ASSIGNMENT CQS101/AS1 A1.0 QS101 Residential Estimation 1 Assignment 1 Weighting: 25% Learning outcomes This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes: • LO1: Demonstrate knowledge of the cost estimation processes for a building project by building up rates for labour and material supply for a specified building. Instructions • Open a Word file on your computer to record your responses to the assignment tasks. Clearly provide your build up for the rates in Task 2 in an Excel spreadsheet • Task 1: answer all the questions. • Task 2: select one case study to answer from the three supplied • Write the number of each part of the question you are answering Create a header with your name, student number and assignment number, and number your pages. • Submission Submit your work through the online assessment submission link. Upload your assessment, then use the Save and Submit assessment buttons. You will get an electronic receipt and your work is then logged and tracked through our system. Assessments emailed directly to lecturers will not be accepted. Save a copy for your own records. Referencing and plagiarism Refer to Referencing and avoiding plagiarism for information on APA referencing and avoiding plagiarism. CQS101/AS1 A1.0 Mark allocation Task Topic Marks 1. General concept of estimating 35 2. Pricing SoQ for a residential tender 65 Total 100 Overview CQS101/AS1 A1.0 This assignment will enable you to explain aspects of pricing a tender to a junior estimator’s first tender for a house project. The project is based on a given scenario. Before you begin Read the fact sheets for Modules 1 and 2. The information you need for this assignment is contained in the fact sheets and web links for these modules. Try the job briefs to help you build up your knowledge and your writing skills. The more assessment work you do, the more confident you will become. The focus of the assignments are on your ability to show evidence of your knowledge and understanding. The correct working out of mathematical formula and the equations are secondary. Task 1: General concept of estimating You are an estimator in a construction company. You have a junior estimator assisting you, Jeff, who has just joined the company. The company has been informed that it will be invited to tender for a house project, tender information will be available in a couple of weeks and tender documents will contain a schedule of quantities (SoQ). This will be the junior’s first tender, so you need to explain aspects of pricing a tender to him. Jeff has prepared a list of questions for a meeting with you in the morning and you are required to prepare answers for these. Answer each question as fully as possible and expand on anything that is likely to be confusing to a junior. a) Explain what an SoQ is and the importance of preparing an estimate. (10 marks) b) What are the three methods available for sourcing rates for inclusion in an SoQ? Explain each method. (10 marks) c) What are the three common types of estimates? Explain the differences between them? (15 marks) [Task 1 Total: 35 marks] 3 © The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Ltd CQS101/AS1 A1.0 Task 2: Pricing Schedule of Quantities (SoQ for a residential tender Select ONE case study from the three supplied to answer Task 2. Each case study contains a list of SoQ items in different trade sections of a building. You are requested by your manager to calculate unit rates for each item in your chosen case study. For each calculation provide a worksheet similar to that provided within Fact Sheet 2.4 (Integrated Example) and complete the following: • Use a suitable labour constant to calculate labour rate. • Use material costs and plant costs for each item using QV Costbuilder or any other references you are familiar with to calculate material and plant rates. • Remember, QVCB does not provide all material or plant costs. Where you need to, you need to undertake your own research to ascertain these costs. • Integrate the three major components to come up with reasonable unit rates. • Include your calculations and references as an appendix to your answers. • All rates are to two decimal places. • Enter the unit rate into the case study (column called Rate). Case study 1 Description Unit Qty 1900 mm x 400 mm x 250 mm deep concrete footing no 12 2500 x 450 mm x 450 mm deep concrete footing m3 5 Vertical faces of footings, 0–250 mm high m 19 Vertical faces of footings, 500 mm high m2 23 D16 rod reinforcement kg 87 D12 rod reinforcement kg 96 D10 rod reinforcement kg 17 Rate Concrete Formwork Reinforcement 4 © The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Ltd CQS101/AS1 A1.0 Case study 2 Description Unit Qty m2 93 m2 105 m3 11 m 35 Rate Groundworks Excavate over area of building and strip topsoil to a depth of 100mm from existing ground levels and stockpile on site approximately 10m away from building Filling and hardcore 150mm thick compacted approved hardfill under floor slab, well consolidated, and as per specifications Concrete 30 MPa reinforced concrete in: Floor slab laid on sand blinding, 0-100 mm thick: 105 m2 Formwork Class F4 finish formwork to: Free edges of floor slabs laid on blinding, 0-250 mm high 5 © The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Ltd CQS101/AS1 A1.0 Case study 3 Description Unit Qty D16 rod reinforcement kg 78 D10 rod reinforcement kg 9 R6 stirrup reinforcement kg 3 665 Mesh reinforcement lapped 150 at joints m2 29 SE62 Mesh reinforcement lapped 200 at joints m2 29 150 mm concrete blockwork in stretcher bond bedded in mortar as described, rising to 600 mm high max m2 25 Corner blocks m 2 Rate Reinforcement Masonry Exterior work Footings Concrete grout filling as described to 150 thick wall m2 25 Flooring Carpet on and including underlay to concrete floor m2 53 Transition strips to tile/carpet junction to concrete floor: [3 no.] m 5 [Task 2 Total: 65 marks] 6 © The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Ltd CQS101/AS1 A1.0 CQS101 Residential Estimation Assignment 1 Marking Schedule Criteria Task 1a Mark/100 0-2 10 Limited or incorrect explanation Task 1b 10 Task 1c 15 Total 35 3-4 Outlines an SoQ and/or the importance preparing an estimate. With many errors. 5 Briefly explains an SoQ and the importance preparing an estimate. With a few minor errors. 6-7 8 - 10 Clearly explains an SoQ and Fully explains an SoQ and the importance preparing an the importance preparing estimate. an estimate. 0-2 No explanation or wrong 3-4 Explains one or two methods of sourcing rates. With a few minor errors. 5 6-7 Briefly explains the three Clearly explains the three methods of sourcing rates. methods of sourcing rates. With a few minor errors. 8 - 10 Fully explains the three methods of sourcing rates. 0-2 Identifies the two or less common types of estimates. 3-7 Identifies the three common types of estimates. 7.5 - 9 Identifies the three common types of estimates. 10 - 11 Identifies the three common types of estimates. 12 - 15 Identifies the three common types of estimates. Limited or incorrect explanation of 1 to 3 types. Explains the differences between only 1 or 2 types. Briefly explains the differences between them. Clearly explains the differences between them. Fully explains the differences between them. CQS101/AS1 A1.0 Task 2 65 0 - 16 Calculation not shown or partly shown for 1 or 2 of: • Labour • Labour • Labour • Plants • Plants • Plants • Plants • Plants • Material • Material • Material • Material Less than 25% build up rate calculations shown. Calculations shown has obvious errors. Rounding not attempted. No reference material Included. Grand Total 100 52 - 65 Majority of calculations shown for: • Labour Less than 25% build up rates are correct. 65 44 - 51 Some calculations shown for all 3 of: • Labour • Material Total 17 - 32 32.5 - 43 Some calculations shown for Some calculations 1 or 2 of: shown for all 3 of: 25% - 50% build up rates are correct. 50% - 70% build up rates are correct. 70% - 80% build up rates are correct. More than 80% build up rates correct. 25% - 50% build up rate calculations shown. 50% - 75% build up rate calculations shown. 50% - 75% build up rate calculations shown. More than 75% build up rates calculation show. Some errors in calculations. Minor errors in calculations. Minor errors in calculations. One or two very minor error/s in calculations. Large errors in rounding. No reference or some reference material included. A few errors in rounding. Reference material included. A few errors in rounding. Reference material included. Minor errors in rounding. Reference material included