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Endocrine System: Chemical Communication & Hormones

Endocrine system
Chemical messengers
- Allows cells to communicate with each other to
regulate body activities;
- Some produced by the nervous system, and some are
produced by the endocrine system;
- Most of this is produced by a specialization of cells or
by a gland, which is an organ consisting of epithelial
cells that specialize in secretion (controlled release of
chemicals from a cell)
Categories in studying Endocrine System:
1. Autocrine chemical messengers.
- Stimulates the cell that originally secreted it, and
sometimes nearby cells of the same type;
- Ex. Those secreted by the WBC during infection;
prostacyclins, leukotrienese)
2. Paracrine chemical messengers.
- Local messengers;
- Produced by a wide variety of tissues and secreted into
extracellular fluid;
- Has a localized effect on other tissues;
- Ex. Somatostatin, histamine (released during allergic
reactions; stimulates vasodilation in nearby blood
vessels), eicosanoids
3. Neurotransmitters.
- Secreted by neurons that activate an adjacent cell,
whether it is another neuron, a muscle or a glandular
- Secreted into a synaptic cleft, rather than into the
- Ex. Acetylcholine, epinephrine
4. Endocrine chemical messengers.
- Secreted into the bloodstream by certain glands and
cells, which together constitute the endocrine system
- Affect cells that are distant from their source
- Ex. Thyroid hormones, growth hormone, insulin,
epinephrine, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone,
1. Metabolism
2. Control of food intake and digestion
3. Tissue development
4. Ion regulation
5. Water balance.
6. Heart rate and blood pressure regulation
7. Control of blood glucose and other nutrients
8. Control of reproductive functions
9. Uterine contractions and milk release
10. Immune system regulation
hormones. Lipid-soluble hormones are degraded slowly and
are not rapidly eliminated from the circulation.
Without the binding proteins, the lipid-soluble hormones
would quickly diffuse out of capillaries and be degraded by
enzymes of the liver and lungs or be removed from the body
by the kidneys. The breakdown products are then excreted
in the urine or the bile.
Water-Soluble Hormones
- Polar molecules; they include protein hormones,
peptide hormones, and most amino acid derivative
- Quite large hormones and do not diffuse through the
walls of all capillaries, therefore, they tend to diffuse
from the blood into tissue spaces more slowly
- Life-span: short half-lives due to the rapid
degradation by the enzymes called proteases within
the bloodstream
Endocrine System
- Greek word, ‘endo’ (within); ‘krino’ (secrete)
- Composed of endocrine glands and specialized
endocrine cells located throughout the body;
- Endocrine glands and cells secrete minute amounts
of chemical messengers called hormones into the
bloodstream, rather than into a duct.
- Hormones then travel through the general blood
circulation to target tissues or effectors
- Target tissues: specific sites where hormones produce
a particular response of the target tissues
- Exocrine glands: have ducts that carry their secretions
to the outside of the body, or into a hollow organ
(stomach or intestines); ex. Saliva, sweat, breast milk,
and digestive enzymes
- Endocrinology: study of endocrine system
- Greek word = ‘hormon’ (to set into motion)
- Regulates almost every physiological processes
Two Chemical Categories:
1. Lipid-soluble hormones
2. Water-soluble hormones
The entire basis of a hormone’s metabolism – its transport in
the blood, its interaction with its target, and its removal from
the body – is dependent on the hormone’s chemical nature.
Hormone categorized based on chemical structures:
1. Steroid hormones – derived from cholesterol;
2. Thyroid hormones – derived from amino acid tyrosine;
3. Other hormones are categorized as amino acid derivatives,
peptides, or proteins.
Lipid Soluble Hormones
- Non-polar, and include steroid hormones, thyroid
hormones, and fatty acid derivative hormones
- Small molecules and are insoluble in water-based
fluids, such as the plasma of blood
- Life-span: few days to as long as several weeks
- Circulating hydrolytic enzymes can metabolize free
lipid-soluble hormones
Transport of Lipid-Soluble Hormones
Lipid-soluble hormones travel in the bloodstream attached to
binding proteins. Binding proteins transport and protect
Transport of Water-Soluble Hormones
They can dissolve in blood so they are delivered to their target
tissue without attaching to a binding protein. Organs regulated
by some protein hormones have very porous, or fenestrated,
capillaries to aid in delivery of these hormone to individual
After degraded by the enzymes, the kidneys then filter the
hormone breakdown products from the blood. Hormone
target cells also destroy water-soluble hormones. Some
target cells take up the hormone through endocytosis, thus
terminating their effect.
Once the hormones are inside the target cell, lysosomal
enzymes degrade them. Often, the target cell recycles the
amino acids of peptide and protein hormones and uses them to
synthesize new proteins.
However, some water-soluble hormones are more stable in the
blood than others. In many instances, protein and peptide
hormones have a carbohydrate attached to them, or their
terminal ends are modified which protects them from proteases
activity to a greater extent than water-soluble hormones
lacking such modification. In addition, some water-soluble
hormones also attach to binding proteins and therefore
circulate in the blood longer than free water-soluble hormones
Three types of stimuli regulate hormone release: humoral,
neural, and hormonal.
Stimulation of Hormone Release
Control by Humoral Stimuli
- Blood-borne chemicals that directly stimulate the
release of some hormones;
- Sensitive to blood levels of a particular substance, such
as glucose, calcium, or sodium.
- When blood level of a particular chemical changes
(calcium), the hormone (PTH) is released in response
to the chemical’s concentration
- Similarly, elevated blood glucose levels directly
stimulate insulin secretion by the pancreas, and
elevated blood potassium levels directly stimulate
aldosterone release by the adrenal cortex
Control by Neural Stimuli
- Neurons release a neurotransmitter into the synapse
with the cells that produce the hormone;
- For instance, the sympathetic nervous system
stimulates the secretion of epinephrine and
norepinephrine, from the adrenal gland during
exercise. Epinephrine and norepinephrine increase
heart rate, in turn, increase blood flow through the
exercising muscles. When the exercise stops, the
neural stimulation declines and the secretion of
epinephrine and norepinephrine decreases.
- Some neurons secrete chemical messengers directly
into the blood when stimulated, making the
messengers, which are called neuropeptides.
- Specialized neuropeptides stimulate hormone
secretion from other endocrine cells and are called
releasing hormones, a term usually reserved for
hormones from the hypothalamus
Inhibition of Hormone Release
Although the stimulus of hormone secretion is important,
inhibition is equally important
1. Humoral substances can inhibit the secretion of hormones;
2. Neural stimuli can prevent hormone secretion;
3. Inhibiting hormones prevent hormone release.
Regulation of Hormone Levels in the Blood
Two mechanisms: negative and positive feedback.
1. Negative Feedback
- Most hormones are regulated by this, whereby the
hormone’s secretion is inhibited by the hormone itself
once blood levels have reached a certain point and
there is adequate hormone to activate the target cell;
- Ex. Thyroid hormones inhibit the secretion of their
releasing hormone from the hypothalamus and their
tropic hormone from the anterior pituitary.
Control by Hormonal Stimuli
- Occurs when a hormone is secreted that, in turn,
stimulates the secretion of other hormones;
- Most common hormones are from the anterior
pituitary gland, called tropic hormones;
- Tropic hormones: hormones that stimulate the
secretion of another hormone;
- The anterior pituitary tropic hormone then travels to
another endocrine gland and stimulates the release of
its hormones
2. Positive Feedback
- Some hormones, when stimulated by a tropic
hormone, promote the synthesis and secretion of the
tropic hormone in addition to stimulating their target
cell. In turn, this stimulates further secretion of the
original hormone. Thus, it is self-propagating
Have rapid effects on target cells; most likely mediated
through membrane-bound receptors
2. Water-soluble hormones bind to membrane-bound
- Polar and cannot pass through the cell membrane;
- Instead, they interact with membrane-bound
receptors, which are proteins that extend across the
cell membrane, with their hormone-binding sites
exposed on the cell membrane’s outer surface;
- When a hormone binds to a receptor on the outside, the
hormone-receptor complex initiates a response inside
the cell;
Hormones exert their actions by binding to proteins called
receptors. A hormone can stimulate only the cells that have
the receptor for that hormone.
Receptor site
- portion of receptor molecule where a hormone binds;
- the shape and chemical characteristics of each receptor
site allow only a specific type of hormone to bind to it
- the tendency for each type of hormone to bind to one
type of receptor and not to others
- Ex. Insulin binds to insulin receptors, but not to thyroid
- However, some hormones, such as epinephrine, can
bind to a “family” of receptors that are structurally
Action of Nuclear Receptors
Lipid-soluble hormones stimulate protein synthesis. After,
it diffuses across the cell membrane and bind to their receptors,
the hormone-receptor complex binds to DNA to produce new
The receptors that bind to the DNA have fingerlike projections
that recognize and bind to specific nucleotide sequences in the
DNA called hormone-response elements.
The combination of the hormone and its receptor forms a
transcription factor because, when the hormone-receptor
complex binds to the hormone-response element, it regulates
the transcription of specific messenger ribonucleic acid
(mRNA) molecules.
Hormone receptors have high affinity for the hormones that
bind to them, only a small concentration of a given hormone is
needed to activate a significant number of its receptors.
Classes of Receptors
Lipid-soluble and water-soluble hormones bind to their own
classes of receptors.
1. Lipid soluble hormones bind to their nuclear receptors.
- Small and are all nonpolar (freely cross a membrane)
- Diffuse through the cell membrane and bind to nuclear
- Nuclear receptors: can be located in the cytoplasm,
but then move to the nucleus when activated
Newly formed mRNA molecules move to the cytoplasm to be
translated into specific proteins at the ribosomes. The new
proteins produce the hormone’s effect at the target cell.
Target cells that synthesize new protein molecules in response
to hormonal stimuli normally a latent period of several hours
between the time the hormones bind to their receptors and the
time responses are observed. During this latent period, mRNA
and new proteins are synthesized. Hormone-receptor
complexes are eventually degraded within the cell, limiting the
length of time hormones influence the cell’s activities, and the
cells slowly return to their previous functional states.
Membrane-Bound Receptors and Signal Amplification
Receptors activate in two ways: (1) Some receptors alter the
activity of G proteins at the inner surface of the cell membrane;
(2) other receptors directly alter the activity of intracellular
Activation of G proteins, or intracellular enzymes, elicits
specific responses in cells, including the production of
molecules called second messengers.
Second messenger: a molecule produced inside a cell once a
ligand binds to its membrane-bound receptor. The second
messenger then activates specific cellular processes inside the
cell in response to the hormone. In some cases, this coordinated
set of events is referred to as a second-messenger system.
Example: cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) (the
second messenger) is a common second messenger produced
when a ligand binds to its receptor. Rather than the ligand (the
first messenger) entering the cell to directly activate a cellular
process, the ligand stimulates cAMP production. It is cAMP
that then stimulates the cellular process. This mechanism is
usually employed by water-soluble hormones that are
unable to cross the target cell’s membrane. It has also been
demonstrated that some lipid-soluble hormones activate
second messenger systems which is consistent with actions via
membrane-bound receptors.
G Proteins That Interact with Adenylate Cyclase
Activated α subunits of G proteins can alter the activity
enzynes within the cell. For example, activated α subunits can
influence the rate of cAMP formation by activating or
inhibiting adenuylate cyclase, which is an enzyme that
converts ATP to cAMP.
Cyclic AMP functions as a second messenger. For example,
cAMP binds to protein kinases and activates them. Protein
kinases are enzymes that, in turn, regulate the activity of other
enzymes. Depending on the other enzyme, protein kinases can
increase or decrease its activity. The amount of time cAMP is
present to produce a response in a cell is limited. An enzyme
in the cytoplasm, called phosphodiesterase, breaks down
cAMP to AMP. Once cAMP levels drop, the enzymes in the
cell are no longer stimulated.
Cyclic AMP can elicit many different responses in the body
because each cell type possesses a unique set of enzymes. For
example, the hormone glucagon binds to receptors on the
surface of liver cells, activating G proteins and causing an
increase in cAMP synthesis, which stimulates the activity of
enzymes that break down glycogen into glucose for release
from liver cells.
Membrane-Bound Receptors that Activate G Proteins
Many membrane-bound receptors produce responses through
the action of G Proteins.
Signal Amplification
Nuclear receptors work by activating protein synthesis, which
for some hormones can take several hours. However, hormones
that stimulate the second messengers can produce an almost
instantaneous response because the second messenger
influences existing enzymes. In other words, the response
proteins are already present.
G Proteins
- Consist of three subunits; from largest to smallest, they
are called alpha (α), beta (ß), and gamma (γ).
- Are so named because one of the subunits bind to
guanine nucleotides. In the inactive state, the guanine
diphosphate (GDP) molecule is bound to the α subunit
of each G protein. In the active state, guanine
triphosphate (GTP) is bound to the α subunit.
After a hormone binds to a receptor on the outside, the receptor
changes shape. As a result, the receptor binds to a G protein on
the inner surface of the cell membrane, and GDP is released
from the α subunit. Guanine triphosphate (GTP) binds to the α
subunit, thereby activating it. The G proteins separate from the
receptor, and the activated α separates from the ß and γ
The activated α subunit can alter the activity of molecules
within the cell membrane or inside the cell, thus producing
cellular response. After a short time, the activated α subunit is
turned off because the G protein removes a phosphate group
from GTP, which converts it to GDP. Thus, the α subunit is
called a GTPase. The α subunit then recombines with the ß
and γ subunits.
Additionally, each receptor produces thousands of second
messengers, leading to a cascade effect and ultimately
amplification of the hormonal signal. With amplification, a
single hormone activates many second messengers, each of
which activates enzymes that produce an enormous amount of
final product.
The efficiency of this second-messenger amplification is
virtually unparalleled in the body and can be thought of as an
“army of molecules” launching an offensive. One hormone
could not single-handedly produce millions of final products
within a few seconds. However, with amplification, one
hormone has an army of molecules working simultaneously to
produce the final products.
Both nuclear receptor and membrane-bound receptor hormone
systems are effective, but each is more suited to one type of
response than another. For example, the reason epinephrine is
effective in a fight-or-flight situation is that it can turn on the
target cell responses within a few seconds. If running away
from an immediate threat depended on producing new proteins,
a process that can take several hours, many of us would have
already perished.
On the other hand, pregnancy maintenance is mediated by
steroids, long-acting hormones, which are reflected by the fact
that pregnancy is a long-term
process. Thus, it is important
bodies have
hormones that can function
over differing time scales.
Endocrine system consists of
ductless glands that secrete
hormones into the interstitial fluid. The hormones then enter
the blood. The organs in the body with the richest blood
supply are endocrine glands, such as the adrenal gland and
thyroid gland.
Hormonal Control of the Anterior Pituitary
The anterior pituitary synthesizes hormones, whose secretion
is under the control of the hypothalamus. Neurons from the
hypothalamus produce neuropeptides and secrete them into a
capillary bed in the hypothalamus. The neuropeptides are then
transported through veins to a second capillary bed in the
anterior pituitary.
Once the neuropeptides arrive at the anterior pituitary gland,
they leave the blood and bind to membrane-bound receptors
involved with regulating anterior pituitary hormone secretion.
Pituitary and hypothalamus
Pituitary gland (pituita = phlegm, thick mucus)
- Also called the hypophysis; and considered as the
master gland because it controls the function of so
many other glands;
- A small gland about the size of a pea;
- Rests in a depression of the sphenoid bone inferior to
the hypothalamus; lies posterior to the optic chiasm
and connected to the hypothalamus by infundibulum
- Hypothalamus: important autonomic nervous system
and endocrine control center of the brain;
- Two parts:
▪ Anterior pituitary – made up of epithelial
cells derived from the embryonic oral cavity;
▪ Posterior pituitary – an extension of the brain
and is composed of nerve cells;
- Two ways the hypothalamus controls the gland:
▪ Hormonal control; and
▪ Direct innervation
Hypothalamic-pituitary portal system
- The capillary beds and veins that transport the
releasing and inhibiting hormones
The hypothalamic neuropeptides function as either releasing
hormones or inhibiting hormones. Each releasing hormone
stimulates the production and secretion of a specific hormone
by the anterior pituitary, whereas such inhibiting hormone
decreases the secretion of a specific anterior pituitary hormone.
Direct Innervation of the Posterior Pituitary
The posterior pituitary is a storage location for two hormones
synthesized by special neurons in the hypothalamus.
Stimulation of neurons within the hypothalamus controls the
secretion of the posterior pituitary hormones.
The cell bodies of these neurons are in the hypothalamus, and
their axons extend through the infundibulum to the posterior
pituitary. Hormones produced in the nerve cell bodies are
transported through the axons to the posterior pituitary, where
they are stored in the axon endings. When these nerve cells are
stimulated, action potentials from the hypothalamus travel
along the axons to the posterior pituitary and cause the release
of hormones from the axon endings.
Within the hypothalamus and pituitary, the nervous and
endocrine systems are closely interrelated. Emotions such as
joy and anger, as well as chronic stress, influence the endocrine
system through the hypothalamus. Conversely, hormones of
the endocrine system can influence the functions of the
hypothalamus and other parts of the brain.
Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary
1. Growth hormones (GH)
- Stimulates growth of bones, muscles, and other organs
by increasing gene expression;
- Resists protein breakdown during periods of food
deprivation and favors lipid breakdown;
- Little growth may result from abnormal development
of the pituitary gland;
Pituitary dwarf
- suffers from deficiency of growth hormone –
remaining small, although normally proportioned;
- treatment: administering growth hormone;
Growth hormone is a protein – making it difficult to produce
one artificially using conventional techniques, however,
human genes of GH have been introduced into bacteria using
genetic engineering techniques. The gene in the bacteria causes
GH synthesis, and the GH can be extracted from the medium
in which the bacteria are grown.
- a condition in which a person who is abnormally tall
- cause: excess of growth hormone secretion before
bones finish growing in length and exaggerated bone
growth results
- facial features and hands are abnormally large
- if excess hormone is secreted after growth in bone
length is complete, growth continues in bone diameter
The secretion of growth hormone is controlled by two
hormones from the hypothalamus – a releasing hormone
stimulates growth hormone secretion, and an inhibiting
hormone inhibits its secretion.
In addition to growth hormone, genetics, nutrition and
reproductive hormones influence growth.
Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)
or somatomedins; a group of protein hormones that
influences a portion of growth hormone
growth hormone increases IGF secretion from tissues
such as the liver, and the IGF molecules bind to
receptors on the cells of tissues such as bone and
cartilage where they stimulate growth.
Similar in structure to insulin and can bind , to some
degree, to insulin receptors
Insulin, at high concentrations, can bind to IGF
2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
- Binds to membrane-bound receptors on cells of the
thyroid gland and stimulates the secretion of thyroid
- Can also stimulate growth of the thyroid gland, thus
when too much is secreted, the gland enlarges and
secretes too much thyroid hormone; when too little is
secreted, the gland decreases in size and secretes too
little thyroid hormone;
- Its secretion is regulated by a releasing hormone from
the hypothalamus
3. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
- Binds to membrane-bound receptors on adrenal cortex
- Increases the secretion of a hormone from the adrenal
cortex called cortisol, also called hydrocortisone;
- Required to keep the adrenal cortex from
- Its molecules bind to melanocytes in the skin and
increase skin pigmentation;
- Its secretion is increased by a releasing hormone from
the hypothalamus;
- Symptom of too much ACTH: darkening of the skin
4. Gonadotropins
- Bind to membrane-bound receptors on the cells of the
gonads (ovaries and testes)
- Regulate the growth, development, and functions of
the gonads
- luteinizing hormone (LH)
▪ IN FEMALE: stimulates ovulation; it also
promotes the secretion of the reproductive
hormones, estrogen and progesterone from the
▪ IN MALE: stimulates interstitial cells of the
testes to secrete the reproductive hormone
testosterone and thus sometimes is referred as
- Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
▪ IN FEMALE: stimulates development of
follicles in ovaries;
▪ IN MALE: stimulates sperm cells in the testes
- Without LH and FSH, the ovaries and testes decrease
in size, no longer produce oocytes or sperm cells, and
no longer secrete hormones;
- A single releasing hormone from the hypothalamus
increases the secretion of both LH and FSH;
5. Prolactin
- Binds to membrane-bound receptors in cells of breast,
where it helps promote development of the breast
during pregnancy and stimulates the production of
milk following pregnancy;
- Regulation is complex and may involve several
substance released from the hypothalamus
- Two main regulatory hormones: one increases
prolactin and one decreases it.
6. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
Binds to membrane-bound receptors on melanocytes
and causes them to synthesize melanin;
Its structure is similar to that of ACTH, and
oversecretion of either hormone causes the skin to
Its regulation is not well understood, but there appear
to be two regulatory hormones from the hypothalamus
– one that increases MSH secretion and one that
decreases it
Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary
Main function: secrete thyroid hormones; which bind
to nuclear receptors in cells and regulate the rate of
metabolism in the body;
Synthesized and stores within the gland in numerous
thyroid follicles
Thyroid follicles: small spheres with walls composed
of simple cuboidal epithelium; each is filled with
protein thyroglobulin, to which thyroid hormones are
▪ Between each follicles is a network of loose
connective tissue that contains capillaries and
scattered parafollicular cells, or C cells,
which secretes the hormone calcitonin
Regulated by hormones from hypothalamus and
pituitary: hypothalamus secretes TSH releasing
hormone, also known as TRH. TRH travels to anterior
pituitary to stimulate the secretion of TSH. In turn,
TSH stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones
from the thyroid gland.
Increasing blood levels of TSH = increase the
synthesis and release of thyroid hormones from
Decreasing blood levels of TSH = decrease the
synthesis and release of thyroid hormones
1. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
- Also called as vasopressin;
- Binds to membrane-bound receptors and increases
water reabsorption by kidney tubules, resulting in
less water lost as urine;
- Also cause blood vessels to constrict when released in
large amounts
- Reduced ADH release results in large amounts of
dilute urine
- Diabetes insipidus: lack of ADH secretion; the
production of a large amount of dilute urine; condition
is not obvious until the it become severe, producing
many liters of urine each day
▪ The large urine volume is created by excess
water loss from the blood, which increases
the concentration of the body fluids and
causes the loss of important electrolytes
(Ca2+, Na+, and K+)
▪ Familiar to some who had alcohol to drink –
the diuretic actions of the drink are due to its
inhibition of ADH secretion
2. Oxytocin
- Binds to membrane-bound receptors and causes
contraction of the smooth muscle cells of the uterus as
well as milk letdown from the breasts in lactating
women (milk ejection)
- Pitocin: commercial preparations of oxytocin; given
under certain conditions to assist in childbirth and to
constrict uterine blood vessels following childbirth
- Made up of two lobes connected by a narrow band
called isthmus; located on each side of the trachea,
just inferior to the larynx
- One of the largest endocrine glands;
- Appears more red than the surrounding tissues because
it is highly vascular; surrounded by a connective tissue
The thyroid hormones have a negative-feedback effect on the
hypothalamus and pituitary, so that increasing levels of thyroid
hormones inhibit the secretion of TSH=releasing hormone
from the hypothalamus and inhibit TSH secretion from the
anterior pituitary gland.
Decreasing thyroid hormone levels allow additional TSHreleasing hormone and TSH to be secreted. Because of
negative feedback effect, the thyroid hormones fluctuate within
a narrow concentration range in blood. A loss of negative
feedback will result in excess TSH, causing the thyroid to
enlarge, a condition called goiter. One type of goiter develops
if iodine in the diet is too low. AS less thyroid hormone is
synthesized and secreted, TSH-releasing hormone and TSH
secretion increase above normal levels and cause dramatic
enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Thyroid hormones regulate growth and development. A
lack of thyroid hormones is called hypothyroidism. In infants,
it may result into cretinism.
- Mental retardation, short stature, and abnormally
formed skeletal structures;
In adults, the lack of thyroid hormones results in a decreased
metabolic rate. Individuals with hypothyroidism are
extremely lethargic and have a hard time performing routine
- Also caused by hypothyroidism;
- Accumulation of fluid and other molecules in the
subcutaneous tissue of the skin
- Elevated rate of thyroid hormone secretion;
- Causes an increased metabolic rate, extreme
nervousness, and chronic fatigue
Graves disease
- an autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism;
- occurs when the immune system produces abnormal
proteins that are similar in structure and function to
TSH, which overstimulates the thyroid gland;
- accompanied by bulging of the eyes, a condition called
Thyroid gland requires iodine to synthesize two separate
thyroid hormones. Iodine is taken up by the thyroid follicles
and used to synthesize the thyroid hormones. Without iodine,
thyroid hormones are neither produced nor secreted.
Thyroid hormones:
1. Thyroxine or tetraiodothyronine
- contains four iodine atoms and is abbreviated T4
2. Triiodothyronine
- contains three iodine atoms and is abbreviated T3
- hormone secreted by the parafollicular cells of the
thyroid gland;
- secreted if the blood concentration of Ca2+ becomes
too high; lowers blood Ca2+ levels to return to their
normal range;
- binds to membrane-bound receptors of osteoclasts and
inhibits them;
- a lack of calcitonin does not result in a prolonged
increase in the levels
By inhibiting of osteoclasts, it reduces the rate of Ca2+
reabsorption (breakdown) from bone.
- four tiny glands are embedded in the posterior wall of
the thyroid gland;
secretes hormone called parathyroid hormone
(PTH), which is essential for the regulation of blood
calcium levels;
more important than calcitonin in regulating blood
Ca2+ levels.
▪ PTH increases active Vit. D formation through
effects on membrane-bound receptors of renal
tubule cells in the kidneys. Vit. D stimulates
increased Ca2+ absorption by intestinal epithelial
▪ PTH secretion increases blood Ca2+ levels. PTH
binds to receptors on osteoblasts. In turn,
osteoblasts secrete substances that stimulate
osteoclasts to reabsorb bone;
▪ PTH decreases loss of Ca2+ in the urine;
Vitamin D is produced from precursors in the skin that are
modified by the liver and kidneys. Ultraviolet light acting on
the skin is required for the first stage of Vitamin D synthesis,
and the final stage of synthesis in the kidney is stimulated by
PTH. Vitamin D can also be supplied in the diet.
Decreasing blood Ca2+ levels
- Stimulate an increase in PTH secretion which also then
increases rate of bone reabsorption.
- Blood Ca2+ levels can be maintained within a normal
range, but prolonged reabsorption of bone results in
reduced bone density, as manifested by soft, flexible
bones that are easily deformed in young people and
porous, fragile bones in older people.
- Nerves and muscles become excitable and produce
spontaneous action potentials that cause frequent
muscle cramps of tetanus;
Increasing blood Ca2+ levels
- Can cause a decrease in PTH secretion, which also
then leads to a reduced blood Ca2+ levels.
- In addition, increasing blood Ca2+ levels stimulate
calcitonin secretion, which also causes blood Ca2+
levels to decline;
- Make nerves and muscle cells less excitable, resulting
in fatigue and muscle weakness
- Abnormally high rate of PTH secretion;
- Cause: tumor in a parathyroid gland;
The excess Ca2+ can be deposited in soft tissues of the body,
causing inflammation. In addition, kidney stones can result.
- Abnormally low rate of PTH secretion;
- Can result from injury to or the surgical removal of the
thyroid and parathyroid glands;
The low blood levels of PTH lead to reductions in the rate of
bone reabsorption and the formation of vitamin D.
The sympathetic nervous system is most active when a
person is excited or physically active.
Stress and low blood glucose levels can also cause increased
sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla. The
epinephrine and norepinephrine are called the fight-or-flight
Effects of the hormone released by the adrenal medulla:
1. Release of stored energy sources to support increased
physical activity. These energy sources are glucose
and fatty acids entering the blood. The glucose is
primarily derived from breakdown of liver glycogen.
The fatty acids are derived from the breakdown of
adipose tissue.
2. Increased heart rate, which raises blood pressure.
3. Increased smooth muscle contraction in internal organ
and skin blood vessels (called vasoconstriction),
which also raises blood pressure.
4. Increased blood flow to skeletal muscle. The
vasoconstriction in the internal organs and skin blood
vessels reduces blood flow to those tissues. The
smooth muscle in skeletal muscle blood vessels does
not contract. That, in combination with decreased
blood flow elsewhere, explains the increased blood
flow to the skeletal muscle.
5. Increased metabolic rate of several tissues, especially
skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and nervous tissue.
- Two small glands superior to each kidney
- Each gland has an inner part, called the adrenal
medulla (marrow, or middle), and an outer part, called
adrenal cortex (bark, or outer)
- The adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex function as
separate endocrine glands;
Adrenal Cortex
- Secretes three classes of steroid hormones:
mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and androgens;
all of which had target cells and binds to nuclear
receptors; however, each class has unique structural
and functional characteristics;
Adrenal Medulla
Epinephrine (adrenaline)
- Principal hormone released from the adrenal medulla;
- Also released by the adrenal medulla
- helps regulate the blood volume and blood levels
of K+ and Na+;
- Aldosterone is the major hormone; primarily
binds to receptor molecules in the kidney, but it
also affects the intestine, sweat glands, and
salivary glands; causes Na+ and water to be
retained in the body and increases the rate of which
K+ is eliminated (and also increased blood
- Adrenal gland is much more sensitive to changes
in blood K+ levels than to changes in blood Na+
- Elevated blood K+ levels and decreased blood
Na+ levels each stimulate aldosterone secretion;
Low blood pressure causes the release of a protein molecule
called renin from the kidney. Renin, acts as an enzyme, and
causes a blood protein called angiotensinogen to be converted
to angiotensin I enzyme causes angiotensin I to be converted
to angiotensin II.
Angiotensin II
- Causes smooth muscle in blood vessels to constrict,
and acts on the adrenal cortex to increase aldosterone
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system stimulates the
adrenal medulla to secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Both blood vessels constriction and increased blood volume
help raise blood pressure.
- Secreted by the inner layer of the adrenal cortex
- Stimulate the development of male secondary sex
- Small amounts of androgens are secreted by the
adrenal cortex both in male and females;
- In adult males, most androgens are secreted by
the testes;
- In adult females, the adrenal androgens influence
the female sex drive;
- Secretion is abnormally high: exaggerated male
characteristics develop un both male and females;
most apparent in females and in males before
puberty, when the effects are not masked by the
secretion of androgens by the testes
- Secreted by the middle layer of the adrenal cortex
- Helps regulate blood nutrient levels
- Cotisol: major hormone;
- increases the breakdown of proteins and lipids and
increase their conversion to forms of energy the body
can use; causes protein to be broken down to amino
- Example: cortisol causes the liver to convert amino
acids to glucose, and it acts on adipose tissue, causing
lipids to be broken down to fatty acids and released
into the blood, taken up by tissues and used as a source
of energy
- In stressful condition, it is secreted in larger than
normal amounts; thus it aids the body by providing
energy sources for tissues; if stress is prolonged, the
immune system can be suppressed enough to make the
body susceptible to stress-related conditions
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
- Molecules from the anterior pituitary bind to
membrane-bound receptors and regulate the
secretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex
- Blood glucose decline = cortisol secretion increases;
the low blood glucose acts on the hypothalamus to
increase the secretion of the ACTH-releasing
hormone, which in turn, stimulates cortisol secretion;
- Without ACTH, the adrenal cortex atrophies and
loses its ability to secrete cortisol
The endocrine part of the pancreas consists of pancreatic
islets, which are dispersed throughout the exocrine portion of
the pancreas.
on target cells; the defective receptors do not
respond normally to insulin
In type 1 diabetes, tissues cannot take up glucose effectively,
causing blood glucose levels to become very high, a condition
called hyperglycemia. Because glucose cannot enter the cells
of the satiety center in the brain without insulin, the satiety
center responds as if there were very little blood glucose,
resulting in an exaggerated appetite.
The excess glucose in the blood is excreted in the urine, making
the urine volume much greater than normal/. Because of
excessive urine production, the person has a tendency to
become dehydrated and thirsty. Even though blood glucose
levels are high, lipids and proteins are broken down to provide
an energy source for metabolism, resulting in the wasting away
of body tissues, acidosis, and ketosis.
Three parts of islets:
1. Alpha cells – secrete glucagon;
2. Beta cells – secretes insulin; and
3. Delta cells – secrete somatostatin
All these hormones regulate the blood levels of nutrients,
especially glucose, which is very important. A below normal
blood glucose level causes the nervous system to malfunction
because glucose is the nervous system’s main source of energy.
The tissues also rapidly break down lipids and proteins to
provide an alternative energy source. As these lipids are broken
down, the liver converts some of the fatty acids to ketones,
which are released into the blood.
When blood glucose is very low, the breakdown of lipids can
cause the release of enough fatty acids and ketones to reduce
the pH of the body fluids below normal, a condition called
Elevated blood glucose levels stimulate beta cells to secrete
insulin. Additionally, increased parasympathetic stimulation
associated with digestion of a meal stimulates insulin secretion.
Increased blood levels of certain amino acids also stimulate
insulin secretion.
Two signals that inhibit insulin secretion: low blood glucose
levels and stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
The decrease of insulin levels allows blood glucose to be
conserved to provide the brain with adequate glucose and to
allow other tissues to metabolize fatty acids and glycogen
stored in the cells.
Major target tissues for insulin: liver, adipose tissue,
muscles, and the area of the hypothalamus that controls
appetite, called satiety center.
Insulin binds to membrane-bound receptors and either directly
or indirectly, increases the rate of glucose and amino acid
uptake in these tissues. Glucose is converted into glycogen or
lipids, and the amino acids are used to synthesize protein.
Diabetes mellitus
- Body’s inability to regulate blood glucose levels
within the normal range;
- Two types:
▪ Type 1 – occurs when too little insulin is
secreted from the pancreas
▪ Type 2 – caused by either too few insulin
receptors on target cells or defective receptors
People with this condition also exhibit a lack of energy. Insulin
must be injected regularly to adequately control blood glucose
levels. When too much insulin is present, as occurs when a
diabetic is injected with too much insulin or has not eaten after
an insulin injection, blood glucose levels become very low.
The brain, which depends primarily on glucose for an energy
source, malfunctions. This condition, called insulin shock, can
cause deterioration and convulsions and may result in loss of
consciousness. Fortunately, genetic engineering has allowed
synthetic insulin to become widely available to diabetics.
- Released from the alpha cells when blood glucose
levels are low;
- Binds to membrane-bound receptors primarily in the
liver, causing the glycogen stored in the liver to be
converted to glucose; it is the released into the blood
glucose levels; after a meal, when blood glucose levels
are elevated, glucagon secretion is reduced.
- Released by the delta cells in response to food intake;
- Inhibits the secretion of insulin and glucagon and
inhibits gastric tract activity;
Small, pinecone-shaped structure located superior and
posterior to the thalamus of the brain;
Produces a hormone called melatonin;
Melatonin: thought to inhibit the reproductive
hypothalamic-releasing hormone, gonadotropinreleasing hormone;
By inhibiting the hypothalamic-releasing hormone, it prevents
its secretion of reproductive tropic hormones, LH and FSH
from the anterior pituitary. Thus, melatonin inhibits the
reproductive system.
Insulin and glucagon together regulates glucose levels.
When blood glucose levels increases = insulin secretion
increases, and glucagon secretion decreases. When blood
glucose levels decreases = the rate of insulin secretion
decreases, and the rate of glucagon secretion increases.
Hormones such as epinephrine, cortisol, and growth
hormone maintain blood levels of nutrients. When blood
glucose levels decreases = these hormones are secreted at a
greater rate. Epinephrine and cortisol cause the breakdown
of protein and lipids and the synthesis of glucose to help
increase blood levels of nutrients. Growth hormone slows
protein breakdown and favors lipid breakdown.
In addition to producing sperm cells and egg cells, the testes
and ovaries also secrete reproductive hormones. These
hormones are important in the development of sexual
characteristics. Structural and functional differences
between two genders, as well as the ability to reproduce,
depend on the reproductive hormones.
- Main reproductive hormone in males;
- Secreted by the testes;
- Responsible for the growth and development of the
male reproductive structures, muscle enlargement, the
growth of body hair, voice changes, and the male
sexual drive
In females, there are two main classes of RH: estrogen and
progesterone – both secreted by the ovaries. Together, they
contribute to the development and function of female
reproductive structure and female characteristics, such as
enlargement of the breasts and the distribution of adipose tissue
– which influences the shape of the hips, breasts, and thighs. In
addition, the female menstrual cycle is controlled by the cylical
release of estrogen and progesterone from the ovaries.
LH and FSH stimulate the secretion of hormones from the
ovaries and testes. Releasing hormones from the hypothalamus
controls the rate of LH and FSH. In turn, LH and FSH control
the secretion of hormones from the ovaries and testes.
Hormones secreted by the ovaries and testes have a negativefeedback effect pm the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary.
- Lies in the upper part of the thoracic cavity;
- Important in the function of the immune system;
- Secretes a hormone called thymosin, which aids the
development of white blood cells called T cells;
- T cells: protect the body against infection by foreign
- Most important early in life; if an infant is born
without a thymus, the immune system does not
develop normally, and the body is less capable of
fighting infections
Amount of available light always plays a part in the rate of
melatonin secretion. Short day length = decrease in
melatonin; longer day length = increase in melatonin. It also
plays a part in the onset of puberty in humans. Tumors may
develop in the pineal gland, which increase pineal secretions in
some cases but decrease them in others.
Cells in the lining of the stomach and small intestine secrete
hormones that stimulate the production of digestive juices from
the stomach, pancreas, and liver. This secretion occurs when
food is present in the digestive system, but not at other times.
Hormones secreted from the small intestine also help regulate
the rate at which food passes from the stomach into the small
Prostaglandins are widely distributed in tissues of the body,
where they function as intercellular signals. Unlike most
hormones, they are usually not transported long distances in
the blood but function mainly as autocrine or paracrine
chemical signals. Thus, their effects occur in the tissues where
they are produced. Some prostaglandins cause relaxation of
smooth muscle, such as dilation of blood vessels. Others cause
contraction of smooth muscle, such as contraction of the uterus
during the delivery of a baby. Because of their actions on the
uterus. Prostaglandins have been used medically to initiate
abortion. Prostaglandins also play a role in inflammation. They
are released by damaged tissues and cause blood vessel
dilation, localized swelling, and pain. Prostaglandins produced
by platelets appear to be necessary for normal blood clotting.
The ability of the aspirin and related substances to reduce pain
and inflammation, to help prevent the pain cramping of uterine
smooth muscle, and to treat headache as a result of their
inhibitory effect on prostaglandins synthesis.
The right atrium of the heart secretes atrial natriuretic hormone
(ANH, also called ANP), in response to elevated blood
pressure. ANH inhibits Na+ reabsorption in the kidneys. This
causes more urine to be produced, reducing blood volume.
Lowered blood volume, lowers blood pressure.
The kidneys secrete the hormone erythropoietin in response
to reduced oxygen levels in the kidney. Erythropoietin acts on
bone marrow to increase the production of red blood cells.
In pregnant women, the placenta is an important source
hormone that maintains pregnancy and stimulates breast
development. These hormones are estrogen, progesterone,
and human chorionic gonadotropin, which is similar in
structure and function to LH.
Age related changes to the endocrine system include a gradual
decrease in the secretion of some, but not all, endocrine glands.
Some of the decreases in secretion may be due to the fact that
older people commonly engage in less physical activity.
GH secretion decreases as people age. However, regular
exercise offsets this decline. Older people who do not exercise
have significantly lower GH levels than older people who
exercise regularly. Decreasing GH levels may explain the
gradual decrease in bone and muscle mass and the increase in
adipose tissue seen in many elderly people. So far,
administering GH to slow or prevent the consequences of aging
has not been found to be effective, and unwanted side effects
are possible.
A decrease in melatonin secretion may influence age-related
changes in sleep patterns, as well as the decreased secretion of
some hormones, such as GH and testosterone.
The secretion of thyroid hormones decreases slightly with age.
Age-related damage to the thyroid gland by the immune system
can occur. Approximately 10% of elderly women experience
some reduction in thyroid hormone secretion; this tendency is
less common in men.
The kidneys of the elderly secrete less renin, reducing the
ability to respond to decreases in blood pressure.
Reproductive hormone secretion gradually declines in elderly
men, and women experience menopause.
Secretion of thymosin from the thymus decreases with age.
Fewer functional lymphocytes are produced, and the immune
system becomes less effective in protecting the body against
infections and cancer.
Parathyroid hormone secretion increases to maintain blood
calcium levels if dietary Ca2+ and vitamin D levels decrease, as
they often do in the elderly. Consequently, a substantial
decrease in bone matrix may occur.
In most people, the ability to regulate blood glucose does not
decrease with age. However, there is an age-related tendency
to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus for those who have a
familial tendency, and it is correlated with age-related
increases in body weight.
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