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Ashfall Book Club: Reading Schedule & Activities

This lesson serves as a basis for closer readings through a shared reading experience, personal reflection, and small
group discussion. Each small group will read, discuss, and complete closer reading documents to collect information
for the Wakelet the group will create. The teacher will help to facilitate discussions and encourage group participation.
Weekly Reading Schedule
Use this sheet to help you keep track of how many pages your group needs to read per day.
My advice would be to read at the same time and same place each day. Take advantage of any downtime. Waiting in
line? Read. Car/bus ride to school? Read. Waiting for your sister to finally get out of the bathroom? Read. The
culminating project for your book club is going to be to create a Wakelet.
Book Title: Ashfall
Number of Pages/Chapters: 58 chapters: 600 pages (548 pages where it’s actually the story)
2 Weeks to Read = type number here Pages/Chapters Per Day
Week 1: Pages/Chapters My Group Plans to Read This Week: Type here
Day of the Week
Time/Place I’m Going to Read
Type in these boxes
Number of Pages I Will Read
Week 2: Pages/Chapters My Group Plans to Read This Week: Type here
Day of the Week
Time/Place I’m Going to Read
Number of Pages I Will Read
For each week’s readings, all group members will need to do the following tasks. Your given task is due by 9:00am on
this Google Doc each Monday.
As you complete this on your group Wakelet after each meeting, sign off here for proof.
Beautiful Words/Phrases/Short Passages
As you read, write down any beautiful words, phrases, or short passages from your book on your Group
Wakelet! Don’t forget your parenthetical citation!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Your job is to develop a list of questions that your group might want to discuss about this part of the
book. Usually the best discussion questions come from your own thoughts, feelings, and concerns as you
read. Is there a certain passage that shocked you? A character whose development you don’t understand?
A passage that confused you? Do you have a prediction that you would like to discuss? YOU MUST jot
those down on your Group Wakelet!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Individual Responsibilities
For each week’s readings, you will have a specific task to perform. Your given task is due by 9:00am on this Google Doc
each Monday.
As you complete this on your group Wakelet after each meeting, sign off here for proof.
Group Member: (type name here)
The Summarizer
You are in charge of summarizing each week’s readings so that your group can go back and recall details as
you meet each week. Remember, this is a summary IN YOUR OWN WORDS- not Sparknotes or any
other individuals’, groups’, or online platform’s words.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Group Member: (type name here)
The Connector
Your job is to find connections between the book your group is reading and the world outside. This means,
each week, you are connecting the book to: your own life, happenings outside school or in the community,
similar events at other times and places, and/or to other people or problems that you are reminded of. You
might also see connections between this book and other writings on the same topic.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Group Member: (type name here)
The Character Mapper
Your job is to outline the character development in the main characters of the text. As these characters are
introduced and developed, think ASTAR - Appearance, Speech, Thoughts, Actions, Reactions of Others. Pick
out specific sentences/short passages that aided in the characterization of your main (or even side) character.
Don’t forget the parenthetical citation!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Group Member: (type name here)
Visual Representor
Your job is to find or create visual representations that connect to and/or reflect the story. This could be a
video, picture, art piece, drawing, or any other visual that connects to the text. These must be explained or
defended for your presentation. Find 2 (two) examples per week- 4 in total- these can be parts of a bigger
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4