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Analog to RF Design: Circuits, Constraints, and Techniques

Proc. IEEE 2004 Int. Conference an MicroelectronicTest Structures, Vol 17, March 2004.
From Analog to RF Design
Kast. Arenberg 10
B-3001 Leuven
Absrracr. Analog design has hitherto been carried
out with emphasis on operational amplifiers. Their main
design constraints are stability and noise. Important
applications are Sigma-Delta converters. Other ADC’s and
DACs however suffer firstly f r o m mismatch.
Communications circuits, such as synthesizers and PLL’s
require stable feedback loops with low-noise devices. They
also involve VCO’s and LNA’s which require highfrequency devices and better models for distortion. This is
different indeed from conventional analog design.
Mainstream analog and RF design can somehow he
categorized in the following types of circuitry:
1. Operational amplifiers
2. Sigma-delta converters
3. ADCs and DACs
4. Synthesizers and PLLs
5. Optical receivers
6. VCO’s and LNA’s
The first ones are well-known analog circuits
whereas the last ones are well-known RF circuits. The
require different solutions for the design constraints
however. For example stability, which is determined by
pole- and zero positioning, is a more stringent requirement
for opamps and sigma-delta converters, than for optical
receivers and Voltage controlled oscillators (VCO’s).
Matching on the other hand is crucial for ADCs and DACs.
Noise is important for both analog as for RF designs.
Distortion on the other hand, together with high-frequency
capability are typical aspects of RF design.
This is illustrated next for the several categories of
Because of the low supply voltages coming with
deep-submicron CMOS, more and more operational
0-7803-8262-5/04/$17.0002004 IEEE
amplifiers require three stages. This is obviously true
for driver amplifiers. For stability, 3 stages inevitably
leads to larger power consumption in the second and
especially last stage. A good example is the nestedMiller Compensation technique II ] . Several new
configurations have been devised however to reduce
the power consumption. The most recent one 121
reduces the power consumption by an order of
magnitude. It is called the AC boosting compensation
(ACBC) technique because it introduces a parallel
amplifier to the middle one as shown in Figure I . The
resulting Figure of Merit of GBW.CL/I,,,, reaches values
up to 6000 MHz.pF/mA, which is even better than for a
single-stage opamp.
Figure 1 : ACBC three-stage opamp principle
The main problems of such designs are the
precise settings of poles and zeros, and LO a lesser
extent of specifications such as noise, offset, etc.
These circuits use oversampling to allow
Analog-to-digital conversion beyond 14 bit. For such
high resolutions however, the effect of the quantization
noise must be reduced. This is normally realized by
means of low-pass filters (or noise shaping filters) in
the feedback loop. As a result again stability,
associated with the feedback loop, and noise are the
main design constraints. For IOW
power consumption the
oversampling ratio must be minimized, requiring higherorder low-pass filters, which may impair the stability.
Therefore single-loop filters better be avoided leading to 21-1 and 2-2 mash configurations.
Another problem of these sampled-data filters is that
for supply voltages below 1.8 V , it is no more possible to
use pass transistors as switches. Rather than to use voltage
boosters which stress the thin gate oxides, the operational
amplifier itself can take up the switching function [3]
giving rise to very low power converters.
As a conclusion it can be stated that noise reduction
is the major problem in high-resolution sigma-delta
converters. Because of the high-order feedback loop,
stability can be a problem as well.
result stability and noise are the main constraints in
such design, similarly as for sigma-delta converters.
For example to reach sufficiently low phase
noise such as < -100 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz distance, a
third-order low-pass filter is required giving rise to a
4 I h order PLL. This feedback loop can only be made
stable provided a zero is introduced which doesn’t give
additional noise [5]. Such filter is sketched in Figure 2
together with its Bode diagram.
Both ADC’s and DAC’s suffer from a lack of
matching. For example charge redistribution DAC’s rely on
the matching of a hank of capacitances, which can easily
reach matching to 0.02 %. This results in resolutions of
5000 or about 12 hit. Current steering DAC’s on the other
hand rely on matching of current sources, for which 10 bits
is more common. The resolution can be predicted quite
accurately provided the matching parameters Ag and A,,
are known. They are about
Ag = 2 %pm
A,, = 1 mVpm per nm f, (= U50)
Which is about 2.6 mVpm for a 0.13 pm CMOS
technology, or 7 mVpm for a 0.35 pm CMOS technology.
In this latter technology a lGS/s 10 bit DAC has been
reported [4].
Matching is also the main limitation for most
ADC’s. For example in charge redistribution ADC’s hut
also in flash ADC’s and pipeline ADC’s matching
establishes the limitations. It thus comes as no surprise that
the minimum power required to carry out an Analog-todigital conversion for a specific signal frequency is
proportional to the dynamic range required. This minimum
is two orders of magnitude higher when mismatch is taken
into account than when thermal noise is taken into account.
As a result mismatch is the real limit for the design of high
performance ADC’s and DAC’s.
PLL based receivers and synthesizers require high
spectral purity not mix up the adjacent channels. As a result
the phase noise or jitter must be minimized. This requires a
PLL with a higher-order low-pass filter to minimize the
noise. but with sufficient phase-margin for stability. As a
Figure 2 : (a) 3-order low-pass filter to reduce
noise; (h) the required Bode diagram for stability.
The synthesis of this zero in a noiseless way is
essential to reach the low phase noise required.
A PLL with a fractional divider is the core of
any multi-channel synthesizer. To avoid spurious
signals in the high-frequency output. a sigma-delta
converter is required to drive the divider as shown in
Figure 3 161. Again a high-order low-pass filter must reduce
the noise as much as possible. Again stability and noise
have to be traded off.
= vsa! 2rr:
in which vssc = IO' cm/s is the saturation
It is clear that for a channel length of 90 nm,an
fT can be expected beyond 100 GHz, which will push
CMOS even further towards RF applications !
Transimpedance amplifiers greatly benefit from such
high fT values, slowly replacing most bipolar
transimpedance amplifiers by CMOS ones. A direct
comparison shows that both the highest frequency
performance and the lowest noise can be achieved by
means of the voltage input amplifier, not the current
input one.
Optical receivers require transimpedance amplifiers
to convert the weak photodiode currents into voltages with
logic levels. Voltage amplifiers can be used or current
amplifiers. Both however have to reach as high frequencies
as possible and with minimum noise.
High performance is obviously reached for
minimum channel lengths. Below 0.35 pm channel length
the maximum fT of MOSTs is already dominated by
velocity saturation as shown in Figure.4. Frequency fT is
for a conventional model; fT,,, with velocity saturation and
f , is for a current mirror (B=I).
The best known RF circuits are Voltage
controlled oscillators (VCO's) and Low-noise
amplifiers (LNA's). Both require the highest frequency
devices possible and low noise. Moreover the LNA
requires at the same time low distortion.
VCO's are normally symmetrical (Figure 5 ) .
The frequency U& is set by the inductor with the diode
capacitances. Tuning is thus possible by means of
voltage V,. The two cross-coupled transistors provide a
negative resistance which must compensate the loss
resistance RL of the inductors. The minimum current
consumption is thus given by
g, = RL (CD %I2
Since this resistance also determines the phase
noise, it is clear that it is vital to be able to realize spiral
inductors with as little series resistance as possible.
I (GHr)
L(mlcron) IO
Figure 4. Maximum fr values of MOSTs versus
channel length
Frequency fTsa,is given by
Figure 5: High-frequency VCO
Bonding wires have been used hut also
micromachined inductors. Nowadays mainly aluminum
inductors are used with careful optimization of the line
width, the spacing, etc. As a result low phase noise (less
than -100 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz) are readily obtained, even
with tuning ranges of up to 30 90.
LNA’s are the first amplifiers of receivers. They
have to be able to amplify high-frequency small signals
with low noise but they must be able to handle large
- input
signals with little crossmodulation distortion. They have to
be carefully optimized, despite the fact that only a few
transistors are used (Figure 6). Moreover the ESD
protection must be part of the design [7]. This greatly
complicates the impedance matching and the noise
matching at the input.
Figure 6: LNA for receiver
Normally low distortion is reached by the choice of
a large value of (VGs-VT). However because of the onset of
velocity saturation, a point of zero third-order
intermodulation distortion can be found, just above the
threshold voltage. This capability will certainly more
exploited in the future, when velocity saturation sets in
even for lower V,, values.
RF circuits differentiate form conventional
analog circuits in the sense that they require more
attention for high frequency performance and for
distortion. Requirements such as low-noise and
matching continue to play an important role. Moreover
feedback loops of any kind such as i n operational
amplifiers, sigma-delta converters and PLL’s must
obviously always be made stable.
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