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CHC2D Canadian History Culminating Assignment

CHC2D Final Culminating Activity
The culminating activity for CHC2D will be broken down into three parts all dealing with the
changing times that Canada experiences in the past century.
TASK: Stage 1 – World War I (Letter)
Students will demonstrate an understanding and give a critical analysis of a pivotal event from
World War I in which your character participated. The letter must be written on ONE of the
following topics:
A Canadian soldier/nurse describing the conditions of the trenches and the frontline.
The letter will include quotes from your character and will describe his /her reaction to the
horrors of the war and its effects on their mental wellbeing.
A Canadian worker/family member of a Canadian soldier describing life at the factories
or the home front. The letter will include quotes from your character and will describe his /her
reaction to the horrors of the war and its effects on their mental wellbeing.
The fact base of your letter must include the following:
- A minimum of 15 solid facts of your choice including details on the following:
- One major battle (Canadians were involved in)
- One new type of weaponry
- Conditions in the trenches
- Key person (e.g. name of a commander, war hero, etc)
* be sure that your factual data is appropriate and accurate for the date that you choose to
write on
The letter must also include:
What you thought of the war
A description of your feelings and emotions based on your “experiences”
An explanation of how new technology has effected your life
- The letter should be written using proper paragraphs
- Aim to move towards a more sophisticated vocabulary & use of complex sentence structure
- Be sure to proofread carefully for spelling and grammatical errors
Assessment & Evaluation
Level 4
- Facts selected are
accurate, highly relevant
and selected from an
excellent variety of
- Facts selected and
content of letter are rich
in powerful detail, thus
creating a vivid picture
of a WWI experience
- Facts selected and
content of letter contain
detail that helps to
create a good picture of
a WWI experience
- Evidence of some
attempt to select
accurate, relevant
historical details from a
variety of sources
59% & below
- More attention to
selection of accurate,
relevant & significant facts
 Additional sources
need to be used
- Facts selected and
content of letter contain
some detail that helps to
create a picture of a
WWI experience
- Facts selected and
content of letter do not
really create a limited
picture of a WWI
- Highly effective
explanations are
- Considerably effective
explanations are
- Moderately effective
explanations are
- Explanations are not
- Spelling & grammar
almost error free
- Very few errors
with spelling &
- Moderate editing for
spelling & grammar
- Spelling & grammar
require considerable
- Sophisticated
vocabulary & complex
sentence structure used
most of the time
- Evidence of some
attempt at using
vocabulary & complex
sentence structure
- Simple vocabulary &
sentence structure used
- Letter reflects task
and time period studied
to a considerable
- Letter is somewhat
reflective of task and
time period
- Sophisticated
vocabulary and complex
sentence structure used
Quality of
Level 3
- Facts selected are
accurate, relevant and
selected from a good
variety of sources
- Letter is highly
reflective of task and
time period studied
- Facts have been
incorporated smoothly
into writing
- Facts have been
incorporated into writing
in a fairly smooth
- Facts are present but
need to be more
smoothly integrated into
- Letter reflects task and time
period studied to a limited
Much more attention to
smoothly incorporating facts
into your letter necessary
CHC2D – Canadian History
Task 2: World War II (News Report)
Students will demonstrate an understanding and give a critical analysis of a pivotal event from World
War II in which your character participated. The news report must be written on ONE of the following
Newspaper article describing the events of the Holocaust. The article will be include quotes
from your character will describe his /her reaction to the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis
during WWII.
Newspaper article describing a pivotal battle in which your character participated (ie. D-Day,
Italian Campaign, Battle of Britain, Liberation of the Netherlands). The article will be include
quotes from your character which will describe his / her reaction to the key battle.
How to Write a News Report
A news report is written in a structure called an ‘inverted pyramid’.
1. Headline
a) approx. 6 words or less that
contains key message of the story
2. Key Facts of the Issue
a) Lead sentence- clear factual statement of what
b) Key Facts- 5Ws: Who, What, Where, When, Why
c) Picture with caption
3. Supporting Details
a) background information
b) quotes from bystanders or participants
c) any other additional details
d) concluding statement
Reminders for News
- write in the past tense
- be objective and
- short paragraphs
Depending which perspective your fictional character is writing from:
News Report on the Holocaust
News Report on a Key Battle
Newspaper article describing the events of the
Holocaust. The article will be include quotes from
your character will describe his /her reaction to
the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis during
WWII. In your article you must discuss the
Newspaper article describing a pivotal battle in
which your character participated (ie. D-Day,
Italian Campaign, Battle of Britain, Liberation of
the Netherlands). The article will be include
quotes from your character which will describe
his / her reaction to the key battle. In your article
you must discuss the following:
why and how Hitler came to power
The economic conditions of Germany
before the rise of the Nazis
Hitler’s reasons for targeting specific
ethnic / religious groups
Hitler’s plan of extermination including
details about the concentration /
extermination camps
Canada’s and the world’s response to
Hitler and the Holocaust
Impact of the Holocaust on the war and
The article should include facts and a vivid
and detailed description of the many realities
of the Holocaust. This must be written in the
form of a news report and must follow the
set criteria and structure.
Where / when the battle took place and
Canada’s role
Key reasons for the battle / key
Technology / weapons used
Planning of the battle and execution
Results of the battle
Impact of the battle on the war and on
The article should include facts and a vivid
and detailed description of the many
realities of the World War II and the battle.
This must be written in the form of a news
report and must follow the set criteria and
WWII News Report: Rubric
Content of News
Organization /
Thinking / Inquiry
Article - Quotes
Supporting Details
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
article that
establishes a clear
purpose in the
lead paragraph
and demonstrates
a very clear and
understanding of
the topic
-proficient article
that establishes a
clear purpose in
the lead paragraph
and demonstrate a
clear and accurate
understanding of
the topic.
-adequate article
that attempts to
establish a
purpose in the
lead paragraph
and demonstrate
understanding of
the topic.
-article needs to
establishes a more
clear purpose in
the lead paragraph
and demonstrate a
more clear
understanding of
the topic.
-detailed report
that follows all
criteria of a news
-news report is
concise, organized
and ideas progress
smoothly and
-detailed report
that follows most
of criteria of a
news report
-news report is
concise, organized
and ideas progress
smoothly and
-report could be
more detailed and
needs to follow all
criteria of a news
-news report is
somewhat concise,
organized and
ideas need to
progress more
-report lacks detail
and needs to
follow all criteria
of a news report
-news report
needs to be more
concise, organized
and logical
selection of quotes
and additional
details that
enhance the
article and create
a very clear and
vivid report
-Great selection of
quotes and
additional details
that enhance the
article and create
a clear and vivid
selection of quotes
and additional
details that
attempt to
enhance the
article and create
a clear report
-Article contains
little to no quotes
or additional
-excellent use of
language that is
unbiased and
highlights the key
-good use of
language that is
unbiased and
highlights the key
-adequate use of
language that is
unbiased and
highlights the key
-poor use of
language that is
not always
objective or
- excellent
- good language
conventions with
minimal errors
- some errors in
- many
unnecessary errors
in language
TASK 3: Post-War Collage/Scrapbook
For this part of the culminating project you will be creating a collage of post war themed
pictures. Imagine being a teenager in any of the post-war decades 50’, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. You
can choose a decade of your choice and choose images (events, movies, music, culture, politics,
etc.) that best embodies that decade. In addition to the collage of pictures you will need to
write what the pictures are and why they are significant in history. The write up is expected to
be in full sentences. There is a rubric attached to this sheet. Please make sure that you read it
prior to starting your collage. Within each decade we covered, we focused on some key ideas:
trends and fashion, world events and politics, society, and the economy. Please try to
incorporate these key ideas into your assignment. You should be able to use your notes to help
you with these key ideas.
When completing the written part please answer the following questions on a separate
page for each image that you have chosen. Answers should be typed.
1) Describe what the image is of, and what decade it is from.
2) Explain how it is significant in the context of history that we have discussed. What does it
relate to (trends and fashion, world events and politics, society, or the economy), and why?
This assignment will be due: April 27th
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Instructions to get started:
Use this link to learn how to use Powerpoint to make a collage/scrapbook
Name: _________________________________________
Post War Collage Rubric
1 (50-59)
2 (60-69%)
3 (70-79%)
4 (80-100%)
Very little writing: makes
assessment difficult or not
Acceptable Expression of
written work.
Good Expression of ideas
and reasoning for images
High quality of expression.
Lack of Spell Check
Knowledge and
Thinking/ Inquiry
Point form
Content not related to
historical context.
Some major spelling or
grammatical errors present
Some understanding of the
images used and their
historical context.
3 images used.
Demonstrates limited
knowledge of content
5 images used.
Demonstrates some
knowledge of content
Demonstrates limited
understanding of content
Demonstrates some
understanding of content
Uses planning skills with
limited effectiveness.
Uses processing skills with
limited effectiveness.
Uses critical/creative
thinking processes with
limited effectiveness.
Uses planning skills with
some effectiveness.
Uses processing skills with
some effectiveness
Uses critical/ creative
thinking processes with
some effectiveness
Full Sentences are used.
Few grammatical errors
Understanding of historical
context present in the
6 images used.
considerable knowledge of
understanding of content
Uses planning skills with
considerable effectiveness
Uses processing skills with
considerable effectiveness
Uses critical/creative
thinking processes with
considerable effectiveness
Clearly explains why
certain photos are chosen
No spelling or grammatical
Clear Understanding of
historical content, makes
links between related
More than 6 images used.
Demonstrates thorough
knowledge of content
Demonstrates thorough
understanding of content
Uses planning skills with a
high degree of
Uses processing skills with
a high degree of
Uses critical/creative
thinking processes with a
high degree of