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Active Procrastination & Student Academic Performance

Angana, Acabal, Khaleel, Ruiz et.AL. 1
Angana, Jesselle Faith
Acabal, Angel Jaehreine
Khaleel, Christine Joy
Ruiz, Charlene
Mr. Ivan Jayson A. Macabenta
SHS 12-Apollo
25 November 2020
“The Positive Effect of Active Procrastination to Students Academic Performance”
Chapter 1
I. Background of the Study
Procrastination has been commonly defined as a dysfunctional behavior of
unnecessary delay of behavior or completion of tasks, resulting in negative outcomes.
Though of many time given before the deadline the voluntary action of delaying the
completion of the work despite the already known expectation of bad results. It is common to
students to procrastinate on school work which predictably affects their performances
academically. In the passing years it has been debated on how procrastination has two ways
which are: Active procrastination and Passive procrastination. Active procrastination being
the positive side or influence of it to people while passive procrastination is the negative side
or influence it brings towards the people themselves. In this research paper, the whole focus
would be leaning toward the positive influence, recreating the culture mindset of
Procrastination is defined as delaying that is why we might think that procrastinating
is not a good thing especially to us students who gets a lot of workloads like assignments,
projects, reports etc. and procrastinating might be the cause for us to not to meet all of these
deadlines and might cause us to fail or get a lower grade. Still there are some people who
does not know or is not aware that procrastinating can also cause something good for us.
Angana, Acabal, Khaleel, Ruiz et.AL. 2
There are many kinds of student that uses procrastinating in either disadvantageous way
(passive) or advantageous way (active). By disadvantage means that they just simply don’t
want to do their task thinking that they can do it still finish it as long as the due is still week
or days long to arrive. While using it in an advantageous way is when a person can use the
pressure to make a better output and is not procrastinating just because they are lazy but
because they are looking for a motivation or inspiration before they start their tasks. People
who don’t understand this might always under pressure and stress not knowing what to do,
that is why understanding active procrastination can make students task easier and effective
in a way they can rest and take a break knowing they will not fail also it is a good way to
practice your time management and stabilizing your emotions. But this doesn’t apply to
everyone too that is why you need to understand it deeper and decide whether your behavior
as of now is passive or active way of procrastinating and if your passive do you have what it
takes to be an active procrastinator throughout the way.
II. Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this research study was to examine the influence of active
procrastination on students’ education and success in college. The current study compared
active procrastinators in regard to their education and success in college, in order to
determine whether or not procrastination has any potential overlooked benefits, or is rather
truly detrimental to a student’s academic performance. The researchers seek to answer the
following questions:
1. What are the causes why students procrastinate?
2. What could be the good and bad effects of procrastinating towards students?
3. How big can the positive effects of procrastination affect the students?
4. What are the positive effects of procrastination?
Angana, Acabal, Khaleel, Ruiz et.AL. 3
IV. Significance of the Study
The researchers soughed to recognize the opinion of the others researchers about The
Effects of Active Procrastination to Students Academic Performance. The outcome of the
study was significant to the following:
School: This will help the school to get a better view of the insights of their students
toward the act of procrastinating and to gain additional understanding about their students‟
situation, not only in terms of time management but also in the psychological aspect. This
study could build a better connection between the school and its students.
Students: This will help them have a better understanding of what the situation is
when it comes to handling priorities and tasks. They can use this as a tool to assess
themselves, and help others like them, after reading this paper.
V. Scope and Limitations
The study focuses on the positive influence of active procrastination towards the
student's academic performance. This study will not cover other problems beyond the
influence of active procrastination. Other researches that do not amount any significance to
the study are not within the scope of the said research. The study would be done through
using various approved researches about active procrastination. Depending solely on the
researchers strategy, they will be able to know the positive influence of active procrastination
to the student's academic performance.