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India's Challenges: Demand, Demographics, Poverty

Centre for Policy Research
Naveen Hari
In paper and reality, a developing country would definitely have its issues, so as India. To pick
three major challenges faced by India in itself is a challenge as there are plethora of challenges
right now. There are several indigenous issues which are further aggravated with unforeseen
externalities like COVID 19 or climate change in one hand while by erroneous government
policies and interventions (like demonetization and political polarizations) on the other hand.
In my opinion, the three major challenges would be as follows:
1. Demand Deficiency: This is a structural issue of Indian economy over decades and still
haven’t seen any significant improvements, rather in recent years the trend shows an
acute dip.
2. Non-exploitation of demographic dividend: This is one of the major arenas where our
policy makers should stress more on as this has the potential of improving both levels
and growth of our country in the medium and long run.
3. Poverty and Unemployment: This is an issue which is aggravated further due to the
negligence of demographic dividend, while demand deficiency is a by-product of this.
All in all, this is not an exhaustive list and might not be the major challenges for another person.
The above stated challenges are the real challenges that I feel if rectified with apt timely
intervention, could help our country prosper like A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s vision 2020, and
ironically, we are still similar to the stage while he was penning the book.