23-1 IEC 60896-22 The Technical Requirements for Stationary VRLA Batteries Herbert Giess - Mark Kniveton Oerlikon Stationary Batteries Ltd. - British Telecom plc, Network Power & Cooling Unit CH4147Aesch, Domacherstrasse 110, Switzerland - Bournemouth, BH1 2NR, 18-20 Bath Road, England h.giess@accnoerlikon.com - mark.kniveton@bt.com Abstract: The elaboration of the new twin International Standard for Stationary Lead Acid Batteries of the VRLA type, the Standard IEC 60896-21 Method8 of Test and IEC 60896-22 Requirements is nearing completion with only editorial issues outstanding. These two standards will allow a transparent and user oriented quantification of W U A battery behavior as also an application related specification of desirable performance and durability levels. The property requirement types and their levels are shown in the chapters below. Test clause Characterlstier defined number Safe operation 1.0 Lead acid batteries of the VRLA (valve regulated) type are tbe choice power back-up storage battery for telecommunication and data networks and are produced in many countries of the world. ~ Protection against ground short propensity Presence and durability ofrequired markings Material identification 4.5 4.6 4.7 4. II 4.12 4.13 4.14 I Performance I Discharge capacity I Charge retention during st0ra.q I Float service with daily discharges 1 Recharge behavior I We have reported regularly on the progress of this standardization work at INTELEC 2000,2001,2002 and will present the final update of this effort below. 4 20 Both parts of the standard have now reached the IEC Final Draft of Intemational Standard (FDIS) stage and the final Standard publication date is expected very early in 2004. 4.21 I Dimensional stability at clcvatcd ~niemalpresrurc and Stability against mechanical abuse of units during installation 3.0 The Standard IEC 60896-22 (in IEC FDlS stage) The Standard IEC 60896-21 (in IEC FDlS stage) In the part 21 of IEC 60896, the methods of test for the quantification of properties and characteristics of all types of all types of Valve Regulated Stationary Lead Acid Batteries for float charge application in a static location and incorporated into stationary equipment or installed in battery rooms for uses in telecom, unintermptible power supply (UPS), utility switching, emergency power or similar IEICEAEEE INTELEC'OJ, Oct. 19-23,2003 High c u m 1 tolerance Short circuit current and DC internal resistance Protection aeainst internal imitions from external mark SOUICeS At the IEC T a l General Meeting in Kyoto, Japan in April 2000, the working group 3 (TCZI WG3) has received the mission to reformulate and update the ancient IEC 896-2 Standard for Stationary Lead Acid Batteries - Valve Regulated Types and separate it into two sections. Section one was to be called IEC 60896-21 and should specify the Methods of Test and section two, IEC 60896-22, should specify the Requirements. 2.0 Gas emission 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Introduction 3.1 The Communication between Battery Specifer/User and Baitery Producer The working group has identified in his discussions the need to facilitate a more unambiguous communication of battery requirements and battery performance data between battery user and battery manufachuers. 437 Authorized licensed use limited to: TU Wien Bibliothek. Downloaded on March 30,2021 at 15:29:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. As this section of the IEC 60896 standard is the key twoway communication channel between the battery user and battery manufacturer, appropriate templates or forms were included to convey the battery safe operation, performance and durability requirements identified by the battery specifierhser to the battery manufacturer as also for the reply, by the battery manufacturer, of the actual representative battery test data to the battery specifierluser. 4.0 The Requirements for Stationary VRLA Batteries in IEC 60896-22 The requirements were defined in intense discussions, on working group level, between battery producers, battery specifiers and battery users and reflect quite correctly the desire of the battery users to be able to purchase a range of VRLA cells and monoblocs each uniquely suited to their differing needs. 3.2 Application related requirement selection In order to guide the battery specifier and user in selecting the appropriate battery requirements, he is asked to define his application field (Telecom, UPS, 11OV DC Utility Power, Emergency Lighting etc. etc.) and parameters such as the operational voltage ranges, the expected minimum and maximum operating temperatures as also the duration and frequency of power outages, diagnostic discharges and cost saving power consumptions discharges and ancillary factors. Based on these basic parameters, the battery specifierher is then encouraged to define, in the template “Appendix A” shown below, reasonable and to the point performance requirements for his VRLA battery, by walking step by step through the Safe Operation, Performance and Durability requirement sections and selecting the related performance data ranges suggestedlavailable. The resulting performance value mix defined in this way, reflect thus his “real” needs of desirable VRLA battery service life, performance robustness and safe operation. When this requirement mix is then presented to a battery manufacturer, the chances are higher that the quoted VRLA battery will be in tune with his operation philosophy then a generically specified VRLA battery. 3.3 The Requirement Statement or the Appendix A of IEC 60896-22 As the requirements vary kom user to user as also within a user itself no “do-it-all-and-always-and-jorever-and-costsnear& nothing” VRLA battery can or will realistically exist. This reality has lead the working group to specify for certain requirements not a single value hut a range of requirements values going from low to high without in this way expressing any value judgment for a particular VRLA design or wanting to initiate a quality classification race. The specific requirements represent mostly the status of the art in VRLA battery performances but include in some cases, on the express wish of battery users, also some more challenging requirements destined to make this energy storage system fit for more demanding applications and environments (application pull). These requirements cadwill be updated and adapted in the future maintenance revisions of IEC 60896-22. These updates occur typically every 4-6 years following IEC policy decisions or as product performance and applications requirements evolve. The standard used to verify these requirements, i.e. IEC 60896-21 will, on the contrary, stay method-wise constant for longer periods so to permit a reproducible performance test environment except if methodological improvements make minor changes worthwhile or necessary. 4.1 This template is an integral part of the standard and is defined as “Stationary Lead Acid Batteries of the Valve regulated Type IEC 60896-22 User Statement of Requirements (Appendix A) ” and shown below It is hoped that in not to distant future, it should be possible for a non-specialist in the procurement operation of a battery user to fill in this straightforward template and include it in.a tender document. The Safe Operation Requirement for Gas Emission No absolute gas emission level is stipulated but a statement of gas emission, in ml gas per cell, h and Ah at 20°C or 2 5 T under float and overcharge voltage conditions is requested. 4.2 The Safe Operation Requirement for High Current Tolerance The requirement stipulates that no incipient melting of component or loss of electrical continuity within the battery shall occur within 30s of high rate current flow. This current is set at 3 times the Sminute rate current to 1.8OVpc. 438 Authorized licensed use limited to: TU Wien Bibliothek. Downloaded on March 30,2021 at 15:29:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TABLE 2 Application summary Load fin A or Watt) and autonomv time orotilefs) I Minimum and maximum system float voltage Maximum or boost charge system, voltage available KM If yes what value? Minimum system discharge voltagellow voltage disconnect KIN If yes what value? Expected minimum and maximum operating temperatures and their duration per year Any other relcvant information OT operational requirements Data requested 4.3 Short circuit current and DC internal resistance 4.4 Internal ignition from external spark sources Pass 4.5 Protection against ground short propensity Pass 4.6 Presence and durability of required markings Pass 4.1 Material identification Pass 4.8 Pass Valve operation 4.9 Flammabilitv m i n e of materials Data requested Value to b e requested as function of scrwcc envmnment 4.13 Float service with daily discharges Pass 4 14 Recharge behaviour Predwt Durability in Service Compliance Inhrm&on mandatory or on an as-needed bash 4.15 Service life at an operating temperature of 40' C Value to be requested as function of service environment 4.16 Impact of a stress temperature of 55" C o r 60" C Value to be requested as function of service environment Value t o be requested if service environment warrants 4 . 1 1 Abusivc over-dischargc 4.1 8 Thcrmal runaway sensitivity Data requested 4.19 Low temperature sensitivity Value t o be requested if service environment warrants 4.20 Dimensional stability at elevated internal pressure and Data Requested temperature Pass 4.21 Stability against mechanical abuse of units during installation 439 Authorized licensed use limited to: TU Wien Bibliothek. Downloaded on March 30,2021 at 15:29:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 4.3 The Safe Operation Requirement f o r Short Circuit Current and DC Internal Resistance Information 4.10 The Safe Operation Requirement for Pe$ormance Information of the Intercell Connector The requirement stipulates the delivery, for each of the cells and monoblocs, of the relevant current data in Amperes and internal resistance values in Ohm. The requirement stipulates that the maximum temperature of the intercell connector, reached when the cell or monobloc is discharged at the 15 minute rate, shall reported in "C. 4.4 The Safe Operation Requirement f o r Protection against Internal IgnitionfromExternal Sources 4.11 The Pe$ormance Requirementfor Capaciry Fulfillmenl at the Moment of Unit Dispatch. The requirement stipulates that when the valveharrier assembly, utilized in the particular design, is exposed, under defined hydrogen gas flow conditions, to external sparks no explosion shall occur within the cell volume itself. The requirement stipulates that each unit of a sample of 5x6 cells or monoblocs shall show, at the moment of dispatch and tested at the IOh, Xh, 3h, Ih and 0.25h rate, at least 95% of the respective rated capacity. 4.5 The Safe Operation Requirement for Protection against Ground Short Propensity 4.12 The Performance Requirement for Capaciry Retention during Storage. The requirement stipulates that, when for several weeks' 500V DC electrical stresses are imposed to case-to-cover joints and with the cells and monoblocs placed in horizontal position, no ground shorts and associated burning phenomena shall occur. The requirement stipulates that, after storage at 25°C for 180 days, all units shall have at least 70% of the rated 3 hour capacity remaining. 4.6 The Safe Operation Requirement f o r Content and Durabiliry oflnformation and Warning Labels The requirement stipulates that fifteen information, needed for proper cell or monobloc identification and safe operation, shall be present and their writing withstand exposure to sulfuric acid, acid neutralizing agents and aliphatic solvents. 4.7 The Safe Operation Requirement for Identification Material The requirement stipulates that the case and cover material of the cell or monobloc shall be correctly identified with the I S 0 symbol so to enhance environmentally correct material management and disposal. 4.8 The Safe Operation Requirement of Correct Pressure Relief Valve Operation The requirement stipulates that the proper opening of the vent valve shall be certified to happen before and after the high temperature stress test. 4.9 The Safe Operation Requirement of Proper Definition of the Flammability Rating of Materials The requirement stipulates that, whatever flammability rating the case and cover material offers, this value shall be disclosed and correlated with the International Standard IEC 60707 and IEC 60965-1 1-10. 4.13 The Perfrmance Requirement f o r Float Service Lge with Daily Discharges The requirement stipulates that the following alternative and application environment related cycle life ranges shall be achievedrequired For reliable mains power For unreliable mains power For very unreliable mains power 250 cycles ?I50 cycles 2300 cycles It shall be noted that this cycle service relies exclusively on recharges under float voltage conditions. The daily discharge, with a current of 2x Ilo, withdraws 40% of the 10h rated capacity. 4.14 The Peformance Requirementf o r Recharge Behavior The requirement stipulates that after a 10h rate discharge to 1.8OVpc and recharge, all the units shall show an available capacity, when discharged again after 24h and 168h of recharge duration, of >90% of C, (10h rate) and 298% C, (10h rate) respectively. 4.15 The Durabiliry Requirement f o r Service Li/e at an Operating Temperature of 40°C The requirement stipulates that the following altemative and exposure duration related service life ranges should be achievedrequired For brief duration exposure time For medium duration exposure time 2500 days ?750 days 440 Authorized licensed use limited to: TU Wien Bibliothek. Downloaded on March 30,2021 at 15:29:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. For long duration exposure time 21100 days For very long duration exposure time 21700 days 4.18 The Durability Requirement for information on the Thermal Runaway Sensitivity It shall be noted that the residual capacity is determined at the 3h rate, after float in a drj atmosphere and without float voltage compensation, and with the end-of-life criterion set at 0.8C, (3h rate). The requirement stipulates that, in a defined layout, the unit string shall have enough thermal stability so not reach POT after 168h at 2.45Vpc or after 24h at 2.6OVpc. In both cases unlimited current shall be available for behavior verification and the temperature/current evolution over time to 60°C or for 168h shall also be obtainable from the battery manufacturer. 4.16 The Durability Requirement for Infarmation on the Impact o f a Stress Temperature of55'C or 6 0 T The requirement stipulates that the following altemative and exposure duration related 5 5 T service life ranges, monitored with 3h rate diagnostic discharges, should be achievedrequired For brief duration exposure time For medium duration exposure time For long duration exposure time For very long duration exposure time 2150 days t250 days ?350 days 2500 days 4.19 The Durability Requirement Jar the Impact of Low Temperature Service on Capacity The requirement stipulates that the following alternative, and application environment related fieezing insensitivity should be achievedrequired When battery will not experience freezing When battery may experience fieezing When the diagnostic discharges are made at the 0.25h rate, the following altemative and exposure duration related 55°C service life ranges should be achievedhequired For brief duration exposure time For medium duration exposure time For long duration exposure time For very long duration exposure time 275 days 2125 days ?175 days 2250 days n.a. Z0.95 n.a. - Requirement not applicablehot relevant for such an operating condition Next to a residual capacity of Z0.95 C,, (3h) no mechanical damage such as container splitting or bulging shall occur. When the stress test is alternatively carried out at 60"C, then the relative durations achievedrequired, are 70 to 73% ofthe durations achieved at 55°C. 4.20 The Durability Requirement /or the Dimensional Stability at Elevated intemal Pressures and 4.17 The Durability Requirement /or Information on the The requirement stipulates that the dimensional change of the cell or monobloc, after 24h float at 50°C and at maximum internal operating pressure, shall be made available to the battery specifierher and expressed in mm and in percent change Impact ofAbusive Over-Discharges The requirement stipulates that the following, application environment related capacity recovery performances shall be achievedrequired With good battery replacement infrastructure With poor battery replacement infrastructure n.a. 20.85 With reliable mains supply and voltage control With poor mains supply and voltage control n.a. 20.90 temperatures 4.21 The Durability Requirement of Stability Againsf Mechanical Abuse n.a. - Requirement not applicablehot relevant for such an operating condition The requirement stipulates that the cells and monohlocs shall survive two consecutive drops onto concrete floor fiom specified heights. These drop heights are related to the unit weight (100"/5OKg to 25"/>100Kg) and the impact shall be twice on the same short edges and comer. The recoveredavailable capacity is determined with a 3h rate discharge and expressed as &action of the 3h. rated capacity. 441 Authorized licensed use limited to: TU Wien Bibliothek. Downloaded on March 30,2021 at 15:29:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TABLE 3 Appendix B of IEC 60896-22 1 Statlonary Lead Add Bstteries of the Valve Regulated Type IEC 60896-22 Supplier Statement of Product Range Test Resulta (Appendix E) 1. Supplier informntion I I Product manufacturer I Manufacturing site of tested product Product name Product model range Product comorisine the model ranee 1 Product tested I I I Product Safe Operstlon in Service IEC 6089621 Test Clause Resnlt 4 I Gas emission (at the float voltage and at 2 40Vpc) 4.2 High current tolerance 4 3 Short c ~ c u t and t DC intemal resistance Amperes Ohm 4.4 Internal lanltion from external sDark Sources 4.5 Protection against ground short propensity 4.6 Presence and durability of required markings 4.7 Material identification Case cover 4.8 Valve operation Beforc After 4.9 Flammability rating of materials Case Cover 4.IO Intercell connector performance "C , . Product Performance in Service 4.1 I Discharge capacity ClO C, CS C CO.25 4.12 Charee retention durine storsee 4.13 Float service with daily discharges Cycles Car Cab Product Dnrabillty In Servlce 4 15 Float S ~ ~ V L Clife C Days at 40-C 4 16 Impact of stress temperature of 55°C or 6 0 T I Days at C, rate at 55°C or 6 0 T I D a n at Cn ?r rate at 55°C or 60°C I I I 14.19 Low temoerature sensitivitv I I I I 14.17 Abusive over-discharae I 4.18 Thermal runaway sensitivity 4.20 Dimensional stability at elevated internal pressure and temDerature mechanical abuse of units during I mm I % I 1 Company Name, Officer Name, Company address, date, place, signature 442 Authorized licensed use limited to: TU Wien Bibliothek. Downloaded on March 30,2021 at 15:29:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 5.0 The Product Range Test Result Information for Stationary VRLA Batteries in IEC 60896-22 The IEC Standard 60896-22 Requirements contains a template for the standardized information of the battery specifierher about the results obtained with VFUA cells and monoblocs of a particular type range when tested according to IEC 60896-21 Test Methods. This is the Appendix B of IEC 60896-22 and is shown in table 3 above. Its layout mirrors the Appendix A so that any comparison between the requirements (in A) and the actual performance (in B) is straightfonvard and easy. This document is a dated, official and certified document containing binding product information backed by the signature a qualified company officer. Next to this summary document the battery manufacturer maintains test result documentation complying with the clauses 3.1 to 3.5 of IEC 60896-21 and which shall be made accessible to battery specifiers and users. 5.1 Compliancy of an Stationary LeadAcid Battery of the VRLA type to IEC 60896-21 or IEC 60896-22 Future users of these standards are reminded that an Stationary Lead Acid Battery of the Valve Regulated Type (VRLA) does not per se comply to these standards but the test methods used and the data presentation defining their behavior do. For this reasons no labeling “Battery conforming/complying to IEC 60896-21 or 60896-22” should ever appear. 6.0 Conclusion The IEC TC21 working group 3, with members from Asia, Australia, Europe and the Americas, has in little more than 1000 days fully restructured, reformulated and reevaluated the IEC Standard for Stationary Lead Acid Batteries of the Valve Regulated Type (VRLA) and is confident that the present document content and structure will be of great help to battery users and manufacturers alike in developing, defining and obtaining stationary batteries suited for the needs of the industry. 7.0 Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank all involved battery experts and their companies for their multiple contributions in the elaboration of these Standards. 443 Authorized licensed use limited to: TU Wien Bibliothek. Downloaded on March 30,2021 at 15:29:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.