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INSA Semra ARSLAN1611050920.118973 (2) (1)

INSA Business, Marketing and Communication School
Barcelona, Spain Marketing Plan
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Presentation of Brand ................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Presentation of Product ................................................................................................ 4
1.3. The aim of the Marketing Plan .................................................................................... 5
2. Company overview ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Country of origin: Spain ................................................................................................ 7
2.2 History of the company .................................................................................................. 7
2.3.4. Values of Company .................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Company Vision and Mission........................................................................................ 9
3. Marketing audit ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Market research ................................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Market size ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 SWOT analysis ............................................................................................................... 12
Strengths ................................................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Weaknesses ............................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Opportunities .......................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Threats .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.4 PESTEL Analysis ........................................................................................................... 13
Political Aspect ................................................................................................................ 13
Economic aspect ............................................................................................................... 13
Technological factor ......................................................................................................... 14
Environmental Aspect ...................................................................................................... 14
Legal Aspect ..................................................................................................................... 14
4. Market segmentation ............................................................................................................ 15
4.2. Psychographic ............................................................................................................... 15
Behavioristic .............................................................................................................. 15
4.4. Geographic .................................................................................................................... 15
4.5. Target market needs and wants ..................................................................................... 16
Positioning ........................................................................................................................ 16
Marketing objectives and strategies ................................................................................. 16
6.1. Product .......................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.1. Benefits................................................................................................................... 17
6.2. Place .............................................................................................................................. 18
6.3. Promotion ...................................................................................................................... 19
6.4. Price ............................................................................................................................... 20
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 21
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 22
1. Introduction
1.1. Presentation of Brand
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi Company which
sells Turkish coffee was established in 1871. Compared
to other Turkish coffee brands, Mehmet Efendi is the
leader in the coffee sector in Turkey. They started
roasting raw coffee beans, grinding them in mortars, and
selling roasted and ready-ground Turkish coffee to
customers. After they have grown rapidly over the last
decades, they increased the product line by adding filter
coffee, espresso, etc. but their well-known and strong
Figure 1
product is still Turkish coffee. Turkish coffee product of
Mehmet Efendi is produced from high-quality Arabica beans.
1.2. Presentation of Product
In Turkey, drinking Turkish coffee is like a platform that connects to people in order to have a
good conversation, build a strong relationship. Turkish coffee is the only coffee served without
filtering, Turkish coffee is the only coffee cooked by boiling ground coffee beans.
In Figure2, there is equipment for cooking Turkish coffee.
1) Measure the water with the cup and put it in the pot.
2) Add to pot, 2 teaspoons of coffee (6 g) per cup.
3) Stir the coffee well over low
4) Take from heat, when it is
5) It is customary to give water
while serving Turkish Coffee. The
drinking water prepares the mouth
for the taste of the coffee. (Figure3) Figure 3
Thanks to technological developments, some brands which produce electronic devices for
home, improved some electrical tools for cooking Turkish coffee (Figure4)
Figure 4
Compared to other types of coffee, Turkish coffee contains less caffeine per serving. It
is not harmful to consume it several times a day, as it is less in quantity than regular coffee. On
the contrary, it has many benefits for your health.
1.3. The aim of the Marketing Plan
In this marketing plan, there will be an
analysis of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi,
coffee sectors in both Turkey, Spain, and also
its introduction to the Spanish coffee market. In
my point, the Spanish coffee market could be a
potential market for the Turkish coffee product
of Mehmet Efendi. Drinking Turkish coffee is
one of the cultural things in Turkey but I believe
that we can spread this behavior all around
Spain as Italian pizza and Mexican tacos
The desire is to put these
products of Mehmet
Efendi on the supermarket
shelves and adding to
The Covid-19 crisis has
been affecting all sector including coffee sector. Especially all around Europe, usually all bars
restaurants and coffee shops are closed by government. Though social distancing and lockdown
measures, it is easy to observe that there is a reduction in consumption for coffee. The
producers, exporter, importer in coffee sector are suffering from Covid-19 situation. The value
in April 2020 was approximately 10% lower than the market price in December 2019. However,
all sector is on downward including coffee sector, there can be perk up again. Also the imagine
of drinking coffee can be showed like no matter where they are, they can drink their favorite
and special coffee in their house.
Moreover, according to Statista charts, the revenue of tea and coffee in Spain, coffee sector has
higher amount revenue as seen on Table1 and Table2.
Table 1-Tea
Table 2- Coffe
2. Company overview
2.1 Country of origin: Spain
Today the culture of coffee, in Spain, after many years, has finally been established
definitively. The coffee is, almost unanimously, the right drink to start the day and is affecting
every day more and more consumers that are constantly looking for “the perfect coffee”.
Change has however begun: the Spanish are increasingly appreciating coffee of quality.
The way that Spain is pursuing the promotion of the consumption of quality coffee is
more or less what was followed 25 years ago with wine. It started with a product with a value
equal to zero and became the product that today distinguishes Spain in the world. With coffee,
Spain comes in ten years behind Europe; and the success of the single-serving capsules occurred
only five years ago. The advent and expansion of the capsules, however, have introduced a wide
variety of tastes and flavors and gave the product an aura of luxury and refinement that was
missing. Today in Spain drinking coffee has become a form of socializing. In particular,
Nespresso has 21% of the global network of its stores around the world right here in Spain. But
even local chefs like Martin Berasategui, confirm that this trend still rising. He claims that the
charm of this product has enriched the dishes in his restaurants, and is often used in his recipes.
Besides, in this rich territory, you can taste a wide range of specialty coffees: from the carajillo
to the bonbon Valencia coffee, there are many variations of coffee that can be found only here
in Spain. The world of single-dose capsules in Spain today represents an amazing success.
Spanish prefer, more and more, to consume coffee at home –62.6% against 37.12% who prefer
to drink it in the bar. The Federación Española del Café (FEC) in fact announced a drop in bar
consumption, which lost a 9.1% share.
In conclusion, the coffee market in Spain has evolved over the years. It has gone from
consumers who accepted any type of coffee, bitter and of poor quality, to get to increasingly
demanding consumers on the quality of the coffee and how to prepare and serve it.
2.2 History of the company
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi introduced his brand of coffee in 1871 after taking over
his father's transfer from a shop (a shop selling various herbs and spices) in 1871. It is not just
the largest and oldest coffee company but it is also the first company to provide roasted and
ground coffee. The heavenly atmosphere of Turkish coffee has taken over Istanbul’s Tahmis
Street (where the shops are) and has continued the tradition for centuries. Kurukahveci
Mehmet Efendi combines traditional production methods with modern technology and
attaches great importance to details. It is one of the leading brands of Turkish coffee. From
father to son, from master to apprentice, the quality which is passed down from generation to
generation has remained the same.
The corporation began dispensing its coffee in grocery stocks in spring paper bundles.
This was an additional “first” in Turkey. Furthermore, the corporation spread its advertising
over placards and charts, the additional major invention of the time. In this time, it began
allocating coffee in exceptional trucks in Turkey, also open an outlet on “Sahne Street in
Later Ahmet Rıza death, the enterprise went into the 3rd and 4th generations subsequently
Mehmet Efendi. The novel coffee machinery that was established a period afterward mortars
and insects, in which “Mehmet Efendi” drew his coffee, transformed the “Kurukahveci Mehmet
Efendi” into a rising brand that has grown Turkish coffee for lots of coffee courtesans. Today,
spreading coffee to further than 50 states, the company lasts its 145-year-old achievement story,
joining traditional manufacture with state-of-the-art expertise, and experimenting with
invention and excellence. As time goes on, “Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi” remains to produce
delightful coffee with a substantial form, which is an irreplaceable joy for old and young alike,
and whoever values those instants that make a life substance living.
Now, Mehmet Efendi's grandson runs the company. Smart packaging can maintain the
freshness of coffee until the expiration date, and the brand has been promoted all over the world,
and Turkey’s tastes for coffee lovers all over the world are in good condition (KIRAÇ,
GÜNGÖREN, and KAPTI,). When you walk in front of the store, you will see the queue outside
the takeaway window, and people seem to be in desperate need of getting the coffee. In the
iconic location, filter coffee, espresso, and cocoa, and Turkish coffee are sold. If prepared
accurately, every cup of Turkish coffee using Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi will produce a thick
syrup consistency and aroma that stimulates the taste buds. Arabica coffee beans take people to
the cafe to complete a "big meal” so that students stay awake all night and accompany the Turks
in "time". No matter where you are, you can drink a cup of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi
Turkish coffee, a cup of Turkish history, flavor and it will never fail to show tradition.
2.3.4. Values of Company
149 years experience
High-quality production
Contemporary production technology
Not to compromise on quality in production
Environmental awareness in production
For Customers, the “Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi” brand is a symbol of “delicious, highquality Turkish coffee”. Functioning with its mission, “bringing delicious Turkish coffee to
coffee lovers everywhere, and coffee in Turkey Introducing a wide audience around the world
without compromising on any standards”, the corporation uses specialized technologies and
ways established in the built-up procedure, quality-oriented asset, and investigation. The
invention is a measure of the corporate culture of “Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi’s” and retains
the brand new. It, with its changing standards, has earned the high respect of its users.
Acknowledged as “one of us” by lots of consumers of all ages, this trademark is known as
“experienced, well-established, reliable, innovative, a leader, modest, sincere, warm” and with
these features, the product stands out as a desirable instance globally.
2.3 Company Vision and Mission
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi is a global company that continues to grow in the coffee
industry. Its mission is to "introduce the taste of Turkish coffee to coffee machines everywhere,
and introduce Turkish coffee to people from all over the world without sacrificing quality."
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi is unique in Turkish coffee production with its original technology
and methods developed in the coffee production process, investment, and research to improve
quality which has helped them to gain an excellent reputation. Their customers know that they
can depend on their consistent excellent quality (Yaz, and Şen, 2019). Since 1871, Kurukahveci
Mehmet Efendi has been defined by an innovative spirit and meticulous attention to detail. The
company combines traditional production methods with the latest technology, combining years
of knowledge and experience with innovative spirit while producing special coffee with unique
taste. In this way, every sip of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee will add joy to the lives of
3. Marketing audit
KuruKahveci Mehmet Efendi, which was founded in 1871 and is still the first brand that
comes to mind when it comes to Turkish Coffee; continues on its way without compromising
its traditional attitude. Although it has a certain fixed customer, even if you only use a
Facebook page from social media networks; It is frequently mentioned in blogs, food
websites, restaurant, and venue sites. However, the brand has not taken any particular attitude
towards the development of Turkish coffee and its spread to the world.
3.1 Market research
In Spain, coffee is part of gastronomic culture, coffee is served almost every day, from
breakfast to lunch break and after-dinner etiquette. The annual coffee consumption in Spain is
4.5 kg per person. This figure even exceeds Brazil and Italy (the countries with the highest
consumption), Finland (12 kg per person), Norway (9.9 kg), and Iceland (9 kg). Today Spain's
coffee consumption is huge, and Spanish people have a habit of drinking coffee every day.
Spain’s annual consumption can easily exceed 14 billion cups. In other words, the per capita
annual consumption of Ricardo Oteros, the leading premium coffee general manager, is
170,000 tons of green coffee beans, and about 600 cups of supracafé brand per person per
year. Per capita, coffee consumption in Spain Compared with other industrialized countries is
higher, while this figure has been very low. Although the consumption growth rate is small,
an upward trend can still be seen. According to Oteros, Spain’s traditionally imported lowquality coffee and the quality of Torrifato coffee has been at a low level (Figueroa and de
Meneses, 2013). The current market is developing, with higher-quality coffee niches and
consumption in distribution. It is a service-based company that sells green coffee beans. Its
general manager Juan García Ramos (Juan García Ramos) stated that its importance and
relevance are growing every year and contributing to the food industry. He said that they have
the latest certificates (UTZ, Rainforest, Organic, Fair Trade, etc.), which have greatly
improved the quality of purchases. It is the first company in Spain to obtain double
certification for green coffee: IFS (International Food Standard) and BRC (Global Food
Safety Standard).
3.2 Market size
There are approximately 250-300 coffee roasters in Spain, 130 of which are members of the
Spanish Coffee Roasters Association and the Spanish Coffee Federation. In the past ten years,
the company's centralization process has accelerated and will continue in the next few years.
The number of companies will be significantly reduced. There are several reasons: family
businesses, many of which have related legacy issues, encounter greater difficulties at the
commercial operation level (coffee machines, store financing, etc.), some companies pursue
scale, while others lack professionalism. If we want to identify big brands, we must
distinguish those household and consumer brands that operate in the market, and brands that
specifically target coffee. Nestlé, Kraft, and Sara Lee, three multinational companies and
some major distribution chain brands (such as Carrefour, Mercadona, Erroski, etc.) control the
domestic market (Coronel, et al., 2012).
Multinational companies and large distribution chains occupy 90% of the market. Then there
are many roasters operating at the regional level, but no more than 30. The latter can also be
used in the market where there are no other brands of baking machines (no brand has a market
share of more than 10%) and is suitable for regional or local brand markets. The market size
of the firm by revenue as shown in the figure. It indicates the record of the market for five
years from 2015 to 2020. The market size is expanding every year. The highest increase in the
market size was observed in the year 2020.
3.3 SWOT analysis
The Turkish persons offer coffee to any consumer and try to introduce it to outsiders because
of the feature of protection of national values. All members of the coffee society in Turkey
follow the Turkish tradition. In particular, family, cup and pot producers, master apprentices
in coffee houses, workers, ground coffee sellers are included in this tradition. Moreover,
foreigners visiting the tradition consider it a symbol of the Turkish way of life. This tradition
is considered by the entire Turkish society for example part of its cultural heritage and is
shared by all people of all social and intercultural levels. So this is the biggest strength of the
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi Coffee has several of the above benefits, it has some drawbacks.
(Akgün & Arıcı, 2019). Investigates whether Istanbul, Turkey has been bought and developed
as a clean destination, even though the country has clean resources and is widely used
domestically and internationally. Unfortunately, this city has not been sold as a good
destination and cannot be developed. . Based on literary reviews, official brochures, and
websites, Istanbul has not been successfully marketed as a major urban destination in the
developing world and has not been developed as a clean destination. This culture should make
better use of its unique pure resources.
Coffee should be involved in persuasive films and marketing websites in a more
comprehensive and expressive method. There is a misperception around the origins of coffee
along with the preparation and service techniques. Likewise, many newcomers are subject to
rumors about coffee. Coffee is unluckily weak and unable to be defended sufficiently against
these false claims such as it belongs to the Greeks, any other state. Kurukahveci Mehmet
Efendi coffee is exported to over fifty nations in Europe, Asia, America, and Australia in
modern packaging, it is still weak to compete with other brands. The national coffee brands
should enable the sustainability of coffee for Turkish people traveling abroad, living in
different countries, or studying there as well as any foreigner who prefers firm’s coffee
The most important part of coffee culture through UNESCO is its recognition. This fact
greatly enhances the traditional culture against the confusion of the Turkish culture and its
origins and certain rumors. Another prospect is the ongoing process of setting coffee
standards to keep its cultural stability at the inlet. Explaining the various standards for the
production of coffee, TCCRA launches a project for coffee, such as “product quality, method
and service, and the development and promotion of literature. Standards include the type of
coffee used, roasting techniques, roasting, and grinding machines, packaging, amount of
coffee and sugar used per cup, foam, consistency, color, temperature, flow, taste, and bases”.
The price of coffee offers an average opportunity compared to the prices of other global
brands of various coffee products. Certain Western coffee forms, for example, filtered coffee,
cappuccino, latte, macchiato, etc., are offered at higher prices than Kurukahveci Mehmet
Efendi coffee in Turkey's international chains, Branch Turkey. This fact can be turned into a
benefit by supporting the purchase of coffee among low-budget coffee-loving students. As a
strategy, national coffee shops should keep their product prices competitive with other foreign
The amount of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee offered is lower than other types of coffee
sold by international brands such as iced coffee. For example, Starbucks cup sizes are listed as
vanity that is increasing in quantity many other brands and its small size is usually more than
200 ml. If consumers want to drink their coffee for a longer period, they will prefer these
types of coffee instead of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee or espresso. Similarly, if people
want to complete a long-term conversation with coffee, the amount of Kurukahveci Mehmet
Efendi coffee may not be enough. One of the reasons is that coffee lovers have opted for
coffee over Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee. That is, coffee should be heated and drunk
without clearing the foam. This fact makes it relatively easy to use other coffees in a busy
environment while driving or walking on the road. Properly packaged candies for a firm’s
coffee can be difficult to compete with.
3.4 PESTEL Analysis
Political Aspect
The central political element is sourcing raw materials. This draws the attention of the
politicians and the political countries. That's why, the corporation wants to obey to communal
and eco-friendly principles. It is ready to follow the sourcing strategy. It emphasizes fair trade
practices. The second effect is the need to follow the rules and regulations in the countries
from which Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi buys raw materials. Increased activity and political
awareness in developing countries have made it imperative.
Economic aspect
As several of the realm's economies remain to grow, it has one corporate advantage:
customers have increasing returns. This means that customers have more cash to employ each
year. Though this can have a huge influence on the consumer goods business (for example the
customer electronics commerce), it also distresses the food and beverage industry. For
example consumers become more moderate, they consume more coffee, tea and other such
luxurious beverages. Correspondingly, with increasing revenue, customers are more expected
to grow high-quality products, for example high-quality coffee fields.
The ongoing global recession is Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi biggest external economic
driver. This factor negates the profitability of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi. This has
convinced buyers to move to cheaper alternatives. The company has to deal with rising work
and operational expenses. An environment of increase and falling incomes is instigating a lot
of pressure.
Certain other economic aspects that can distress Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi are:
native currency exchange rates
The native economic situation in different marketplaces
Level of taxation
Social Aspect
“Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee is not just a drink but a sectarian exercise that brings
together cultural sites, social values , and beliefs in the context of the socialization process”.
The socialization of his character can be drawn back to the inaugural of the first coffee houses
in Istanbul with prominent decorations. All members of the coffee society in Turkey follow
the traditional Turkish tradition. In particular, family, cup and pot producers, master novices
in coffee houses, employees, ground coffee vendors are included in this custom. Apart from
visiting outsiders, this custom is considered one of the signs of the Turkish lifestyle. This
custom is considered through the entire Turkish civilization as a part of its cultural inheritance
and is pooled by all people of all ethnic and intercultural levels. This is a testament to the
growing demand for Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee from the former to the current. It is
nearly impossible to visualize a Turkish house lacking a set of one or more cups of coffee.
Technological factor
Technological advancement and mechanization are providing both advantages and
disadvantages in terms of cultural stability. For example, practical electric coffee machines
have been developed as an alternative to the traditional tomb. It can be considered as a
facilitator who likes coffee and prefers less time-consuming methods. Even so, owning one is
still beyond the reach of the average consumer. With the advent of technology, coffeepowered coffee machines have also expanded. Among those who buy coffee from these
machines, they find it attractive.
Similarly, with the advancement of technology, like many water-soluble candies, many
refined packages began to be produced in Turkey. Although this opportunity is beneficial to
sustain the use of Turkish coffee over other types of soluble coffee, its cultural stability is
controversial due to the unavailability of traditional service and delivery methods. Again, the
use of technology and the Internet offers some coffee producers, such as Kurukahveci
Mehmet Efendi, to sell their products via the Internet to people inside or outside Turkey who
can shop online.
Environmental Aspect
Many Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi businesses and international advocacy groups are
concerned. Consumers have even raised issues. Therefore, the company should keep these in
mind to maintain the trust of the customers.
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi should be concerned about some of the environmental factors.
Environmental directions and rules
Environmental catastrophes in states that harvest coffee beans
“Global warming” and other environmental issues
Legal Aspect
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi has to make sure that does not infringe any directions and rules
in the domestic marketplace and in the states from which it purchases raw materials.
Health authorities must also be vigilant about policies and rules concerning caffeine
production and intake.
Other aspects that can distress a corporation are:
Introduction to strict imposts and trade rules
Industry License Terms
4. Market segmentation
This segmentation comprises segmenting the marketplace into groups based on factors such
as nationality, race, religion, education, occupation, income, family size, gender, and age.
This is partly because consumer requirements are closely associated with variables such as
age and income. Also, for relevant causes, there is frequently much more data accessible to
assist with the demographic segmentation procedure. For a cosmetic company, the most
important are age and gender. Depends on the age you can produce a different type of coffee
for every part of your body and every type of skin. Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee makes
different lines of coffee, which are personalized for each age criteria.
4.2. Psychographic
This segmentation is segmenting the marketplace based on customer's traits of personality,
lifestyles, interests, attitudes, and values. Segmentation enables Effendi to better enhance and
brand the coffee product because there will be a clearer match between coffee products and
each segment group's wants and needs. Individuals have diverse traits, attitudes, and interests.
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee can become a part of the lifestyle of each person, who
would start to use the coffee that can provide this coffee will take your attention and you will
pay this attention with joy to that wonderful experience that will wait for you. It will be easier
to catch in this sphere people, as the ones who don’t have a lot of time and interest to take
care of their skin, because the product of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee is as for
everyone, who prefer a high quality, luxury, organic coffee and who are not taking care of the
price and quantity of the products they buy every month.
4.3. Behavioristic
This sort of segmentation distributes consumers into groups based on the way they retort to,
utilize, or know of a good. These segments can categorize consumers in terms of occasions:
When a good is purchased or consumed. Effendi requires to make their customers want their
product. It will be extremely hard not to have or purchase a cup of coffee from Effendi
because it has a huge variety, well-priced, and 100% organic product. Usage: Some
marketplace can be divided into heavy user, medium, light groups. Loyalty: loyal customersthose who buy one brand all or most of the time – are customers that are valuable. Many firms
try to segment their marketplaces into those where loyal consumers can be retained and found
compared with segments where consumers hardly display any artifact Benefits sought: A
significant form of this segmentation. Benefit segmentation needs dealers to comprehend and
identify the main assistances consumers look for in a coffee product.
4.4. Geographic
This coffee could be used all over Spain. It has different lines of offering, so it could make a
lot of people interested in its variety. Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee is more urban
coffee for use every day. That is why it could easily enter the Spanish market where urban
people are waiting for this sort of discovery to enter into their lives.
4.5. Target market needs and wants
In Turkey, to avoid cheapness and to bring life to gatherings, Turks drink a lot of coffee after
breakfast or lunch. Turkey's biggest producer, Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi, is accessible in
more than 50 countries outdoor Turkey, counting, the United States, France, Russia, and New
Zealand. Founded in 1871 and leading the Turkish coffee marketplace, it has the peculiarity
of being the utmost famous brand in Turkey.
Nowadays, organic coffee consumers are looking for a good quality of the product that they
buy. Many brands started to open the line of organic coffee, but it doesn’t mean that it is
going to be good. That is why it is suggested to the consumers the Kurukahveci Mehmet
Efendi coffee brand, which is made only from organic ingredients and which would never
cause damage to the immune system of the buyers More to say, is that the presentation of the
product also attractive and the quantity of each cup is reasonable. Each line of product is
flavored with different flavors that make it easy to see what you need to buy from when you
already know the flavor of the coffee you need. Last year it has become more common to use
natural, organic coffee, and here Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee will satisfy its clients.
Once the firm has made a decision on which marketplace segments to make an entry in, it
must choose what positions it requires to lodge down in those segments. The firms
positioning in the market is making arrangements for a product to dwell in a visible, desirable,
and distinctive position comparative to rivalry products in the mindsets of consumers that lie
in the target market. Here, in this case, the firm has made arrangements to take place in a
unique market for their coffee product because if a product is to be exactly the same as the
others on the marketplace then customers would have no cause to choose it. Effendi has
placed itself in the marketplace as a highly alleged brand (Baffes, Lewin, and Varangis,
2005). The firm has a descriptively clear statement to nurture and inspire the human spirit
"one individual, one cup of coffee and one locality at a time". Effendi's strategy of positioning
is based on the customer so that it can offer the best deal more than what the consumer
expects. The firm has gained a competitive lead over employee satisfaction and customer
satisfaction as Effendi had advanced its strategy of positioning based on the consumer offered
the utmost facility in terms of design, sitting area, and packaging and in terms of employee
welfare. This shows Effendi considers employees as partners and provides them security on a
personal level with the liberty to contribute to every decision of the business and make it
Marketing objectives and strategies
6.1. Product
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee product vision defines why the product exists, what it
stands for, what it is intended to accomplish both from the perspective of customers and
organization, who are the target customers etc. The product strategy of Kurukahveci Mehmet
Efendi coffee outlines the plan of development to evolve the product during the course of its
life-cycle guided by the product vision. While the vision sets the overarching goal of where
the product should head following the product purpose and product objectives, strategy
defines what needs to be done to achieve the product vision and the product roadmap defines
how it will be done. The main function of product marketing is connecting Kurukahveci
Mehmet Efendi coffee customers with the products. More like having a vision for a product. It
requires a good understanding of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi's coffee target customer and
how to position it in the market. The marketing of the product is done according to the
strategies that are initiated with a concept or an idea. It then moves to the several phases of
enhancement that can involve testing of marketing, measuring pricing, training a force of
sales, and introducing promotion. The product marketing tactics encompass every sector in a
business from design and engineering to sales and distribution.
From purchasing green beans to mixing, roasting, crushing, and packing, coffee manufacture
necessitates its expertise, understanding, practice, and delicacy. Selecting the preeminent
coffee beans needs great dedication. It takes patience to create a balanced mix, and grinding
accuracy is required. These distinct formulas, the outcome of years of practice, are passed
depressed from “generation to generation”. “Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi’s” coffee, in
addition to its espresso and strained coffee, is carefully designated from high-quality Arabic
beans. Particularly intended roasting machines are used to show up the explicit local taste of
the beans. Because coffee is heated in this machinery, its excellence and efficacy are at an alltime high, resulting in a perfect blend and whiff profile. Ground and pack in exceptional
containers with an arrangement of traditional expertise and upkeep, with innovative
technology, retains its fragrance and freshness for quite two years.
The coffee brand Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi will sell standardised and comfortable
products. The Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi’s Coffee Brand could experience all four phases
of the production of the product life cycle over a decade. The four stages include brand
launch, brand development, brand maturity and brand degradation.
The role of the R&D team is to create new products under the Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi’s
coffee brand name to ensure that the business meets the market demands of rival brands,
satisfies evolving customer tastes and expectations and ensures sustainable company growth
and development. If the demand for the commodity opens up and more distribution outlets are
in place, the growth stage would rapidly increase in sales volume. Tests and repeat
transactions indicate that the product has been fulfilled by the consumers will result in an
increased amount of sales. Strategies for managing product quality shall be used to ensure that
high revenue levels are sustained. The second final stage is marked by a decline in revenue. In
order to maintain the degree of company revenue, market adjustment, product modification
and marketing mix changing techniques would be used.
6.1.1. Benefits
Positive Effects of Coffee:
Due to the stimulating nature of the caffeine substance, it contains, coffee has an
attention-enhancing and stimulating feature.
It increases the effect of painkillers by 40%.
It reduces the risk of Diabetes.
Delays Alzheimer's.
Strengthens memory and improves performance
The systematic report released by Coffee University has been cast-off for various
determinations for many ages. It is recognized that lemon is used to treat diarrhea in hot
weather in the form of lemon juice and coffee tablets. It is eaten when hungry. It is also useful
in the situation of headaches by scattering a quantity of coffee on the sliced potatoes and
placing it on the temple and it is supposed that it is a little dangerous pain medicine than
normal. It is also described that when somebody feels white, the finger is dished in hot coffee
and it soothes the finger. This is a distinguished application of Public Weight that gives coffee
to poisonous animals.
California asserts that steam from a cup of coffee contains as many antioxidants as three
oranges. Antioxidants contain heterocyclic compounds that prevent cancer and heart disease.
(TCCRA, 2012) Coffee in Turkey balances blood cholesterol levels. This increases the
effectiveness of the painkillers and helps the pain to pass faster. It is also very effective on the
digestive system (Argan et al., 2015). It softens on skin contact (from massage etc.) and is
good for skin ailments (Elite World Hotels Blog) According to a study, Relaxation after
fatigue was found to be related to Turkish coffee.
Considering these beneficial effects, if they are aware of these health facts or find out some of
its benefits on their body and health, they can continue to drink coffee. The growing trend in
recent years, the positive effects of Turkish coffee and the smell can be used in massage and
physical therapy. Therefore, it supports the sustainable use of Turkish coffee in Turkish
gastroenteritis. “Many delicious food recipes including main dishes, chicken and lamb
kebabs, various soups, side dishes, pastries, confectionery, syrups, gum-like candy called
macun, and other delicious desserts, fruits, and spices Turkey delicacies, etc., prepare the
stomach of Turkey”. Though, when it emanates from Turkish food, coffee, which is
associated with this culture, is one of the main values that come to attention.
6.2. Place
Coffee business vendors can emphasize the environment and the thematic incorporation of the
native community for a third-place experience. (Zhang et al., 2019) initiate that ecofriendliness is a very important component is the purchaser's opinion of the value of cash
spent on a cup of coffee. (Yuen & Johnson, 2017) these places are the public space that
contributes to the asset of a communal. Use this to interact and engage. In the age of
technology, coffee businesses strive to create a welcoming environment that resembles a
home away from home. Is, in which it is social and lasting. In the provision of this
development, business, especially coffee businesses, are converting from a social environment
(third place) into a multifaceted place to operate electronic devices in an economic
Distribution channels are any paths towards business partners and/or customers. Therefore, its
aims and objectives are simply to find all those different ways for your products and services
through which they can be found, bought, and appreciated by as many as possible. Apart from
any special-purpose channels, this could be the general premise. The phrase goes back to the
fundamentals of product businesses. Distribution channels might be retail stores, distributors
who resell to retail stores, door-to-door selling, direct selling, affiliate marketing, etc. It's most
often applied to physical products. The strategy for Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi coffee
distribution channels is about which of the channel options it choose, and why.
Normally entering into developed and developing markets take into account the threats and
opportunities that they present, companies employ a variety of strategies. Given the number of
well known enterprises in the target market, the organisation would adopt two strategies,
namely, the establishment of its own businesses/retail outlets and joint ventures. As
developing businesses from scratch is expensive, the organisation will conclude agreements to
sell/market a range of its goods with some local shops and retail outlets. Kurukahveci Mehmet
Efendi’s coffee would only create a joint venture with companies with strategic objectives.
6.3. Promotion
The solitary of Turkey's 1st promoters, “Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi”, was distinct of the 1st
corporations to take a step towards branding. With the help of the visual language of the
1930s advertisement, it became Turkey's first exhibition of graphic enterprise, printed
advertising, outside advertising, and POP content. Its attitude was designed for a display of
household products in 1933, its Opel truck in 1938 with a fairly distributed decoration, its 1st
outdoor advertising plan in 1941, in its calendar pad among 1930 and 1936, and its newspaper
and journal ads ran since 1930-1936. The brand had some significant efforts.
The ads, samples, discounting, word-of-mouth and advertising activities of Kurukahveci
Mehmet Efendi's coffee brand are used to attract the client. In the concept and position of the
target audience for the product, advertising techniques are used and precise message is clearly
passed on.
Knowledge of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi's coffee brand's presence in Vietnam is being
established with promotional strategies. The promotional approach would ensure that targeted
consumers receive the correct details on the Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi's coffee brand
product and accessories.
In this digitization world, Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi's coffee mostly goes for online
marketing. For a new flavor of coffee, Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi need to adopt all the
marketing technique to get brand recognition. They used to print Pamphlets and get
distributed among the general audience, advertise in newspapers & TV, go for outdoor
advertising, and online marketing as well. All the sources of marketing are more expensive
and a new startup cannot afford such expensive marketing techniques. So one must need to
make an analysis and opt for the marketing strategy accordingly.
Marketing strategy overall sub-divided into two parts:
Online Marketing
Off-Line Marketing
While opting for any strategy, just make a chart while pointing out the important things like:
Marketing Budget
Marketing Area
Targeted Audience (Age, Gender, Education)
Estimated ROI
6.4. Price
Pricing is the most important element of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi's marketing. Amongst
the 4ps of marketing pricing is the only element which generates revenue. Which a good
pricing strategy company can achieve a different objective like market share, profit
maximization, or image building. (Adeleke, 2020) To increase the consumer base and gain
competitive benefit in coffee factories, a business vendor has to pay consideration to prices.
Marketer's practice of pricing policies can include pricing, dynamic pricing, service
distribution, and user-driven pricing. (Liozu & Hinterhuber, 2015) In contrast, some business
vendors may vile their pricing policy on price-based pricing.
Value-based pricing, based on the perceived value of the user as an evolution from the
customary one-size-fits-all pricing strategy based on the customer-centric model. By
identifying the customer's needs, desires, and inclination to wage for the service, the
marketer's strategy unveiled the best possible market share to uncover the consumer to
multiple prices (Kienzler, 2018). Kienzler added that through cost-driven innovation, the
business owner has to ensure competitive benefit, increase returns and ensure consumer value
and consumer gratification. Offering dissimilar price opinions and product kinds can permit a
business vendor to cultivate his business. Pricing strategy could be market penetrating pricing
or market skimming pricing or going rate pricing depending upon pricing objective. Looking
at what the total annual expenses are as a percentage of revenue then determines the gross
margin of what is sold from the costs of the sale. Putting some figures in, if total expenses are
25% of revenue then the gross margin needs to be 40%.
Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi company can create rates that represent savings compared with
the product's true value. The brand goods of the company are priced at the highest level to
reflect the company's general position as a high-quality product and service provider. At the
outset, the company will set rates, which will raise production costs by 15 percent and
eventually will increase production costs by 25 percent.
It is expected that the price of rivals will be effective because Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi
company's coffee brand's target market is primarily in the middle class. Moreover, low prices
are related to poor quality.
The value of Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi is price-based as they vend coffee to others as well
as they want to make a profit by considering supply, production, and sales efforts. The price
of coffee offers an average opportunity compared to the prices of other global brands of
various coffee products. Certain Western coffee forms, for example, filtered coffee,
cappuccino, latte, macchiato, etc., are offered at higher prices than Kurukahveci Mehmet
Efendi coffee in Turkey's international chains, Branch Turkey. This fact can be turned into a
benefit by supporting the purchase of coffee among low-budget coffee-loving students. As a
strategy, national coffee shops should keep their product prices competitive with other foreign
It is concluded that the Turkish coffee product of Mehmet Efendi is produced from
high-quality Arabica beans. It is not harmful to consume it several times a day, as it is less in
quantity than regular coffee. With coffee, Spain comes in ten years behind Europe; and the
success of the single-serving capsules occurred only five years ago. The advent and expansion
of the capsules, however, have introduced a wide variety of tastes and flavors and gave the
product an aura of luxury and refinement that was missing. With the interest will be a little bit
more difficult, because a lot of people already have their taste that they have been following
for years and which are unchangeable for them because they suppose not to start something
new if they had already found a ‘perfect taste’ for them. In this case, Effendi has prearranged
his positioning in such a way that it differentiates their goods from rivalry brands and give
them the greatest strategic lead in their target marketplace.
As an outcome, the most significant asset of Efendi’s coffee is that it is a custom rather than a
drink. There are quite many festivities, religious festivals in a civilization that coffee is spent
as a crucial part of them. Though, the danger of worldwide coffee chains develops a crucial
threat to sustaining coffee custom with their extensive range of coffee substitutes and the
number of divisions in Turkey and all above the realm. Their advertising actions should be
examined and used by way of a road map deprived of being imitative directly by the state
Turkish coffee manufacturers and the domestic stores.
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