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How to Neg Correctly: A Guide to Subtle Social Interaction

How to neg correctly
A lot of people neg wrong, they misunderstand what a neg is:
People think that a negs purpose is to make her value lower or make your value higher. If you
think of the neg that way you are going to get blowout you will get bad results, you will insult girls.
This is what a neg is:
Most people walk in life secure in their belief systems view of themselves, their ideology (set in
their ways).
If someone wants to change that whole perception they will reject fast no thanks.
It is laziness to change their ways.
When you are in any sales situation from almost the beginning you have to make them open to
the possibility that their view is a little off or not that great.
They ask a marketer what do you do?
He says: I make people feel bad about themselves.
A neg is to create a need.
Establishing in the girls mind the possibility that the girls point of view is not one hundred percent
A neg is not try hard or insulting, it’s about her view of the world in something.
The purpose of a neg is not actually to make anybody feel bad.
Normally people are walking through life in their own little word, in their own reality.
When somebody question that world view out of laziness, they say not interested.
I’m in my reality, things are going great I don’t need a change, I don’t need more information, it
could be unpleasant, it could be a waste of my time, I’m not motivated.
But: if they see a benefit or their world view come into question, now they can open for
Interesting: a neg doesn’t even have to be negative.
Example: a girl that has been a model here in there but amateur level, no big deal, but she views
herself as a model.
You introduce her as a super model (she knows she is not a supermodel that put her in her head
On a practical level there are three ways guys get this neg thing wrong:
Number one wrong way:
They are insulting. A neg is not about making someone feel bad. Insulting will build their barriers.
Example: Someone comes and says: you are a scumbag
The obvious reaction you have is: I don’t want you in my life.
Second wrong way:
Girl: is that your pick up line?
You: Nice extensions.
(Reactive, butt hurt defensive, weak)
Third wrong way:
Not subtle negs: A neg should be subtle.
A neg should be subtle.
Example: Saying a neg in the middle of something else (you blink a lot example)
Not correct neg: Hey whats up im J, you blink a lot (pause waiting to notice if she is reacting)
Correct neg: yeah its funny im kind of new to this area, wow you blink a lot, but yeah im form
sacramento and I was looking blablabla.
You wasn’t even thinking about the neg ( you had no agenda)
Negs have fallen out of favor because
Guys, from the frame, that they are lower value than the girl.
They need to negatively affect her to bring her to the guys value, lower.
This way of thinking about affecting her negatively or lower her value is wrong because the
purpose of pick up is give a girl a good experience.
When you are in any sales situation from almost the beginning you have to make them open to
the possibility that their view is a little off or not that great.
When you are in any sales situation from almost the beginning you have to make them open to
the possibility that their view is a little off or not that great.
When you are in any sales situation from almost the beginning you have to make them open to
the possibility that their view is a little off or not that great.