,
copyright and plagiarism in this exercise (Student Handbook, 2018).
: M.S. Idrees
Registration No
: MBA/19/5327
: 14th September 2019.
Oracle – Case study.
National Pharmacies & QMP.
As humans we consult healthcare professionals for various reasons, and not necessarily the
same doctor, but different doctors/hospitals for various reasons and in the field of health
care time is of essence.
National pharmacies (NP), a company with over 100 years’ experience in the industry
strongly believes that Everybody deserves good health care, and at National Pharmacies,
your health and wellbeing is their priority.
Quality Metric Partners (QMP) is a laboratory management company, who also owns and
operates five laboratories across Dallas Texas, also shares a similar vision and mission as
NP and shares commonalities due to the size and nature of the healthcare industry.
Note* -The author intends to combine both companies NP and QMP due to the similarities
and wishes to discuss the common challenges faced by both companies, the reader should
be mindful that NP and QMP are two different companies who shares the same vision.
When data of patients, hospitals, healthcare professionals comes together, it can be
organized in such way to tell a story. In other words, lager amounts of data once analysed
provides intelligence which prompts questions to which different answers from different
angles/perspectives are explored.
The vast amounts of data generated daily needs to be transferred fast in order make timely
analysis to help with decision making and in turns help NP/QMP to stay ahead of its
Gathering data in one place is a demanding task which is time consuming and expensive,
which brings about its own set of challenges to NP and QMP.
Common challenges faced by NP and QMP includes but not limited to;
1. Time constraints faced in transferring data between
a. Ordering providers
b. Billing companies
c. Laboratories
d. Healthcare providers
2. Communication between business units
3. Transparency between each person involved in the process
4. Gathering actionable data
5. Financial constraints
6. Manging a balance between cost overhead and growth
Oracle Solution
Both companies chose to use Oracle Data warehousing, the most innovative data
management cloud service in the industry, as a solution to the challenges they faced, which
provided various benefits including the following;
1. Easy to use system which involves automation (of management tasks etc.)
2. Data automatically compressed and encrypted
3. Elastic in compute and storage dimensions which helps adjust usage with no down
4. Automated tuning
5. Data delivery in a timely manner between different data stores and different
healthcare systems, which is merged into a single repository.
6. Data mining/ analytics for better decision making
7. Find efficiencies within the business units
8. Identify areas of improvement
9. Deliver laboratory results within 1day to half an hour
10. Internal improvements through actionable data
11. Gain competitive advantage over competitors.
Having a reliable Business Intelligence system had positioned NP and QMP to a platform
where predictive data analysis helps make better business decisions and necessary changes
to gain competitive advantage over competitors.
But most importantly to help save patient lives ahead of the competition.
Data Intensity.
Data Intensity is the largest independent multi-cloud managed services provider focused
on mission-critical applications and managed services in a hybrid cloud world, offering a
range of solutions including;
1. Cloud advisory and migration solutions
2. Cloud integration
3. Multi-cloud workload management
Data Intensity (DI) is an organization that helps its clients optimize their software
investments and business processes which has enabled DI to leverage a global footprint
with local expertise, resulting in cost-effective, highly optimized service delivery
capabilities that allow customers to meet and exceed the requirements of their business
DI had been facing several challenges around finance and the financial reporting
Which resulted in the ineffective use of labour/manhours, including the following;
1. 60% of the time was spent on cleaning and obtaining actionable data
2. Only 40% of the time was utilized by staff to generate value back to the business.
3. Considerable time spent on cleaning and correcting data (ensuring data quality)
which could otherwise lead to;
a. Lost business opportunities
b. Cost associated with time spent on correcting/preventing errors
c. Loss of reputation (indirect cost)
Turban et al. (2016, p. 69) cites a classic example of cost associated/ incurred by
organizations due to poor data, in the example cited the corporation in question had spent
approximately $50,000 annually to correct errors, which is valid at present for many
organizations globally. The textbook also illustrates the cost of poor-quality data through
the below formula;
Cost of poor-quality data = Lost business + Cost to prevent errors + Cost to correct errors
Oracle Solution
DI had opted to use Oracle’s autonomous data warehousing and Analytics cloud
technologies to help face these challenges better, and as a result has reaped massive benefits
though the Oracle systems including but not limited to the following;
1. Provided actionable data, which was not possible earlier, within minimum time.
2. Provided an initial saving od up to $250,000/=
3. Utilized ten times less hardware, reduction in hardware cost.
4. Flexibility to scale the solution up/down depending on the requirement which led
to cost savings.
5. Availability of information/analytics at the fingertips when required.
6. Ten times more users utilizing the system to drive value, than spending time driving
data out of the system
7. Data base managed by Oracle professionals and not DI, reduced cost, less room for
trial and error.
8. Easy to use system which involves automation (of management tasks etc.)
9. Data automatically compressed and encrypted
DI’s business growth requires to constantly monitor, review and update BI systems to
ensure that data management capabilities provides a secure and uninterrupted service to the
Data warehousing, Business intelligence systems and analytics cloud technologies interact
with each other discovering insights and possibilities that otherwise might not have been
Drop Tank.
Drop Tank specializes in gas station loyalty technology and loyalty solutions, with a large
participating customer base. Drop Tank partners with fuel and convenience store brands to
deploy consistent loyalty programs across sites with inconsistent retail technology.
Drop Tank's solutions unlock loyalty capabilities and a wide range of data services for
consumer package goods companies and fuel marketers of all sizes.
For the type of business and projects Drop Tank handles timely availability of data plays a
huge role in retaining market share and to remain competitive.
This obviously poses a unique set of challenges as discussed below;
1. Setting up a data enterprise in a short span of time and deriving actionable
2. Time/Speed of data availability to make timely business decisions
3. Security of data
4. Additional manpower/overheads
Oracle Solution
As many organizations Drop Tank joined the band wagon in relying on the dependable
autonomous data warehousing and cloud analytics offered by oracle, which has proven to
provide the below benefits for a seamless operation;
1. Scalability of the system depending on the size and type of the campaign
2. Price dependent on the usage
3. System’s ability to detect the volume of data, and make necessary changes to the
system and provide reports/analytics at the earliest
4. Secure data, through automatic data compression and encryption
5. Automated system which does not require any additional manpower from Drop
6. Single platform.
Microsoft – Case study.
Originating from Pakistan as a handloom cloth manufacturer, has transformed its business
to a global fashion brand who promotes the channel in a modern style creating its
philosophy of new traditions.
Khaadi, continues to produce ethnic fashion inspired by global traditions and is now a
lifestyle destination brand, with branches across United Kingdom, Qatar and gaining rapid
popularity even in the UAE, with over 45 outlets.
Khaadi, has seen a rapid growth in business with the introduction of its online store catering
to an international and domestic customer base.
The organization is focused on the customer and strives to provide a better-quality service
including improving order fulfilment, smoother checkouts, and a personalized online
shopping experience.
Khaadi faces its own set of challenges when it comes to delivering a greater customer
experience, and in turn retaining a competitive edge over competitors, these challenges
include but not limited to;
1. The need for clean data at a rapid pace to be able to make effective business
decisions such as;
2. Inventory
3. Margins
4. Profitability
5. Expenses/overheads
6. Finding the right IT solutions partner, as the business grow
7. Having the correct information available
8. Transparency between each touch point
9. Having a good ERP to support the size and nature of business
Microsoft Solution
Khaadi teamed up with Microsoft to help enable the business to realize its full potential,
and selected products such as;
1. Azure
2. Dynamics 365
3. Office 365
4. Power BI
These tools have helped Khaadi to face challenges and improve processes including;
1. Scattered information, integrated into a single platform and data availability
through dashboards
2. Easy to use system which involves automation (of management tasks etc.)
3. Data automatically compressed and encrypted
4. Process aligned to achieve optimum performance/productivity
5. Provides personalized, seamless and differentiated experiences
6. Empowering employees and enabling digital transformation
7. Drives growth through business insights.
8. Insightful interactions
Water covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. For businesses and governments
across the globe, that statistics is important to derive actionable data intelligence. From the
transportation of goods to power generation to the effects of rising sea levels, water
environments present diverse challenges in many sectors and locales. Based at Copenhagen
with thirty branches globally, DHIs main business is solving challenges of water
The company’s diverse clientele includes consultants seeking information on tides,
currents, and waves; companies researching the effects of wind turbines on marine life; and
governments that need to assess environmental impacts for any water-related development
1. Communicate better with our customers and to assure them that our knowledge
addresses their specific needs
2. Understand customers better
3. Sharing data between multiple systems (Data silos)
4. Difficulty in creating comprehensive customer profiles due to the lack of a unified
data source
5. Difficulty in providing tailored solutions for customers / meeting customer
6. Vulnerability to data loss and accidental overwriting
7. Setting up a data enterprise in a short span of time and deriving actionable
8. Marketing reach, getting the information out to the potential clients
Microsoft Solution
DHI having realized the challenges they faced as an organization, conducted extensive
research for a solutions provider who was fast reliable and secure.
Microsoft to help enable the business to realize its full potential, and selected products
such as;
1. Azure
2. Dynamics 365 for Customer Service
3. Dynamics 365 for Marketing
4. Microsoft Flow
5. Microsoft PowerApps
6. Microsoft Teams
7. Office 365
8. Outlook
9. Power BI
Which help the organization to reap the following befits, to its challenges faced.
1. Automation and inbound marketing to enrich customer awareness
2. Creating a common platform for data to integrate and produce more clean and
actionable intel
3. Business Intelligence dashboards which shares market insights with stakeholders
across departments
4. Quick deploy ability, system was up and running within one month, whereas
competitors would have taken nearly up to a year)
5. Use of automation to reduce manual process by two-thirds, resulting in follow up
customer communications much faster.
6. Data gathering of customer interaction with DHI website, webinar subscription and
blogs, which helped gather intel on the customer experience and provide a much
seamless, informative experience to better meet customer needs.
7. Use of machine learning to better understand and meet customer needs.
8. Provide a holistic view of customers which will help DHI fulfill customer needs
and requirements regardless of scope
Findings and Recommendations
At the world’s busiest airport located in the Middle Eastern region, with a rapidly growing
aircraft fleet, the airport environment becomes really congested and demands a high level
of regulatory compliance and a low margin of error.
Ground movement of aircraft especially during nighttime and during Low visibility
operations (Due to bad weather/Fog) predominantly relies on one of the worlds most
sophisticated Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL) systems to ensure ground movement is
conducted safely.
The Airport at Doo Bhai consist of over 2,500,000 lighting fixtures per runway in its dual
runway operation which adds up to a staggering 5,000,000 lighting fixtures. Maintaining
these lights as per the regulatory requirement becomes a demanding task and relies on;
1. Real time monitoring
2. Identifying AGL fixtures below regulatory requirement in a timely manner
3. Replacing /fixing lights without disrupting the operations
4. Adequate spares
5. Qualified personnel on shift
As per General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) regulation, Part IX, Aerodromes. every
AGL need to be monitored and must meet the below requirement.
The inevitable situation is that these lights fail, and each time the AGLs fail there is a very
high possibility to go below compliance.
At present there is historical data of failures per day, however the challenge is there is no
proper system to derive actionable inter to ideally provide the below data.
1. Rate of failure per light
2. How often each lighting fixture has failed
3. Trend analysis
4. Direction of failure (Lead on /Lead off)
5. Runway fixtures (rate of failures)
(GCAA CAR - Maintenance Objectives for Lighting)
At present the gathered data is maintained in an Excel format, proving a dashboard of failures,
which is more reactive. Furthermore, there are few other underlying challenges which are
predicted to take place (only a matter of time)
1. The Excel sheet could crash due to data overload
2. Time consuming as it takes at least one hour and forty-five (1:45) minutes to clean
and filter out the data daily
3. No actionable intel
4. Report is sent after the AGL has failed
5. Regulatory non compliance
Based on the above learnings it is prudent to subscribe to Oracle Autonomous Data
warehousing and Analytics tools, the reasons can be summarised as follows.
1. Regulatory compliance and Safety
2. Analytics already performed (no additional resources required)
3. Data secured and real-time (ability to predict failures)
4. Actionable intel/Predictive analysis (proactive maintenance approach)
5. Cost saving on
a. Maintenance
b. Spares
c. Manhours to derive data
The investment on Oracle data warehousing and analytics could be justified and shall follow
the company’s ICT processes and procedures and will require the commitment from the toplevel management, and user engagement to make it a successful investment.
Data Intensity. (2019). About. Retrieved from https://www.dataintensity.com/about/
Drop Tank. (2019). About Drop Tank. Retrieved from https://www.drop-tank.com/
Maintenance Objectives for Lighting GCAA CAR (2019, September 01).
Retrieved from
Microsoft. (2019). Customer Stories. Retrieved from
National Pharmacies. (2019). About Us. Retrieved from
Oracle. (2019). Customer Stories. Retrieved from
Quality Metrics. (2019). About Quality Metrics. Retrieved from