Deconstructing Essay Questions Using SNAP! SNAP! • • • • • S N A P ! subject of the question number of parts action period of time Unfamiliar vocabulary terms (or ones you’re not sure of) • Suppose George Washington has just given his Farewell Address. Explain the foreign policy he thinks the U.S. should pursue. • Suppose it is 1796. Do you think the U.S. should become involved in world affairs? Why or why not? • Describe what President Adams did to protect U.S. ships in the Atlantic. Then explain whether you think he pursued the best foreign policy option. • Create a simple drawing to represent the problem of piracy by the Barbary States of North Africa. Then explain President Jefferson’s dilemma. • Explain at least three key points of difference between the Federalists and the Republicans. Also name one leader of each party. • Compare the foreign policy advice of George Washington with the actions of James Madison. What motivated each president? • Draw and label a sketch showing what you think is the people of California’s most import