Uploaded by Fatima Osman

Weekly Reading Quiz: English Comprehension

Weekly Reading Quiz
Directions: Read the following questions and answer them to the best of your
ability. Remember that YOU ARE ALLOWED to look things up on Google, but I
believe you will benefit more from using the documents we read and made notes
on in the following locations:
MS Teams > Y10B/G English > Files > Semester 2 > Reading Material
MS Teams > Y10B/G English > Files > Semester 2 > Collaborative Vocabulary
1- Write the title of this week’s reading passage, the author’s name, and the
year of publication. Remember that you can look this up right now while
you are taking this quiz.
Ex. Do Not Go Gentle by Dylan Thomas was published in 1951.
2- What type of text was this? Delete all the following options except the one
that is your answer.
fiction short story – Non-fiction short story – poem – article
3- Choose ONE of the two readings that we discussed between February 14
and February 24. Explain what it was about. Write 3-5 sentences.
4- Write a sentence describing a detail in the beginning of the reading
5- Write a sentence describing a detail in the middle of the reading passage.
6- Write a sentence describing a detail from the end of the reading passage.
7- Provide three vocabulary words that we discussed from this reading
passage, and their definitions.
Ex. grieved: to be deeply upset about something
8- Write a sentence for three different vocabulary words that we discussed
from this reading passage.
Ex. meteors: I watched the meteors shooting brilliantly through the
night sky like fireworks.
9- What do you think was the author’s reason for writing this?
10- What is something new that you learned from reading and discussing this
week’s passage. Write 3-5 sentences.