BIOLOGY PROJECT ON DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE SESSION-2020-2021 DIGVIJAY MEMORIAL SCHOOL SUBMITTED BY: VIJAY SINGH ROLL NO: CLASS: XII (MEDICAL) SUBMITTED TO: MS. GUNJAN (Dept OF BIO.) CERTIFICATE DURING THE ACADMIC YEAR 2020-2021. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS DISEERATION TITLED ‘DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE’ SUBMITTED BY VIJAY SINGH TO DEPARTMENT OF DIGVIJAY MEMORIAL SCHOOL, HISAR WAS CARRIED UNDER GUIDENCE AND SUPERVISION. DATED (MS. GUNJAN) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people and I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of my project. All that I have done is only due to such supervision and assitance and I would not forget to thank them. I respect and thank MS. Gunjan , for providing me an opportunity to do the project work in DMS and giving us all support and guidance which made me complete the project. I am extremely thankful to her for providing such a nice support and guidance although she had busy schedule managing the corporate affairs NAME: VIJAY SINGH CLASS:XII(MEDICAL) INDEX SUBJECT PAGE NO. PART LIST 1 INTRODUCTION 2 OPIOIDS 3-4 CANNABINOIDS 5-6 COCAINE 7-8 ADDICTION AND DEPENDENCE 9 EFFECT OF DRUG/ALCOHOL ABUSE 10 PREVENTION AND CONTROL 11 PART LIST INTRODUCTION VARIOUS TYPES OF DRUGS ADDICTION AND DEPENDENCE EFFECT OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE PREVENTION AND CONTROL INTRODUCTION Surveys and statistics show that use of drugs and alcohol has been on the rise especially among the youth. This is really a cause of concern as it could result in many harmful effects. Majority of these are obtained from flowering plants and some are obtained from fungi. OPIOIDS These are the drugs which bind to specific opioid receptors present in our central nervous system and gastro intestinal tract. Heroin, commonly called smack is chemically diacetylmorphine which is white, odourless, bitter, crystalline compound. This is obtained by acetylation or morphine, which is extracted from the latex of poppy plant. It is taken by snorting and injection, heroin is a depressant and slows down body functions. Chemical structure of opioids Poppy plant CANNABINOIDS These are the group of chemicals which interact with cannabinoids are obtained from the inflorosence of the cannabis sativa. The flower tops, leaves and resin of cannabis plant are used in various combinations to produce marijuana, hashish, charas and ganja. The are taken by inhalation or oral injection These are known for their effect on cardiovascular system of body. SKELETAL STRUCTURE OF CANNABINIOD MOLECULE CANNABIS SATIVA COCAINE Coca alkaloid or cocaine is obtained from coca plant erythroxylum coca, native to south America It interferes with the transport of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Cocaine, commonly called coke or crack is usually snorted. It has a potent stimulating action on CNS. It produce a sense of euphoria and increased energy Excessive dosage of cocaine causes hallucinations. Other well-known plants with hallucinogenic properties are atropa belladona and datura CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF COCAINE ERYTHROXYLUM COCA ADDICTION AND DEPENDENCE Addiction may involve: Using drugs despite the consequences. Being unable to stop using drugs Neglacting social and work obligations because of drug use. Dependence It’s possible to be dependent on drugs without being addicted. Dependence can be bodily response to a substance. This often occurs if you repy on medications to control a chronic medical condition. These conditions may include: High blood pressure Diabetes Glaucoma Dependence ma involve: Some or all the symptoms of addiction. EFFECT OF DRUG/ALCOHOL ABUSE The effects of alcohol addiction on the body and overall health can be significant. They can be difficult or impossible to reverse. Studies show alcohol use can affect these parts of body Heart High BP, irregular heartbeat, stroke. Liver Inflammation, including alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis. Kidneys Acute kidney failure and chronic kidney disease. Pancreas Inflammation and swelling of blood vessels that prevent proper digestion. Immune system Increased susceptibility to diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia PREVENTION AND CONTROL Deal with a wide range of problem situations through the use of a systematic problemsolving strategy, Provide accurate information, Teach coping strategies to relive stress and anxiety, Develop assertiveness skill, and Develop self-instructional techniques for behavioral self-control