COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2016 ELED 4000: Teaching Science Tuesday 8:30-­‐11:45 Dr. Kimberly Lott Email: Office: 241 EBLS Office Hours: By Appointment. EDUC 233 Phone: 435-­‐797-­‐1103 Fax: 435-­‐797-­‐1441 Introduction Welcome! This is Teaching Science, a course designed to build on the solid theoretical basis for effective science teaching in order to plan for engaging units of study elementary science students. Remember, as a future science teacher, you will have the opportunity to stimulate (or suffocate) student interest and enthusiasm in science. Your success or failure will have an impact on our future as leaders in science and technology. Course Overview Science teaching is a complex activity and requires that teachers have both theoretical and practical knowledge. Effective science teachers have (1) a clear understanding of the nature of science, (2) adequate science content knowledge, (3) knowledge of how students learn, and (4) competence in implementing strategies that exemplify best practice in science teaching. The goal of this course is to provide a foundation from which you can continue to grow and develop throughout your elementary science teaching career. Course Objectives This course focuses on the planning of inquiry-­‐based science programs for elementary students. Through full participation in the learning activities of this course, you will be able to: • Develop a logical framework of long-­‐term and short-­‐term goals for students (UETS: Instructional Planning, IDEA ). • Select science content and adapt and design curricula to meet the knowledge, understandings, abilities and experiences of students (UETS: Learner Development). • Consider students’ prior knowledge in planning instruction through pre-­‐assessment (UETS: Assessment). • Select teaching strategies that nurture a community of science learners (UETS: Learning Environment). • Select a variety of assessment strategies that support the development of student understanding in authentic ways. (UETS: Assessment). • Work collaboratively with peers to experience and reflect on the teaching/learning process (UETS: Reflection and Continuous Growth). • Demonstrate an understanding of science as a way of knowing (UETS: Content Knowledge). • Develop strategies for recognizing and responding to student diversity and encourage all students to participate fully in science learning (UETS: Learning Differences). • Understand the importance of modeling the skills of scientific inquiry as well as the curiosity, openness to new ideas and skepticism that characterize science (UETS: Instructional Strategies). Page 1 of 10 ELED 4000 UTAH EFFECTIVE TEACHING STANDARDS UETS INDICATORS CLASS MATERIAL LEARNER DEVELOPMENT Creates developmentally Select science content and The teacher understands appropriate learning experiences adapt and design curricula cognitive, linguistic, social, while collaborating with families and to meet the knowledge, emotional, and physical colleagues to support student understandings, abilities areas of student growth and experiences of development students. LEARNING DIFFERENCES Designs, adapts, and delivers Develop strategies for The teacher understands instruction to address students’ recognizing and responding individual learner diverse learning strengths and to student diversity and differences and cultural and needs while encouraging learners to encourage all students to linguistic diversity persevere and advance. participate fully in science learning. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Collaborates with students to Select teaching strategies The teacher creates a establish a positive learning that nurture a community learning environment that environment while using a variety of of science learners. supports individual and strategies to maintain a positive collaborative learning, learning environment. active in engagement, and self-­‐motivation CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Communicates accurate information Demonstrate an The teacher understands and concepts. understanding of science the central concepts, tools Adapts instruction to address as a way of knowing of inquiry, and structures of students’ common misconceptions the discipline about subject matter. Designs instruction based on approved content standards and research. Provides multiple representations and explanations of concepts. Selects instructional resources that contain accurate content. ASSESSMENT Uses pre-­‐assessments, and Consider students’ prior The teacher uses multiple formative and summative knowledge in planning measures of assessment, assessments, in a variety of formats instruction through pre-­‐ monitors learner progress, that match learning objectives. assessments. and guide instruction Teaches students to identify the elements of quality work. Uses data Select a variety of to assess student learning to plan assessment strategies that for differentiated instruction. support the development Documents student progress and of student understanding provides specific feedback to in authentic ways. students and other stakeholders in a variety of ways. INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Plans instruction based on state Develop a logical The teacher plans core. framework of long-­‐term instruction to support Aligns instruction and assessment and short-­‐term goals for students in meeting with learning goals. students rigorous learning goals by Designs instruction at an drawing upon content appropriate level of cognitive areas, Utah Core Standards, complexity for the learning goal. and instructional best practices Page 2 of 10 • • • • • • • • • • ASSESSMENTS Integrated Science Lesson plans EBLS Mini-­‐lesson plans Science Unit Integrated Science Lesson plans EBLS Mini-­‐lesson plans Science Unit Integrated Science Lesson plans EBLS Mini-­‐lesson plans Science Unit Interactive Bulletin Boards • • • • Exams Reading Quizzes Science Notebooks Inquiry Project Presentations • Integrated Science Lesson plans EBLS Mini-­‐lesson plans Science Unit • • • • • Integrated Science Lesson plans EBLS Mini-­‐lesson plans Science Unit INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES The teacher uses various instructional strategies to ensure that all learners develop a deep understanding of content areas and build skills to apply and extend knowledge in meaningful ways Uses a variety of instructional strategies that elicit and build upon students’ prior knowledge and experiences. Constructs learning experiences that require students to use multiple forms of communication. Systematically includes a variety of perspectives and sources to inform instruction. Uses technologies appropriate for the learning goal. REFLECTION AND Participates in professional CONTINUOUS GROWTH development. The teacher is a reflective Recognizes and reflects upon own practitioner who uses biases in order to become a more evidence to continually effective teacher of all students. evaluate and adapt practice Reflects on instructional to meet the needs of each effectiveness to improve learner subsequent teaching practice. Accepts and uses feedback from multiple sources. LEADERSHIP AND Participates as a team member in COLLABORATION decision-­‐making processes. The teacher is a leader who Collaborates with school engages collaboratively with professionals to meet the needs of learners, families, learners. colleagues, and the community PROFESSIONAL AND Adheres to and upholds laws, rules, ETHICAL BEHAVIOR policies, and directives. The teacher demonstrates Maintains professional behavior and the highest standard of appearance. legal, moral, and ethical conduct as specified in Utah State Board Rule R277-­‐515 Understand the importance of modeling the skills of scientific inquiry as well as the curiosity, openness to new ideas and skepticism that characterize science • • • Work collaboratively with peers to experience and reflect on the teaching/learning process Integrated Science Lesson plan EBLS Mini-­‐lesson plans Science Unit • • • • Class Discussions Exit Tickets Science Notebooks Outdoor Education Reflection • • Science Unit Final Evaluation from Practicum • Attendance will be kept. Professionalism score will be given based attendance and participation in class. Work collaboratively with cooperating teacher during practicum to plan and implement science unit. Certain professional behaviors that will be expected, among these are: punctuality, preparedness, cooperation in group settings, participation in group discussions, etc. • IDEA Objectives Essential: Objective 1: Gaining factual knowledge (terminology, classification, methods, trends). Objective 3: Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions) Objective 4: Developing specific skills, competencies, and points of view needed by professionals in the field most closely related to this course Important: Objective 2: Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories Objective 7: Gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of intellectual/cultural activity (music, science, literature, etc.) Page 3 of 10 Text: All readings will be available for download through Canvas. You may print them and compile them in a notebook or store in their electronic format. I will have a class set of readings to be used on exam days if needed. Prerequisite: Program admission Major Course Assignments Details on all assignments will be given in class and then posted on Blackboard. Name of Assignment Points Possible Reading Quizzes 30 Exit Tickets 30 Exams 120 Interactive Classroom Display 20 Outdoor Science Education Reflection 10 Literacy/Integration Assignment 20 Mini-­‐Science Lesson Presentation 20 Inquiry Project Presentation 20 Science Notebook 30 Science Unit 40 Professionalism 10 Total 350 Daily Readings Quizzes There will be six online quizzes from the readings to be taken prior to class each week. Exit Tickets These will be short reflections that you will turn in before leaving class. We will do them six times before practicum. Exams There will be three exams given during this semester. Exams will cover material that is presented in class and will be open book/notes. Two exams will be given during the first nine weeks before practicum and a final exam will be during exam week after practicum. Page 4 of 10 Interactive Classroom Display In a group develop an interactive learner experience for use within your future classroom. The display must function without the aid of an instructor similar to a museum exhibit. Elements might include; data collection, recording data, matching photos or cards with descriptions, etc. This assignment was originally intended to be an interactive bulletin board, however, this concept of interactive learning can be broadened to include a variety of outputs. Your group will need to receive approval from your instructor prior to creating your experience. Each group will then complete a one-­‐page Educator Brief (explanation of the classroom display) as part of the assignment which will be shared with all the ELED 4000 classes, providing numerous classroom models to use in your future classroom. Outdoor Science Education Reflection You will be participating in the Natural Resources Days in Logan Canyon. You will be working with scientists at one of four stations (water, soil, forest, wildlife) and teach outdoor science activities with local fourth grade students. You will then write a one-­‐page reflection about your experience. Literacy/Integration Assignment Working with your group, you will present how each topic of study can be integrated with the other elementary subjects. You group will also present resources for teaching this topic to the class. Science Mini-­‐Lesson Presentation Working with a partner or group of three, you will teach a science lesson to a group of students at the EBLS. Inquiry Project Presentation Working with your group, you will develop a science inquiry project using FastPlants. During the first nine weeks, your group will develop a question, form a hypothesis, design an experiment to test your hypothesis, collect data, and then draw conclusions based on your collected data. Before practicum, each group will develop a PowerPoint presentation and present their inquiry project to the class. Science Notebook You will be writing keeping a science notebook for all of the long-­‐term projects and daily activities that we will be completing during the semester. You will need a composition book for recording these daily observations and it needs to be kept separate from your regular notebook for this class. Framework for a Science Unit You will create an instructional resource unit to be used in teaching a science topic in an elementary school science class. It is the hope that your unit can be taught during your practicum weeks. Your instructional unit will contain: • A comprehensive unit framework that will serves as a resource for the entire unit. • Pre-­‐assessment for unit • Sample of Lesson plan from unit Professionalism As a teacher, there are certain professional behaviors that will be expected, among these are: punctuality, preparedness, cooperation in group settings, participation in group discussions, etc. I will be expecting these same professional behaviors during class time. Page 5 of 10 Points 329-­‐350 315-­‐328 305-­‐314 294-­‐304 280-­‐293 270-­‐279 259-­‐269 245-­‐258 228-­‐244 227 and below Letter Grade A A-­‐ B+ B B-­‐ C+ C C-­‐ D F Incomplete for Course: An incomplete is given only in extreme circumstances. A written request and explanation must be submitted to the instructor and approval for assigning an Incomplete must be granted by the Dean. When the course work is completed and resubmitted the final grade may not be higher than a B. The time limit for grade change is one semester plus summer session or intersession. POLICIES: Handouts: In order to save try to save a few trees, I will be using a class set of handouts for you to use during class for discussion and activities. All handouts will be posted on Blackboard for you to download if you wish to have your own set. I will keep a class set of handouts for use on exam days if needed. Attendance and Punctuality: Unless excused, missing two classes will result in a letter grade deduction. Class is 3 hours 15 minutes. Late arrival or leaving early will count toward absences with two occurrences constituting one absence. Excessive absences may result in an F. Grading Policy: Grades will be determined by the degree to which the course objectives are met and according to rubrics provided for each assignment. Correct spelling and grammar, organization, originality and evidence of critical thinking will be included in the rubric. All assignments submitted for evaluation must reflect commitment to success as a teacher. Fall 2016 Tentative Calendar Date Plan and Assignments Due (Assignments in Italics) Week 1 Elementary Science Teaching Survey Intro to Science BREAK Course Overview Literacy/Integration Assignment Discussion Natural Resources Day Discussion BREAK Aug 30 Page 6 of 10 Week 2 Sept 7 Week 3 Sept 13 Page 7 of 10 4-­‐Question Strategy Set-­‐up Inquiry Science Projects Reading Assignments-­‐ Discussion Article: Nature of Science and Its Fundamental Importance to the Vision of the Next Generation Science Standards Science Article: Electricity: What is electricity? Other Assignments-­‐ Literacy/Integration Assignment for Electricity Take Reading Quiz #1 Labor Day Holiday on Monday, so we meet on Wednesday this week. Nature of Science Discussion of Article Fossil Footprints BREAK Introduction to Science Notebooks BREAK Inquiry Science Unit: Electricity Literacy/Integration Sharing Data Collection for Inquiry Science Projects Reading Assignments-­‐ Discussion Article: The Many Levels of Inquiry, Fire Up the Inquiry Science Article: Are there different types of forces and motion? Other Assignments-­‐ Literacy/Integration Assignment for Forces and Motion Take Reading Quiz #2 Interactive Classroom Display-­‐Group 1 Science and Engineering Practices Discussion of Article Classroom Scenarios: What is the level of inquiry? BREAK Science Practices: Station Exploration BREAK Science vs Engineering Practices Activities Literacy/Integration Sharing Data Collection for Inquiry Science Projects Reading Assignments-­‐ Discussion Article: How do students learn science? Science Article: Earth in Space: What causes the seasons? Other Assignments-­‐ Week 4 Sept 20 Week 5 Sept 27 Week 6 Oct 4 Page 8 of 10 Literacy/Integration Assignment for Earth in Space Take Reading Quiz #3 How students learn: Teaching for conceptual understanding Discussion of Article Private Universe BREAK Inquiry Science Unit: Earth in Space Literacy/Integration Sharing Data Collection for Inquiry Science Projects Other Assignments-­‐ Prepare for EXAM I Group 1: Teaching at EBLS Exam I Group 1: Mini-­‐Lesson Teaching at EBLS Group 2: Observing Teaching at EBLS Reading Assignments-­‐ Discussion Article: The Second Dimension: Crosscutting Concepts Science Article: Earth Structure: Rock Types Other Assignments-­‐ Literacy/Integration Assignment for Rocks Group 1 Mini-­‐Lesson Papers will be due Week 6 Take Reading Quiz #4 Crosscutting Concepts Crosscutting Concepts: K-­‐2 • Patterns: Classification • Scale, Proportion, and Quantity Crosscutting Concepts: 3-­‐6 • Cause & Effect • Energy & Matter BREAK Inquiry Science Unit: Rocks and Minerals Literacy/Integration Sharing Data Collection for Inquiry Science Projects Reading Assignments-­‐ Discussion Article: Teaching Science for Understanding: The 5-­‐E Model of Instruction Science Article: How do Animals survive Winter? Hibernation, Migration and Adaptation Other Assignments-­‐ Literacy/Integration Assignment for Animal Adaptations in Winter Take Reading Quiz #5 Interactive Classroom Display-­‐Group 2 Week 7 Oct 11 Week 8 Oct 18 Week 9 Oct 25 Weeks 10-­‐15 Oct 31 – Dec 9 Final Exam Week Dec 12-­‐16 Page 9 of 10 Learning Cycle and Lesson Planning Discussion of Article Writing Objectives BREAK Inquiry Unit: Animal Adaptations in Winter Literacy/Integration Sharing Data Collection for Inquiry Science Projects Reading Assignments-­‐ Discussion Article: Science for All Learners Science Article: Life Cycles: How does photosynthesis work? Other Assignments-­‐ Literacy/Integration Assignment for Life Cycles Inquiry Project Presentations Take Reading Quiz #6 Diverse Student Learners Discussion of Article Inquiry Project Presentations BREAK Inquiry Science Unit: Life Cycles Literacy/Integration Sharing Discussion of Practicum Assignments Other Assignments-­‐ Prepare for Exam II Group 2: Teaching at EBLS Science Notebooks will be turned in Week 9 Exam II Group 2: Mini-­‐Lesson Teaching at EBLS Group 1: Observing Teaching at EBLS Other Assignments-­‐ Group 2 Mini-­‐Lesson Papers will be due by March 17. Practicum Final Exam December 13, 8:30-­‐11:45 Assignment Reading Quizzes Exam I Exam II Interactive Classroom Display Mini-­‐Science Lesson Presentation Literacy/Integration Assignment Inquiry Project Presentation Science Notebook Science Unit Final Exam Page 10 of 10 Summary of Assignments and Due Dates Due Date Weeks 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 PRIOR to coming to CLASS September 27 October 25 Depends on the week your group is scheduled. Group 1: September 13 Group 2: October 11 Depends on the week your group is scheduled. Group 1: September 27 Group 2: October 25 Mini-­‐Lesson Assignments will be due the week after you teach. Weeks 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, or 8 Depends on the week your group signs up. October 18 October 25 December 9 Last Day of Practicum December 13