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Natural & Inverted Sentence Order

Natural and Inverted Order of
When the subject of a sentence comes before the verb,
the sentence is in natural order.
1. The dog ran down the street.
2. Two English classes are scheduled for 9th grade.
3. A crash was heard in the back of the room.
4. Julie has designed the banner for the party.
5. Germany was one of the first great centers of newspaper
-When the verb or part of the verb comes before the subject,
the sentence is in inverted order.
-Most questions are in inverted order.
-A sentence has inverted word order when an adverb, a helping
verb, or a prepositional phrase is located at the beginning of the
sentence and modifies the verb instead of the subject.
1. Down the street, the dog ran .
2. Scheduled for 9th grade are two English classes .
3. In the back of the room a crash was heard.
4. The banner for the party was designed by Julie.
5. One of the first great centers of newspaper publishing is Germany.
6. Can you hear the ocean?
Identify whether the
sentence is in Natural
Order or Inverted Order.
1. There are two
possible explanations
for the accident.
2. Who is responsible for
creating that computer
3. The lilacs in our backyard
smell especially sweet this
4. The detective looked
cautiously for the
5. Beyond the meadow
flows a beautiful river.
6. Over the hill lies a
quiet little town.
7. Cows and horses graze
in the peaceful fields.
8. People come and
go from the little
9. The whole place
is a lovely scene.
10. All the children
are hot and thirsty.
11. Four girls are ready
to go back to the
12. Two boys are
certain of a victory.
13. In the line at the
water fountain are six
thirsty children
14. The floundering
ship sank beneath the
15. The student sat in
the first row.
16. Can you hear the
17. Comics can be
funny too.
18. Look at the
huge wave.
19. Two seagulls flew
above the beach.
20. Beyond the
meadow flows a
beautiful river.
21. On the breakfast
table was the newspaper.
22. Around that corner
is my favorite store.
23. The greatest love of
my life is my mother.
24. There is a small
shell on the sand.
25. Runners dashed
around the track.
(1)Africa is a huge continent with many
countries. (2)Many different areas are carved
out of this one continent. (3)Some areas have
mountains. (4)Some have deserts. (5)Some
have forests. (6)With all the different areas,
come different animals and plants.
(7)Therefore, different groups of people, all
with their own customs and ways of life, have
come to live in each area of Africa.
Change the following into Inverted
1. The horse jumped over the hurdle.
2. The farmer’s helper will pick the corn
3. The answer is here.
4. Bill is the president of the student council.
5. The dog was lying next to the bed.