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Phlebotomy Technique: ETS Venipuncture Procedure Assignment

Far Eastern University
Institute of Arts and Sciences
Department of Medical Technology
2nd Semester, AY 2021-2022
MTY 1202 – Principles of Medical Technology Practice 2 (PMTP2)
ASSIGNMENT NO. 1 – Phlebotomy Technique
Instruction: The table below is a step by step procedure on performing Routine venipuncture using
Evacuated Tube System (ETS). Complete the table by writing the missing steps and by giving
explanation or rationale of the step. Answer per box must be maximum of 200 words and should be
written in your own words.
Routine ETS Venipuncture Procedure
1. Review and Accession Test Request
Checking of the patient’s requested test,
2. Approach, Identify, and prepare patient
Approaching the patient and asking questions
like, “ What is your birthday or date of birth?”,
“What is your name?” to know more information
about he patient.
3. Verify diet restrictions, latex sensitivity and Assessing the patient’s state such as diet,
explain the procedure to the patient
allergies, and etc.
5. Assemble the equipment
The preparation of equipment such as needles,
Evacuated collection tubes, Holder/Adapter,
Tourniquet, Alcohol Wipes, Providone-iodine
swabs, Gauze sponges, Adhesive bandages,
Needle disposal unit, Gloves, Syringes.
6. Position patient, apply tourniquet, and ask The patient’s seat has to be comfortable and has
patient to make a fist
to be seated for at least 5 minutes to prevent the
patient’s feeling of being rushed. Applying
tourniquet to avoid bacterial infection before the
use of syringe. The making of fist helps making
the veins more visible during the process of blood
7. Select vein, release tourniquet ask patient to For blood draws, the median cubital vein is the
open the fist
first alternative because it has a reduced
proximity in the arm to arteries and nerves. The
second choice is the lateral cephalic vein, and the
last choice is the basil vein in the medial arm, and
for the last opening the fist to relax the veins and
to control the blood flow.
9. Reapply tourniquet, uncap, inspect needle
The reapplying of tourniquet makes sure that the
site will not be contaminated, when uncapping
the needle, make sure to inspect the needles’
state and if there are defects, replace it
10. Ask the patient to remake a fist, anchor vein, Making a first to make veins more visible, whining
and insert needle
anchoring make sure to be careful not to touch
the insertion site to avoid contamination, inserting
needle at a specific angle whether its for
antecubital veins or a hand veins.
11. Establish blood flow, collect blood in the
correct order of draw, mix tubes
13. Place gauze, remove needle, activate safety Just before extracting the needle, put the gauze
feature and apply pressure
gently over the site so that you can apply
immediate pressure when removing the needle.
At this stage, you can ask the patient to use the
gauze to maintain pressure. If the patient is
unable to do so, then you must finish this stage.
Keep the pressure for 2 minutes at the very least.
14. Dispose needle and tube holder in a sharps The disposal of sharp objects such as needles
and other materials should be in the sharps
container to avoid the risk of experiencing a
needle stick.
16. Check the puncture site and apply bandage
Assessing of the site of insertion and checking if
there are signs of bleeding or bruising to prevent
further complications.
17. Dispose used and contaminated materials
As the standard policy, dispose items that are
used during the process because they might be
18. Remove gloves and wash hands
Removing of gloves and throwing it away, and
after that perform hand hygiene by hand washing
with the use of water and soap or using alcohol.
19. Thanks and release the patient
Thanking the patient for being cooperative during
the process of blood collection.
20. Transport specimen to the laboratory
Following the policy of your facility regarding the
transport of lab sample, keeping the tubes upright
and avoid brash movements that makes put the
samples at risk.