Petroleum Geologist A WebQuest for Careers in Earth Science: Petroleum Geologist Introduction Petroleum remains one of our most important natural energy resources today. Most automobiles still run on petroleum-based gasoline, and petroleum-based fertilizers are a fundamental part of modern agriculture. Petroleum geologists address all aspects of locating and extracting this natural energy resource. In this WebQuest, you will learn more about what petroleum geologists do and their educational requirements. Then, you will create a pamphlet that communicates your findings. Task You work for a large oil drilling corporation. You have been asked to create a petroleum geologist career pamphlet to be used by the community college in your area. The pamphlet will be use to guide students as they make choices in determining their major courses of study that will eventually lead to careers. Process Use the Internet to conduct your research. The following questions will help guide your research. Remember to record your answers. 1. Where do petroleum geologists work? 2. What are the typical working conditions for petroleum geologists? 3. What should one do to prepare for a career as a petroleum geologist? 4. What is the employment outlook for petroleum geologists? 5. What are the salaries of typical petroleum geologists? Pamphlet Once you have completed your research, create a petroleum geologist career pamphlet. Your pamphlet should be informative and accurate; it should address all of the points listed above. It should also be well-organized, engaging, and of professional-looking quality. Resources Be sure to use accurate, reliable resources. You will find helpful sites hosted by professional organizations, by educational institutions, by news organizations, and by federal and state agencies. Be careful to critically evaluate the information you collect and to cross-reference information whenever possible. Evaluation Read this rubric to see how you will be scored on this activity. Task 0 The task was not completed. Process The process was not followed. Pamphlet The pamphlet was missing key information; not all of the points were addressed. Total Score Criteria 5 It appears that some effort was made to complete the task, but major ideas were missing. The process was followed, but not all of the points were addressed. The pamphlet was informative, but it was also disorganized and not engaging. Points 10 The task was completed, but some information was incorrect. 15 The task was completed with great attention to detail. The process was followed, but some of the information gathered is inaccurate. The pamphlet was informative, but it was either disorganized or not engaging. It was clear that much research went into the project. All of the points were addressed in thorough detail. The pamphlet was informative, well organized, and engaging to prospective petroleum geologists.