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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Solutions
Development of this program …
Trademarks & Copyright Acknowledgements
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft
LeaderGuide Pro™ is a trademark of Great Circle Learning,
Intellectual property of Aveda Corporation.
This leader guide was created with:
a product of Great Circle Learning, Inc.
Leader Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Getting Started
About This Guide
The Program In Perspective
Program Preparation
Training At A Glance
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and Introduction
Hair Color Challenges
Overcoming Challenges
Color Theory Review
The 6 Consultation Steps
Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Pre-Treatments: Lighter Than Desired
Post-Treatments: Color Balancing
Post-Treatments: Toning
Post-Treatment: Botanical Therapy
Model / Mannequin Workshop
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Page i
Getting Started
Leader Guide
Getting Started
About This Guide
What’s the purpose of this guide?
This leader guide provides a master reference document to help
you prepare for and deliver the Hair Color Solutions program.
What will I find in the guide?
This leader guide is a comprehensive package that contains
Page ii
the workshop delivery sequence
checklists of necessary materials and equipment
presentation scripts and key points to cover, and
instructions for managing exercises, case studies, and other
instructional activities.
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Getting Started
About This Guide
How is this guide organized?
This section, ―Getting Started,‖ contains all of the preparation
information for the Hair Color Solutions program, such as
learning objectives, pre-work, required materials, and room setup.
Following this section is the ―Training At A Glance‖ table.
This table can serve as your overview reference, showing the
module names, timings, and process descriptions for the entire
Finally, the program itself is divided into modules, each of
which is comprised of one or more lessons. A module is a selfcontained portion of the program, usually lasting anywhere
from 20 to 90 minutes, while a lesson is a shorter (typically 520 minute) topic area. Each module begins with a one-page
summary showing the Purpose, Time, Process, and Materials
for the module. Use these summary pages to get an overview
of the module that follows.
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Getting Started
Leader Guide
About This Guide, continued
How is the text laid out in this guide?
Every action in the program is described in this guide by a text
block like this one, with a margin icon, a title line, and the
actual text. The icons are designed to help catch your eye and
draw quick attention to ―what to do and how to do it.‖ For
example, the icon to the left indicates that you, the instructor,
say something next. The title line gives a brief description of
what to do, and is followed by the actual script, instruction set,
key points, etc. that are needed to complete the action.
A complete list of the margin icons used in this guide is
provided on the following page.
You may also occasionally find important notes such as this
one in the text of this guide. These shaded boxes provide
particularly important information in an attention-getting
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Getting Started
About This Guide, continued
Graphic Cues
Module Blocks
Lesson Blocks
Case Study
Key Points
Role Play
Say This
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Getting Started
Leader Guide
The Program In Perspective
Why a Hair Color Solutions program?
To teach learners how to use Aveda Hair Color to address
common hair color problems with smart solutions.
Learning Objectives
After completing this program, participants will be able to:
Explain how to use Aveda Hair Color systems to solve
common hair color challenges
Perform the 6 consultation steps using a Color Talk Profile
Formulate and apply hair color changes with success
Program Timing
7 Hours (including a 1-hour lunch break)
Number of Participants
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Getting Started
Program Preparation
Create any flip charts in advance.
Gather required training materials and tools.
Pre-color 3 mannequin heads for the workshop:
– Mannequin 1: Lightened to Level 8 with 1–2 inches of
new growth
– Mannequin 2: Darkened to Level 3 with 1–2 inches of
new growth
– Mannequin 3: Darkened to 4 V/R
Create Color Talk Profiles with guest practice scenarios.
Required Materials
General Materials
Computer with DVD Player
Projector and Screen
Flip Chart, Stand and Markers
PowerPoint Slides
Pens and Markers (for each table)
Post-it Notes (for each table –you will need 6 different
colors if you are doing the color Sudoku puzzle as a large
Participant Workbook (1 per person)
Models or 3 Pre-colored Mannequin Heads for the
Certificates of Completion (1 per person)
The Art and Science of Hair Color and Texture DVDs
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Full Spectrum Permanent Hair Color Chart, Swatchboard
Page vii
Getting Started
Leader Guide
Program Preparation
and Formulation Guide
Full Spectrum Deep Hair Color Chart and Swatchbook
Full Spectrum Deposit-Only Color Treatment Hair Color
Chart and Swatchbook
Full Spectrum Hair Color Professional Reference Guide (1
per table)
Botanical Therapy Positioning Chart (1 per person)
Product (one complete set of each color category)
Full Spectrum Permanent
Full Spectrum Deep
Full Spectrum Deposit-Only Color Treatment
Enlightener Powder Lightener and Creme Booster
Color Catalyst (5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 Volume)
Color Treatment Activator (Creme and Liquid)
Color Conserve Shampoo, Conditioner, Strengthening
Treatment and pHinish
Damage Remedy Shampoo, Conditioner and Intensive
Restructuring Treatment
Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution
Botanical Therapy Hair Treatments:
– Dry Remedy Penetrating Moisture
– Damage Remedy Penetrating Protein
– Refillable Applicator Bottles (5)
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Full Spectrum Stain Remover
Color Viscosity Hair Color Thickener
Hand Relief (1 per table)
Blue Oil (1 per table)
Aveda Candles (1 per table)
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Getting Started
Program Preparation
Blank Color Talk Profiles (a stack per table)
Pre-filled Color Talk Profiles for Practice Scenarios
Technical Tools:
3 Pre-colored Mannequin Heads (see Workshop module for
precoloring instructions)
Hair Color Bowls/Applicator Bottles
Hair Color Brushes
Tube Wringers
Room Set-Up
Set up the room with theater-style seating and round tables
(space permitting).
Place a flip chart and stand at the front of the room.
Set up the computer, projector and screen at the front of the
Place the following items on each table:
– Participant Workbook (1 per person)
– Blank Color Talk Profiles (color copies, 1 stack per
– Full Spectrum Hair Color Professional Reference Guide
(1 per table)
– Pens and Markers
– Post-it Notes (for each table)
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Getting Started
Leader Guide
Program Preparation
– Aveda Candle (1 per table)
– Blue Oil (1 per table)
– Hand Relief (1 per table)
Set up any Shampoo/Electricity Stations.
Instructor Preparation
Page x
Read through this Facilitator Guide and review the Full
Spectrum Hair Color Professional Reference Guide prior to
the training.
Make copies of all handouts and gather all required
Pre-color the mannequin heads for the workshop and
complete Color Talk Profiles for the practice scenarios.
Set up the room following the above Room Set-Up
Make sure any audio/visual equipment is working properly.
Play upbeat music as learners enter the room.
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Getting Started
Program Preparation
4MAT Wheel
Concept: Solutions
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Training At A Glance
Leader Guide
Training At A Glance
15 Minutes
Welcome and
Welcome learners to the training, lead the
group through the Aveda Mission, experience
a moment of wellness and share the learning
1 Hour (plus Hair Color
a 15-minute Challenges
Solve a color Sudoku puzzle, perform oneminute skits to review hair color theory and
review and practice the 6 steps to a successful
1 Hour and
30 Minutes
Hair Color
Review the top 3 color change scenarios,
learn hair color cleansing, precoloration,
color balancing and the Botanical Therapy
Hair Treatments.
3 Hours
Model /
Practice color change services on models/predone mannequin heads, solve any ―Unsolved
Challenges‖ as a group and review key
concepts by creating hair color superheroes in
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and Introduction
The purpose and goal of this module is to welcome learners to
the training and introduce the learning objectives.
15 Minutes
Welcome learners to the training, lead the group through the
Aveda Mission, experience a moment of wellness and share the
learning objectives.
Materials Needed
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See the Required Materials list at the beginning of this
Page 1
Welcome and Introduction
Leader Guide
Welcome and Introduction
Show Slide 1: Hair Color Solutions Title Slide
Welcome to Hair Color Solutions! Today you are going to
learn how to use Aveda Hair Color to solve the hair color
challenges you face at your salon every day.
Introduce yourself to the group, share your history and role
with Aveda and why you love Aveda Hair Color. You could
also share a story about when you faced a tough hair color
If you think about the guests you see on a regular basis, what
percentage have virgin hair?
(Accept any answers and write the average percentage on a flip
chart page. The goal is for them to share a small percentage.)
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and Introduction
If we do the math, that leaves _______ percent who are coming
in with previously colored or treated hair. This means that as
hair colorists, we are rarely working on a ―clean canvas.‖ And
hair color is a reactive chemical process, which can cause
unpredictable color outcomes. Our job is to use hair color
creatively and solve any hair color challenges that come our
How many of you have faced a hair color challenge that you
just couldn’t solve?
(Look for a show of hands.)
By the end of today’s training, you will have the knowledge
and tools you need to tackle your unsolved hair color
challenges with Aveda Hair Color.
Go over any necessary housekeeping information before you
continue the training.
Bathroom Locations
Direct participants to PAGE 3 in the Participant
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Welcome and Introduction
Leader Guide
Welcome and Introduction
Show Slide 2: Mission Activity
mission activity
Aveda is known throughout the beauty industry for its
unwavering commitment to the environment, which is reflected
in our mission. Since today is all about solutions, please fill in
the missing words from the mission in your workbooks.
(Give learners a few minutes to complete the activity.)
Show Slide 3: Aveda Mission
• Our mission at Aveda
Let’s recite the mission together.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and Introduction
Show Slide 4: Wellness
Solving hair color challenges requires creativity—and when
our minds and bodies are well, we give our creativity more
room to uncover solutions. Let’s take a moment to refresh our
minds and bodies before we begin.
Lead the group through a wellness activity of your choice. Try
to incorporate color or relate it to the concept of solutions.
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Welcome and Introduction
Leader Guide
Welcome and Introduction
Show Slide 5: Learning Objectives
learning objectives
• Explain how to use Aveda Hair Color
systems to solve common hair color
• Perform the 6 consultation steps using a
Color Talk Profile
• Formulate and apply hair color changes
with success
Direct participants to PAGE 4 in the Participant
Now that we’re feeling refreshed, let’s review the learning
objectives. After today’s training, you will be able to:
Explain how to use Aveda Hair Color systems to solve
common hair color challenges
Perform the 6 consultation steps using a Color Talk Profile
Formulate and apply hair color changes with success
Place an “Unsolved Challenges” flip chart at the front
of the room.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and Introduction
Remember those unsolved challenges you were thinking of
before? I want to you write them down on the Post-it Notes at
your tables and add them to this chart. During our workshop,
we’ll come back to these challenges and see if we can’t solve
them together. Feel free to add new challenges to this flip chart
as you think of them throughout the class.
Are there any questions before we begin?
Let’s learn the art and science of hair color solutions!
Transition to Hair Color Challenges
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
The purpose and goal of this module is to connect learners to
the concept of solutions and understand how it applies to hair
1 Hour (plus a 15-minute break)
Solve a color Sudoku puzzle, perform one-minute skits to
review hair color theory and review and practice the 6 steps to
a successful consultation.
Materials Needed
Page 8
See the Required Materials list at the beginning of this
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
Overcoming Challenges
Show Slide 6: Color Sudoku Challenge
Direct participants to PAGE 5 in the Participant
How many of you have played Sudoku before?
Sudoku is a logic puzzle that involves creating patterns of
numbers or colors. Since we are all hair colorists, you’ll find a
color Sudoku puzzle in your workbook.
The puzzle is comprised of six squares, and there are six
additional squares within each larger square. The goal is to fill
in all the squares of the puzzle using the six color options and
following a few simple rules:
Use all the color options in each box without repeating
Use all the color options in each row without repeating
Use all the color options in each column without repeating
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
Overcoming Challenges
Take a few minutes and try to solve the puzzle on your own.
(Give the learners 5 minutes to complete the activity.)
You could also do this as a large group activity by recreating
the puzzle on flip chart pages and using six colors of Post-it
Let’s review the solution as a group and see how you did.
(Go through the solution on the PPT slide.)
Show Slide 7: The Solution
orange pink
black green
orange black
the solution
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
Overcoming Challenges
How many of you solved the puzzle?
For those of you who didn’t, how did you feel when you
couldn’t solve the puzzle?
How did you feel once you knew the answer?
When we are faced with challenges we can’t solve, we often
have an emotional response like the ones you just described.
Direct participants to PAGE 6 in the Participant
As hair colorists, we all have at least one hair color ―horror
story‖ that you hope to never repeat again. Please answer the
questions in your workbook, and then take a few minutes to
share your story at your table.
(Give learners 5 minutes to share at their tables.)
Would someone like to share one of their stories with the
Our goal today is to make these hair color horror stories a thing
of the past and build your confidence to handle any hair color
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
Overcoming Challenges
Show Slide 8: The Big Challenge
the big
Direct participants to PAGE 7 in the Participant
Let’s say that a guest comes into your salon with her hair
looking like this. Her natural level is 6 Dark Blonde with 50%
grey, and her desired shade is a 6 Y/O Dark Golden Blonde.
Please complete the head sheet in your workbook with the
guest’s existing hair color.
Any ideas on how to solve this challenge?
(Accept any answers.)
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
Overcoming Challenges
At first glance, you may think that the only solution is to cut
the hair and start over. But at the end of today’s training, we’ll
return to this challenge—and you’ll be able to solve it using the
foundational principles we’re going to cover today.
Let’s review one of these foundational principles right now—
color theory. In order to have successful hair color outcomes,
you need to understand how color theory impacts the chemical
hair coloring process.
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
Color Theory Review
Show Slide 9: Color Theory Review
color theory review
Direct participants to PAGE 8 in the Participant
Take a moment and visualize your favorite color. Color appears
everywhere in the world—not just in the world of hair color.
When you color a guest’s hair, the laws of color are at work.
Why do you think it is important for hair colorists to
understand color theory?
(Listen for: create better results, work with the N.R.P., make
more creative formulas, accurately assess the guest’s natural
level and their desired result, etc.)
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
Color Theory Review
For our color theory review, you’re going to get into groups
and teach back the key concepts to the rest of the class in oneminute skits. You’ll use the Full Spectrum Professional
Reference Guide as your primary resource—and don’t be afraid
to be creative!
Run the Color Theory Review activity:
Divide learners into 7 groups and assign them the following
topics in the Professional Reference Guide:
– Black & White and the Color Wheel (pp. 96–97)
– Level and Tone (p. 98)
– Decolorization (p. 99)
– Natural Remaining Pigment (p. 100)
– Composition and Structure of a Hair Strand (pp.
– Melanin and Natural Hair Color (p. 103)
– Hair Color Categories (p. 104)
Give the groups 10 minutes to research and create their oneminute skit.
Encourage the learners to be creative (use flip charts, get the
class involved, etc.)
Have each group perform their skit while the rest of the
learners take notes on page 9 in their workbooks.
Recap the key points after the skits are complete and coach
as needed.
Are there any questions about color theory?
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
Color Theory Review
Let’s talk about another key factor to a successful hair color
outcome—the consultation.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
The 6 Consultation Steps
Show Slide 10: The Consultation
the consultation
Write “Guest Consultation” on a flip chart.
Every great hair color service begins with a great consultation,
which is part of the Discover Needs section of the Aveda
Service Cycle.
During a hair color consultation, what are some of the key
things you discuss with your guest?
(Accept any answers and write them on the flip chart.)
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
The 6 Consultation Steps
Show Slide 11: The 6 Consultation Steps
the 6 consultation steps
Direct participants to PAGE 11 in the Participant
The consultation is a critical time during the hair color
service—and when you might see the first signs of challenges.
That’s why the goal of the consultation is to get as much
information as possible from your guest. To help you, Aveda
has created a consultation framework that consists of six key
Page 18
Analyze the hair
Determine the hair color history
Determine the realistic desired shade
Discuss the price
Discuss the timeframe
Recommend home care
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
The 6 Consultation Steps
Show Slide 12: Color Talk Profile
color talk profile
Direct participants to PAGE 12 in the Participant
There is a great tool to help guide you through these six steps—
the Color Talk Profile. Please follow along in your workbooks
as I review how to use it during the consultation.
Show Slide 13: Analyze Hair
• Length
• Texture
• Condition
– Porosity
– Elasticity
• Density
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
The 6 Consultation Steps
Direct participants to PAGE 13 in the Participant
On the Color Talk Profile, you’ll see a section with a checklist
of what to analyze. This section will help you identify the pretreatments and amount of product/cost for the service before
you even begin talking about their desired color results.
Length: The length of the hair will determine the time
frame and the amount of product you will need to use—
which will both affect the pricing.
Texture: The size or diameter of the strand (fine, medium
or coarse). Coarse hair has a tighter cuticle that makes it
more resistant to hair color. Fine hair absorbs hair color
How else might your color formula be affected by the hair’s
(Listen for: Color Catalyst volume)
If the hair is very coarse, you may need to use a higher Color
Catalyst volume to achieve the desired result, even if you are
only lifting one or two levels. The same goes for fine hair—a
lower volume may be the better option.
The next thing to assess is the hair’s condition.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
The 6 Consultation Steps
Why is the hair’s condition important when determining
your formula?
(Listen for: to determine if you should proceed with the
How many of you have a hair color that didn’t take on the
ends? How about color that went black on the ends?
Condition: When we talk about the overall condition of the
hair, we’re really looking at two key things—porosity and
– Porosity is the hair’s ability to absorb and hold moisture.
Porous hair will absorb hair color fast and fade quickly.
If the hair is extremely over- processed, there may be
nothing left in the cortex to retain the color. We will talk
about options for these guests later. Non-porous hair has
a tight cuticle that rejects color.
– Elasticity measures how well the hair stretches and
returns to its original length. Damaged hair typically
lacks elasticity.
There are complete steps to the porosity test and elasticity
starting on page 13 in the Full Spectrum Professional Reference
Guides at your tables. If you’re not familiar with these tests,
please review these steps during one of the breaks and take
notes in your workbook.
Have you ever have a guest whose hair felt mushy when it was
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
The 6 Consultation Steps
This means that the hair lacks strength and elasticity and could
produce very inconsistent, unpredictable results. This will not
be a good outcome if your guest is expecting a different color.
Your expertise on determining whether the hair is in a
condition to proceed with a color change service is very
important for your business. We will learn more about how to
solve this situation when we talk about pre-treatments later in
the training.
During the hair analysis, the first thing to look at is density.
Density: The number of hairs per square inch on the scalp
(thin, medium or thick)
Which parts of your formulation will density affect?
(Listen for: the amount of product you use, Color Catalyst
If your guest has thicker, denser hair, it may require a higher
Color Catalyst volume and more product during application.
On the back of the Color Talk Profile, you’ll see extra room for
a more in-depth analysis of the hair, including space to write
different answers for different parts of the hair strand.
Why should you analyze the hair at the new growth, midlengths and ends?
(Listen for: the condition of the hair may vary from new growth
to ends and will affect your application and/or formula)
Page 22
Any questions about analyzing the hair?
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
The 6 Consultation Steps
Show Slide 14: Determine Hair Color History
• Previous hair color?
• What type?
• How recent?
• Lifestyle?
Direct participants to PAGE 14 in the Participant
Next, you will talk to your guest about their hair color history.
If your guest has previously colored their hair, the Color Talk
Profile highlights some additional questions that you can write
down in your workbook:
What type of hair color?
How recent?
Any lifestyle or other things to consider?
Take a moment to think of your own favorite questions for
discovering your guest’s hair color history and share them at
your tables.
(Give learners a few minutes to discuss.)
How does previous color affect your formula choices?
(Accept any answers.)
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
The 6 Consultation Steps
Because color doesn’t lift color, your outcome will be limited if
you are unaware of the canvas you are working with. Keep in
mind that the guest’s previous color, including the number of
different colors present, may not be visible to the eye, so you
will need to ask questions to help understand what might be
under the color you see.
Show Slide 15: Establish Realistic Desired Shade
• Ask open-ended
• Use pictures and
descriptive language
• Gain agreement
Direct participants to PAGE 14 in the Participant
Once you’ve determined the existing hair condition and taken a
hair color history, it’s time to discuss the guest’s desired
outcome. Remember that every person sees and describes color
differently—I’m sure you can think of a time when what your
guest described and what you created were different. Take time
to understand and confirm the exact color your guest envisions.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
The 6 Consultation Steps
What are some questions that you ask your guests to confirm
their desired hair color?
(Accept any answers.)
Remind the learners that asking open-ended questions is the
best way to get the most information from the guest. Having a
portfolio of different hair color looks will also help confirm the
final color they envision.
Once you determine the preferred shade and complete the Offer
Solutions section of the Color Talk Profile to determine any
pre-work and the type of application, you can fill in the guest’s
desired level, tone and intensity on the back.
The answers to the first two steps (hair condition and history)
will determine if you can achieve the guest’s result in one or
multiple visits.
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
The 6 Consultation Steps
Show Slide 16: Establish Price
Direct participants to PAGE 15 in the Participant
With your hair color plan in place, it’s time to talk price. The
Color Talk Profile helps you confirm pricing for every step of
the service and gain agreement from your guest.
A good practice is to offer two options so the guest can make a
decision that best fits their budget, time constraints and
lifestyle. Always remember to include pre- and post-treatment
services in your options.
You could say:
―To achieve this look, it will cost $X today and X number of
visits to achieve. The ongoing maintenance required for this
look will cost $X per visit.‖
Pricing can often be a challenging subject with guests. At your
tables, share some of your best tips for talking price with your
guests and write them down in your workbooks.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
The 6 Consultation Steps
What are some of the best tips you discussed at your tables?
(Accept any answers and encourage the learners to write them
down in their workbook.)
Show Slide 17: Discuss Timeframe
• How long today?
• How long for
Direct participants to PAGE 16 in the Participant
Have you ever started a hair color service and halfway
through had a guest tell you they needed to leave soon?
How did that work out?
(Accept any answers.)
Time is precious to everyone and especially during a color
change service, because things don’t always go exactly as
planned—that’s why it’s important to ensure that your guest
has a realistic expectation of how long the service will last
today as well as at future maintenance appointments.
Timing can be a major factor in the service option your guest
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
The 6 Consultation Steps
chooses, so it is important to discuss it up front.
Show Slide 18: Recommend Products for Home
Direct participants to PAGES 16-17 in the Participant
The final step in the consultation is to recommend products for
home care.
Why would you talk about home care during the consultation
instead of at the end of the service?
(Listen for: introduce retail products early, links retail products
to ongoing maintenance, encourages the guest to purchase retail
twice during the service, etc.)
The consultation is a great time to introduce the guest to the
Color Conserve system and other products designed for colortreated hair. It shows the guest that you are the expert and that
you care about helping them keep their new color looking
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
The 6 Consultation Steps
You could say:
―It’s my job to give you a great new color, and it’s your job to
keep it looking great at home. One way you can do this is by
using Aveda products designed for color-treated hair.‖
Talking about home care also gives you a natural transition to
ongoing appointments and pre-booking, which will boost your
guest retention and revenue. Explain how pre-booking ensures
you are available to keep up their brand new look.
Show Slide 19: Consultation Practice
consultation practice
Let’s put what you just learned into practice. You’re going to
pair up and do some role playing using the Color Talk Profile
and the six consultation steps.
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Hair Color Challenges
Leader Guide
The 6 Consultation Steps
Run the Consultation Practice activity:
Have the learners find a partner.
Instruct the learners to complete the consultation steps using
their existing hair color as their desired result (Have learners
with bald/shaved heads join another group to create a group
of three).
Have the learners take turns role playing the stylist and
guest. The learner playing the stylist should complete a
Color Talk Profile and perform all six consultation steps.
Walk around the room and coach as needed.
After five minutes, instruct the learners to switch.
When both role plays are complete, have the learners give
each other feedback on what they did well and what they
could improve on.
How many of you feel there are parts of the consultation that
you could work on?
Direct participants to PAGE 18 in the Participant
In your workbooks, I want you to write down a consultation
step that you want to improve on. Then write down two action
items that will help you improve that particular skill.
Are there any questions about the Color Talk Profile or the six
consultation steps?
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Challenges
The 6 Consultation Steps
Let’s take a quick break. When you return, we’re going to dive
into the hair color processes you need to know to overcome
challenges and create beautiful hair color results.
Take a 15-minute Break
Transition to Hair Color Solutions
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Hair Color Solutions
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Hair Color Solutions
The purpose and goal of this module is inform learners how to
perform successful color change services with Aveda Hair
1 Hour and 30 Minutes
Review the top 3 color change scenarios, learn hair color
cleansing, precoloration, color balancing and the Botanical
Therapy Hair Treatments.
Materials Needed
Page 32
See the Required Materials list at the beginning of this
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Show Slide 20: What Are the Top 3 Color Change
what are the top 3
color change scenarios?
Since we know that most guests we see have previous color on
their hair, let’s narrow down our options for making a color
Write “Common Color Change Scenarios” on a flip
When guests come in needing a color change, what are the
most common scenarios you see?
(Listen for: darker than desired, lighter than desired, and
different tone.)
Write all answers on the flip chart and star or circle
darker than desired, lighter than desired and different
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Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Direct participants to PAGE 19 in the Participant
The top three scenarios are:
Darker than desired
Lighter than desired
Different tone
Take a minute to write them down in your workbook.
Show Slide 21: Hair Color Solutions Path
hair color solutions path
Direct participants to PAGE 19 in the Participant
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
In your workbook, you’ll see a hair color solutions graphic that
will be our roadmap as we learn about corrective hair color
services. At Aveda, we believe in treating every hair on the
head during a hair color service—and treating every guest to
Aveda Unique Service.
Depending on your guest’s scenario, you will follow a different
path, which includes both pre- and post-treatments.
Let’s start with a guest who comes in with a hair color that is
darker than they desire.
How have you approached this type of challenge in the past?
(Accept any answers, but listen for: hair color cleansing.)
Show Slide 22: Pre-Treatment: Hair Color Cleansing
hair color cleansing
Remove the tone in
order to achieve the
desired shade
If we follow the path in your workbook, the first step is to
cleanse the previous color from the hair.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Why do you need to cleanse the color? Why not just put the
new lighter color over the previous color?
(Listen for: hair color does not lift hair color)
Direct participants to PAGE 20 in the Participant
In your workbooks, you’ll see four different squares
representing different tones and levels. Using the markers at
your table, I want you to draw lines with as many different
colors as you can in each square.
(Give learners a few minutes to do this.)
Which colors look true to tone?
Which colors get lost?
This may seem like a simple exercise, but it proves a powerful,
essential point. When the hair is too dark and you want to apply
a lighter color—or if the tone is incompatible—you must first
remove the existing tone so you get a true-to-tone color result.
Level and tone are critical to assessing the guest’s existing
color and their desired color. For example, a guest may say
they like how dark/light their current color is but they want to
―warm it up‖ for the Fall. This is referring to tone.
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Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
How do we adjust tone without changing the level?
(Listen for: hair color cleansing)
Let’s learn how to formulate and apply a hair color cleanse. We
can do this by using the Hair Color Cleansing Chart to create a
formula that will remove the tone.
Removing tone is an essential skill to successfully shifting a
guest’s look seasonally. Let’s talk about how to determine
when you need to do this.
If your guest’s desired result is an incompatible tone with their
existing hair color, you will need to first remove the tone in
order to achieve the desired shade. Let’s practice a few
Show Slide 23: Should You Remove the Tone?
should you remove the tone?
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Leader Guide
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Direct participants to PAGE 21 in the Participant
Run the Tone Game activity:
Have learners find a partner.
Explain that they will be completing an activity in their
workbook about removing tone.
Discuss an example together as a group:
– The guest had a V/R tone applied at their last hair color
service. Now they want a R/O tone at the same level.
Since V/R is the stronger tone, R/O will not cover it.
Therefore, the incompatible tone (V/R) must first be
removed with a hair color cleansing formula.
Give the learners 5 minutes to complete the Remove Tone
exercise in their workbooks.
Review the answers as a group and coach as needed.
When you need to change the guest’s level without changing
the tone (for example when the hair is darker than the desired
level) you can use the same formula but adjust your Color
Catalyst to help lighten the level.
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Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Show Slide 24: Formulation: Hair Color Cleansing
hair color cleansing
Direct participants to PAGE 22 in the Participant
There are three steps to formulate for a color cleanse:
Identify the level of the previously colored hair
Determine the desired level and tone
Use the Hair Color Cleansing Chart to select the correct
formula for the desired result
The Hair Color Cleansing Chart lives on your Full Spectrum
Permanent Hair Color Chart for easy reference. It’s also in your
workbook with a spot to take notes.
You’ll notice that you can choose to simply remove tone or
lighten the hair 1, 2, or 3 or more levels—and every formula
contains Enlightener Powder Lightener, Shampure and either
hot water or Color Catalyst.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
When would you remove tone versus lightening the hair?
(Listen for: when the guest desires to stay the same
level/lightness or darkness, but wants to go warmer or cooler;
to go lighter than the existing level you must cleanse the color
to expose lighter hair)
Show Slide 25: Rock Your Reds
rock your reds
Direct participants to PAGE 23 in the Participant
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Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Hair color cleansing is especially important for redheads.
Removing tone twice a year can help remove brownout or
faded, drab ends. The goal is to remove the tone until you
expose the N.R.P. that supports your desired end result. Let’s
take a look at how to do that by using the Natural Remaining
Pigment chart in your workbook.
What would the NRP be for an intense copper at a Level 7?
(Listen for: orange)
What about an intense red at a Level 6?
(Listen for: red)
Looking at your N.R.P chart, where do you think you would
get the best red formulas?
(Listen for: where the N.R.P is red or orange for that level)
I want you to highlight or circle these levels in your
workbook—this is the sweet spot for creating great reds. It is
possible to create great reds at lighter levels, but because reds
are notorious for fading and losing vibrancy, these levels would
be best to target when talking about reds and coppers with your
OPTIONAL: Show Hair Color Cleansing application
video from The Art and Science of Hair Color and
Texture DVD.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Remember to begin a hair color cleanse application at the
darkest area and take a test strand frequently to ensure best
results. Once the color has been cleansed, you will rinse and
apply another pre-treatment before re-coloring the hair.
Show Slide 26: Pre-Treatment: Damage Remedy
Equalizing Solution
damage remedy™ equalizing solution
• Strengthens, repairs and
evens porosity
• Protects weak, delicate
hair during processing
• Improves the hair’s
resistance to breakage
Direct participants to PAGE 24 in the Participant
If we go back to our hair color solutions path, the final step
before applying your new hair color formula is to pre-treat the
hair with Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution.
How many of you are using this during your hair color
How do you use it?
(Accept any answers.)
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution is an ideal pre-treatment
that works from the inside out, protecting the hair during the
hair color service.
Let’s review some of the key benefits, and write them down in
your workbook:
Strengthens, repairs and evens porosity
Protects weak, delicate hair during processing
Improves the hair’s resistance to breakage
Show Slide 27: How to Use It
how to use it
Pre-service treatment
Leave-in treatment during the
hair color service
• Spray 1 oz on the hair
and comb to distribute
• Dry the treatment into the
• Apply hair color
When the hair is darker than desired, you will use Damage
Remedy Equalizing Solution as a leave-in treatment after the
hair color cleanse.
After shampooing and rinsing the hair, spray 1 oz (30 ml) of
Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution on the hair and comb
to distribute.
Dry the treatment into the hair.
Then you’re ready to apply your new hair color formula.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Are there any questions about the pre-treatments for coloring
hair that is darker than desired?
Direct participants to PAGE 25 in the Participant
Let’s practice creating a pre-treatment plan and formulating for
a guest with hair that is darker than their desired level.
Show Slide 28: Practice Scenario: Eva
practice scenario: eva
Natural Level: 3 Ash
Desired Level: 7 Neutral
What is your
pre-treatment plan?
Imagine you have a guest named Eva who is a natural Level 3
and ash in tone, but she wants to be a Level 7 and neutral in
tone. Using the Color Talk Profile, work with your table to
develop a pre-treatment plan, including formulas.
(Give the learners a few minutes to determine their plan.)
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Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Darker Than Desired
Would one of the groups like to share their plan?
(Accept any answers and coach as needed.)
Great job everyone. Make sure you write down the correct
formulas in your workbook.
Now let’s talk about the pre-treatments needed when a guest’s
hair is lighter than desired.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Pre-Treatments: Lighter Than Desired
When a guest comes in and wants to go darker, how do you
typically handle this situation?
(Accept any answers, but listen for: precoloration.)
There are several options, and we will review all of them, but
in the case of a guest who wants to go three or more levels
darker than existing color, precoloration is required.
Let’s go back to our hair color solutions path, where you’ll see
Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution again in the pretreatment process—but when you are precoloring the hair, you
will use Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution both before and
after the precoloration service to even the porosity and protect
the hair during processing.
Show Slide 29: Pre-Treatment: Precoloration
pre-treatment: precoloration
The desired shade is
3 or more levels
darker than the
existing color
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Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Lighter Than Desired
Direct participants to PAGE 26 in the Participant
Let’s talk about precoloration, which will provide the Natural
Remaining Pigment required to support the darker desired
Does anyone know what type of Aveda Hair Color you use
for precoloration?
(Listen for: Deposit-Only Color Treatment)
Why do you use this type of hair color?
(Listen for: you are going darker and do not need lift)
Show Slide 30: Formulation: Precoloration
formulation: precoloration
1. Identify the natural level
2. Identify the level and tone of the previously colored hair
3. Determine the desired level and tone
4. Use the Precoloration Chart to select the correct
formula for the desired level and tone
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Pre-Treatments: Lighter Than Desired
There are four steps when creating a precoloration formula:
Identify the natural level.
Identify the level and tone of the previously colored hair.
Determine the desired level and tone.
Use the Precoloration Chart to select the correct formula for
the desired level and tone.
Show Slide 31: Precoloration Chart
Direct participants to PAGE 27 in the Participant
The Precoloration Chart also lives on your Hair Color Chart,
but you’ll find a version of it in your workbook as well.
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Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Lighter Than Desired
What are some things that you notice about this chart?
(Listen for: organized by tone, different formulas for intense
results, all formulas include Natural Base and Universal ØN,
target level represents the desired Full Spectrum Permanent
Keep in mind that all your precoloration formulas use DepositOnly Color Treatment shades.
Once you’ve determined your formula, you will pre-treat with
Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution, apply the precoloration
formula and process at room temperature for 15–20 minutes.
Then shampoo, apply Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution
again and towel-dry the hair to prepare for applying the final
hair color formula.
OPTIONAL: Show Precoloration application video
from The Art and Science of Hair Color and Texture
Any questions about precoloration?
Direct participants to PAGE 28 in the Participant
Let’s practice with another scenario.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Pre-Treatments: Lighter Than Desired
Show Slide 32: Practice Scenario: Beth
practice scenario: beth
Natural Level: 9 Gold
Desired Level: 6 Auburn
What is your
Now imagine you have a guest named Beth who is a natural
Level 9 and gold in tone, but she wants to be a Level 6 and
auburn in tone. Using the Color Talk Profile, work in groups at
your table to develop your pre-treatment plan, including your
precoloration formula.
(Give the learners a few minutes to determine their plan.)
Would one of the groups share their plan?
(Accept any answers and coach as needed.)
Great job everyone. Make sure you write down the correct
formulas in your workbook.
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Leader Guide
Hair Color Solutions
Pre-Treatments: Lighter Than Desired
Show Slide 33: Practice Scenario: Kari
practice scenario: kari
New Growth: 6
Mid-Lengths: 7
Ends: 9
Desired Level: 6 Gold
What is your
How often do you have guest with hair that is different colors
at the new growth, mid-lengths and ends?
This is the kind of hair you see every day in the salon. Let’s
review one more scenario for a guest named Kari, who has a
variety of different colors and tones in her hair:
New growth: 6
Mid-lengths: 7
Ends: 9
Kari’s desired level is 6 and gold in tone. At your tables,
determine your pre-treatment plan using your Color Talk
Would one of the groups share their plan?
(Accept all answers, but make sure the plans include the pretreatments of Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution and
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Pre-Treatments: Lighter Than Desired
Don’t reveal Kari’s final formula, as this scenario sets up the
next section on refreshing and reestablishing color.
Are there any questions about what we learned so far?
Great work! Now let’s talk about the color change services you
would perform after you apply the guest’s desired hair color
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Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatments: Color Balancing
Show Slide 34: Hair Color Solutions Path
hair color solutions path
Let’s go back to our hair color solutions path again. Unlike the
first half, which follows a specific path, after you apply your
desired hair color formula, you have several post-treatment
options to choose from.
What type of color change processes would you do if your
guest’s color wasn’t even from new growth to ends?
(Accept all answers.)
Aveda’s term for evening color is ―color balancing,‖ It
addresses all the processes you just mentioned, and the
formulas can vary to provide a very specific result depending
on your guest’s desired outcome.
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Leader Guide
Post-Treatments: Color Balancing
Show Slide 35: Post-Treatment: Color Balancing
color balancing
Direct participants to PAGE 29 in the Participant
There are two reasons why you color balance. In your
workbooks, you’ll see two different hair color scenarios. I want
you to write down what you think the solution would be.
What would you do if the hair lost tone or lightened up to
one level?
(Accept all answers, but listen for refresh color, which is
Aveda’s term.)
What if you lost tone or lightened 1–2 levels?
(Accept all answers, but listen for reestablish color and go over
the answers in their workbook.)
What if the color has lightened 2 or more levels?
(Listen for: precoloration)
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Leader Guide
Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatments: Color Balancing
Show Slide 36: Refresh Color
refresh color
• Apply Full Spectrum™
Permanent to new growth
• Process
• Emulsify through midlengths and ends for 2–5
• Rinse, shampoo and
Direct participants to PAGE 29 in the Participant
Let’s talk about refreshing color first, which will follow a new
growth application or retouch. This is probably one of the most
common color processes you do at the salon when guests return
for their color maintenance appointments.
Let’s review the steps:
Apply Full Spectrum Permanent to the new growth.
Process for the recommended time.
Add water and emulsify through the mid-lengths and ends
for 2–5 minutes.
Rinse, shampoo and condition.
Are there any questions about refreshing color?
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Post-Treatments: Color Balancing
Show Slide 37: Reestablish Color
reestablish color
• Apply Full Spectrum™ Permanent to
new growth
• Two options at mid-lengths and
– Permanent (1:1 ratio with 5 volume
Color Catalyst)
– Deposit-Only Color Treatment (1:1 ratio
with Color Treatment Activator)
• Process for last 20 minutes of
processing time
• Rinse, shampoo and condition
Direct participants to PAGE 29 in the Participant
When might you need to reestablish a guest’s hair color?
(Listen for: when a guest is getting a new growth touchup and
the hair has faded 1–2 levels or lost tone)
Reestablishing the hair color follows a slightly different
process than refreshing color and can use both Full Spectrum
Permanent and Deposit-Only Color Treatment.
Let’s review the steps:
Apply Full Spectrum Permanent to the new growth.
At the mid-lengths and ends, you have two options:
– Apply the same shade of Permanent in a 1:1 ratio with 5
volume Color Catalyst
– Apply a matching Deposit-Only Color Treatment in a 1:1
ratio with Color Treatment Activator.
Page 56
Process for the last 20 minutes of the retouch processing
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatments: Color Balancing
Rinse, shampoo and condition.
When refreshing reds, using the new growth formula to
refresh/reestablish may be a better option. Or you could create
a customized formula using Universal ØN and the Pure
Pigment/Pure Tone to provide tone over previous color.
Show Slide 38: Color Balancing Guide
color balancing guide
Direct participants to PAGE 30 in the Participant
Another tool to help you is the Color Balancing Guide, found
in the Hair Color Chart and also in your workbooks.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Post-Treatments: Color Balancing
Review the Color Balancing chart, explaining when you would
use different options and pointing out how the formulas range
in translucency. Remind learners that this chart is just a starting
point, but their creativity is the limit.
Are there any questions about color balancing?
Now we’re going to talk about another post-treatment option—
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Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatments: Toning
Show Slide 39: Post-Treatment: Toning
post-treatment: toning
Refine blondes
Create fashion colors
How many of you have had to adjust the tone of a hair color
after the first process?
Direct participants to PAGE 31 in the Participant
Toning is a common process when blonding and creating true
fashion colors. If you look at the Vibrancy Chart in your
workbook, you’ll notice that it shows how to create true fashion
colors over prelightened hair and how to tone prelightened
blondes for more subtle effects.
The tone of a hair color is essential to a successful color
outcome—even the slightest variance in color can mean the
difference between beautiful and not-quite-right results.
Toning the hair occurs after prelightening the hair or as the
second step in a double process, and you can use both
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Leader Guide
Post-Treatments: Toning
Permanent and Deposit-Only Color Treatment to refine or
enhance the tone.
Show Slide 40: Toning Chart
toning chart
Direct participants to PAGE 32 in the Participant
Let’s review how to create a toning formula for subtle blonde
How many of you currently tone your blondes?
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Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatments: Toning
Show Slide 41: Formulation: Toning
formulation: toning
1. Determine Stage of Enlightenment
2. Determine the desired tone to refine
or enhance
3. Select the correct formula
from the Toning Chart
This is a process that is essential when you have a bit too much
warmth for very light results or not enough warmth for more
buttery, golden blondes.
Please follow along with the Toning Chart in your workbook as
I review the steps:
Determine the Stage of Enlightenment achieved. This can
also be seen visually on the hair.
– TIP: Don’t formulate your toning formula until the hair
is dry. Slight shade variations on these extremely light
formulas can appear darker when wet. Toning in the
bowl sometimes covers a world of sins, but it will not
produce optimum results and can result in another
corrective scenario or unnecessary application.
Direct participants to PAGE 33 in the Participant
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Post-Treatments: Toning
Determine the desired tone to refine or enhance. There
are two ways to tone:
– To refine tone: Select Natural, Ash or Intense Ash
shades. Ensure that the hair has the proper N.R.P. to
support the intense ash or ash tones. If it is not
yellow/orange or yellow, select a soft formula or use
natural for refinement.
– To enhance tone: Select Gold or Copper shades.
Select the correct formula from the Toning Chart.
Can you think of an example of when you would want to
refine the tone?
What about when you want to enhance the tone?
(Accept any answers.)
Show Slide 42: Two Systems for Toning
two systems for toning
Full Spectrum™
Full Spectrum™
Deposit-Only Color Treatment
Direct participants to PAGES 33-34 in the Participant
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Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatments: Toning
Once you’ve determined your toning formula, the application
and processing will vary depending on if you use Full
Spectrum Permanent or Deposit-Only Color Treatment.
When would you use Permanent to tone?
(Listen for: to create a slight shift in lift and removal of
remaining warm tones on lighter levels; deeper penetration of
color molecules)
When would you use Deposit-Only Color Treatment?
(Listen for: when the hair needs condition or when no
additional lift is required—just deposit)
Let’s review the application and processing for each one:
– Mix formula with 10 or 20 volume Color Catalyst in a
1:1 ratio
– Virgin on-the-scalp application: Apply on dry or damp
hair from new growth to ends.
– Retouch on-the-scalp application: Apply on dry or
damp hair in the newly retouched area only and to the
mid-lengths and ends as needed.
– Process at room temperature for up to 30 minutes.
Deposit-Only Color Treatment
– Mix formula with Color Treatment Activator in a 1:1
– Apply from new growth to ends.
– Process at room temperature for 20 minutes.
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For toning and creating true fashion colors, you will mix
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Post-Treatments: Toning
Pure Pigments and 5 volume Color Catalyst in a 1:1 ratio
and process for 20 minutes.
Are there any questions about toning blondes and creating
fashion colors?
Show Slide 43: To Tone or Not to Tone?
to tone or not to tone?
• Was the hair prelightened to the
correct level?
• If not, what is the proper level?
• What is the final formula to
achieve the desired result?
Direct participants to PAGE 34 in the Participant
Run the Toning Activity:
Divide the learners into 4 groups and assign one of the
toning scenarios below to each team.
Explain that the each group’s goal is to determine:
– If the prelightening step was the proper level of lightness
to achieve the best desired result. If not, they need to
determine the proper level.
– The final formula to achieve the desired result.
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Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatments: Toning
Scenario 1
– Natural Level: 4
– Desired Level: 9 Ash
– Prelightened to Level 9 (a very warm, strong yellow)
Scenario 2
– Natural Level 4
– Desired Level: 10 Neutral
– Prelightened to Level 10 (pale yellow)
Scenario 3
– Natural Level: 4
– Desired Level: 8 Orange
– Prelightened to Level 9
Scenario 4
– Natural Level: 4
– Desired Level: 6 Red
– Prelightened to Level 7–8
Have each group share their scenario and answers while the
rest of the group follows along in their workbooks.
Coach to the following answers with regards to
– Scenario 1: Not light enough to go ash
– Scenario 2: Correct
– Scenario 3: Too light
– Scenario 4: Too light
Because the final formulas are subjective, ensure each group
has created a correct formula.
For scenarios that required a different prelightening result
for the first step, be sure to elaborate and refer to N.R.P. and
how it supports the concept and delivers the correct
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Post-Treatments: Toning
Great job everyone! We’ve covered every type of pre- and
post-treatment with the exception of the essential final step in
any hair color service —a Botanical Therapy hair treatment.
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Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatment: Botanical Therapy
Show Slide 44: Post-Treatment: Botanical Therapy
botanical therapy
Direct participants to PAGE 35 in the Participant
Looking at your Color Talk Profile, what are some things you
might notice during the hair analysis that would identify a guest
who might not be a good candidate to receive a color change
(Listen for: porous hair, dry hair, poor elasticity, damaged hair,
multiple color services, etc.)
Even guests with hair in good condition can benefit from
additional moisture and strength after a hair color service.
That’s why Aveda created the Botanical Therapy Hair
Treatments to be an essential part of every hair color service—
they are ideal for every type of hair color guest.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Post-Treatment: Botanical Therapy
Bring the Botanical Therapy products to the front of
the room and highlight each one as you review it.
OPTIONAL: Show Hair Treatments chapter from
Botanical Therapy DVD.
These conditioning hair treatments deeply penetrate the hair
shaft and infuse it with strength, moisture and shine in just five
minutes—making them an essential part of a hair color service
and an easy way to enhance your guest’s service experience.
You should recommend a treatment to EVERY hair color
There are two different treatments, depending on the hair’s
Dry Remedy Penetrating Moisture (for dry hair)
Damage Remedy Penetrating Protein (for damaged hair)
For the guest whose hair is too damaged to proceed with their
desired color service, a Botanical Therapy hair treatment is an
option that will get them on the path to get the color service
they want in the future. Do not send them away without
offering this service and the home care products they need to
get their hair back in shape.
For the guest whose hair is in good condition for a color change
service, I’m going to quickly review how to perform the
treatment during the color service—you can follow along with
the service snapshot in your workbooks.
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Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatment: Botanical Therapy
Show Slide 45: How to Perform the Treatment
how to perform the treatment
Step 1
• Shampoo with Color Conserve™
Shampoo and pHinish
Step 2
• Section the hair into quadrants, spray
treatment on ¼-inch subsections and slide
fingers along the strand
Step 3
• Gather entire section in hand,
and spray to saturate ends
Step 4
• Comb through all the hair, and
process for 5 minutes
Step 5
• Rinse and finish the hair
Direct participants to PAGE 37 in the Participant
The treatment happens at the shampoo bowl right after you’ve
rinsed the color from the hair:
Shampoo with Color Conserve Shampoo and pHinish and
towel-dry the hair well. Pour 15 ml of the selected treatment
into the applicator bottle.
Section the hair into quadrants and spray the treatment on
¼-inch subsections.
Place the subsection between your two fingers, and slide
along the length of the strand.
Gather the entire subsection in your hand and spray until the
ends are thoroughly saturated. Then gently squeeze the hair.
Once you’ve applied the treatment to all quadrants, comb
through the hair and process for 5 minutes. This is a great
time to perform a Stress-Relieving Hand Ritual on your
Then simply rinse and finish the hair as desired.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Post-Treatment: Botanical Therapy
Why should you offer a Botanical Therapy treatment to every
hair color guest?
(Listen for: improves the hair’s condition, is a quick and easy
service add-on that can increase your revenue, if they love the
results, they will ask for it again, etc.)
Direct participants to PAGE 36 in the Participant
The best time to recommend a Botanical Therapy hair
treatment is during the consultation. It is an extra service that
the guest will pay for, so it is important to position it as
essential to beautiful hair color.
Using your consultation steps and the Color Talk Profile, it is
easy to have this conversation. Refer back to the profile you
filled in with your partner earlier and take a minute to practice
what you would say. Pair up with your partner and practice
offering the service to each other.
(Give learners a few minutes to practice and take notes in their
Would someone like to share how they would offer a Botanical
Therapy hair treatment to their guest?
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Leader Guide
Hair Color Solutions
Post-Treatment: Botanical Therapy
If you’d like to learn more about the Botanical Therapy
treatments—including treatments for the scalp and thinning
hair—be sure to take the Color Talk Featuring Botanical
Therapy class for more in-depth training on Botanical Therapy.
Are there any questions about the Botanical Therapy hair
Show Slide 46: Practice
Before we break for lunch, we’re going to take everything you
just learned and apply it to some guest scenarios.
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Post-Treatment: Botanical Therapy
Run the Guest Scenario activity:
Have the learners find a partner.
Hand each pair two Color Talk Profiles with the hair
analysis and desired result sections completed (you will
have prepared these in advance).
Instruct the learners to complete the Color Talk Profile for
each scenario using each other as guests and work together
to determine the hair color plan for each scenario, including
pre- and post-treatments.
Have each group share their scenario and results.
Gain feedback from the rest of the group and coach as
Great work everyone! Let’s take our lunch break. After lunch,
you’ll get to practice solving hair color challenges on
models/mannequins with Aveda Hair Color.
Take a 1-Hour Lunch Break
Transition to Model / Mannequin Workshop
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Model / Mannequin Workshop
Model / Mannequin Workshop
The purpose and goal of this module is for learners to practice
solving hair color challenges and perform color change
processes on models/mannequin heads with success.
3 Hours
Practice color change services on models/pre-done mannequin
heads, solve any ―Unsolved Challenges‖ as a group and review
key concepts by creating hair color superheroes in groups.
Materials Needed
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See the Required Materials list at the beginning of this
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Model / Mannequin Workshop
Leader Guide
Show Slide 47: Workshop
You will run only one of the workshops below depending on if
you are using models or pre-done mannequin heads.
Run the Model Workshop:
Page 74
Assign 1-3 learners per model.
Go around the room and have each group complete a Color
Talk Profile for their model while the rest of the learners
follow along on a blank Color Talk Profile.
Have the entire group identify the challenge and determine
the correct formula together, including measurements.
Once all model formulations are complete, have the groups
begin their applications.
Walk around the room and coach as needed.
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Model / Mannequin Workshop
During processing, return to the ―Unsolved Challenges‖ flip
chart and try to solve the challenges as a group.
Run the Pre-Done Mannequin Workshop:
Divide the group into three teams and assign each of them
one of the pre-colored mannequin heads:
– Lightened to level 8 with 1–2 inches of new growth
– Darkened to level 3 with 1–2 inches of new growth
– Darkened to 4 V/R
Inform the learners that the desired result is a 5 Golden
Brown (5 Y/O).
Go around the room and have each group complete a Color
Talk Profile for their mannequin head while the rest of the
learners follow along on a blank Color Talk Profile.
Have the entire group identify the challenge and determine
the correct formula together, including measurements.
Once all mannequin head formulations are complete, have
the groups begin their applications.
Walk around the room and coach as needed.
During processing, return to the ―Unsolved Challenges‖ flip
chart and try to solve the challenges as a group.
Bring the “Unsolved Challenges” flip chart back to
the front of the room.
Direct participants to PAGE 38 in the Participant
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Model / Mannequin Workshop
Leader Guide
While your models/mannequins are processing, let’s go back to
our collection of unsolved hair color challenges. We’re going
to try and solve them as a group based on everything you
learned today.
Have different learners read the Post-it Note challenges out
loud to the group and discuss possible solutions using the flip
chart. Coach as needed and help the group determine successful
solutions and write them in their workbooks.
Show Slide 48: Presentations
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Model / Mannequin Workshop
When everyone is finished, have each group present their
results back to the entire class. Then ask the entire group the
questions below after each presentation to debrief.
Do you think they successfully solved the challenge?
What do you notice about the results?
What would you do differently next time?
Show Slide 49: The Big Challenge Review
the big challenge review
Remember our big challenge from the beginning of the
training? Do you think you have enough information to solve it
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Model / Mannequin Workshop
Leader Guide
At your tables, I want you to take a few minutes and try to
come up with a hair color plan that will achieve the desired
shade of 6 Y/O Dark Golden Blonde.
(Give learners 10 minutes to complete the activity.)
Who thinks they may have solved the Big Challenge?
(Accept any answers.)
Show Slide 50: The Big Challenge Reveal
the big challenge reveal
Cleanse 4 R/O to Red/Orange
Cleanse 5N to Red/Orange
Rinse and apply Damage Remedy™ Equalizing Solution
Precolor 9 V/B and 10 Y/O areas with 6 R/O
Rinse and apply Damage Remedy™ Equalizing Solution
Apply 6 Y/O (Permanent) to new growth
Remix 6 Y/O (Permanent) and apply to mid-lengths and
8. Apply a Botanical Therapy hair treatment
Direct participants to PAGE 39 in the Participant
Let’s reveal the answer and write it down in your workbook:
Page 78
Cleanse 4 R/O to Red/Orange with ―lighten 2 levels‖ hair
color cleansing formula.
Cleanse 5N to Red/Orange with ―lighten 1 level‖ hair color
cleansing formula.
Rinse, shampoo and towel-dry the hair. Apply 1 oz of
Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Model / Mannequin Workshop
Damage Remedy Equalizing Solution and comb to
Precolor 9 V/B and 10 Y/O areas with 6 R/O Dark Copper
Blonde. Use Full Spectrum Deposit-Only Color Treatment
or Permanent for the precoloration formula, and process 10
to 20 minutes.
Rinse well and towel-dry. Apply 1 oz of Damage Remedy
Equalizing Solution and comb to distribute.
Apply 6 Y/O Dark Golden Blonde (Permanent) with 20
volume Color Catalyst to new growth. Process 45 minutes.
Remix 6 Y/O (Permanent) with 20 volume Color Catalyst.
Apply to the mid-lengths and ends. Process for the last 30
minutes of new growth processing.
Apply a Botanical Therapy hair treatment.
Remember that solving hair color challenges is about simply
creating an even base so that the desired result can be applied
and create the look the guest desires.
Are there any questions about the Big Challenge?
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Model / Mannequin Workshop
Leader Guide
Show Slide 51: Create a Hair Color Superhero!
create a hair color superhero!
Direct participants to PAGE 40 in the Participant
Being a hair colorist is all about saving the day with smart
solutions and creating gorgeous hair color results that your
guests will love. When a guest comes in expecting a specific
result, it’s your job to deliver—no matter what challenges rise
up along the way. In this way, you are all hair color
For our final activity today, I want you to create your own hair
color superhero. You’ll find some illustrations in your
workbook to get you started.
Run the Superhero activity:
Have learners work in groups at their tables.
Instruct learners to create a hair color superhero including
the following:
– Name
– A list of ―superpowers‖ they need to successfully solve
any hair color challenge
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Model / Mannequin Workshop
Give the groups 10-15 minutes to create their superhero in
their workbook and write in their superpowers.
Have each group present their superhero to the rest of the
Which hair color superpowers do you think are the most
(Accept any answers.)
Congratulations everyone! You have now learned how to solve
any hair color challenge with Aveda Hair Color!
Show Slide 52: Learning Objectives
learning objectives
• Explain how to use Aveda Hair Color
systems to solve common hair color
• Perform the 6 consultation steps using a
Color Talk Profile
• Formulate and apply hair color changes
with success
Let’s review our learning objectives. Now that you’ve
completed the training, you should be able to:
Explain how to use Aveda Hair Color systems to solve
common hair color challenges
Perform the 6 consultation steps using a Color Talk Profile
Formulate and apply corrective hair color with success
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Model / Mannequin Workshop
Leader Guide
Direct participants to PAGE 41 in the Participant
Before you go today, I want you to create a list of action items
that you will do when you return to your salon. You can use
your superhero drawings as inspiration. Think about the pretreatments and the post-treatments and write down an action
item for each one in your workbook that will help you improve
your skills in each area.
(Give learners a few minutes to create their action items.)
Take a few minutes and share your ideas with the people at
your table. I encourage you to share these action items with
your salon owner or mentor so they can help hold you
accountable for what you’ve learned today.
Are there any final questions?
Show Slide 53: Hair Color Solutions Thank You Slide
thank you!
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Hair Color Solutions
Leader Guide
Model / Mannequin Workshop
Thank you for your participation and enthusiasm during
today’s training. I hope you are feeling confident to return to
your salon and overcome any challenge with these new
solutions and Aveda Hair Color!
Hand out certificates and remind learners to complete their
course evaluations.
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