Uploaded by Simeon Jackson

Children's Rights Project: Simeon Jackson

Name: Simeon Jackson
Center: IES Ciudad de Los Angeles
Email: simeonjackson0911@gmail.com
Portfolio Title: Simeon’s Final Project (Children’s Rights: Creating A Better World)
Brief Summary: One of the main focuses I have had throughout the school year has been
children’s rights. Our school is sponsored by UNICEF and I have done many classes
collaborating with World Children’s Day and how its principles can be applied in everyday life.
My final project includes a PowerPoint presentation and talking points to get the students to look
internally for answers to life’s challenges.
Topics Covered: Countries & Traditions, Other
Keywords: Children’s Rights, World Childrens’ Day, Development, Education
Educational Level: Secondary School
Link: https://sites.google.com/view/simeons-portfolio/final-project