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Breast Changes & Mammography Quiz

1. Also known as peau d’orange
a. Skin Thickening
b. Skin Dimples
c. Skin Dimpling
d. Breast lumps
2. A localized swelling, protuberance, bulge or bump in the breast that feels different from the
breast tissue around it.
a. Breast swelling
b. Breast thickening
c. Skin Dimpling
d. Breast lumps
3. One of the causes of breast lumps that is benign and usually due to a bacteria and common to
breastfeeding women.
a. Fibroadenoma
b. Abscess
c. Adenoma
d. Lipoma
e. Breast Cancer
4. What do you call the breast changes that the studies claim that is due to fluctuating hormone
specifically – estrogen?
a. Clinical breast changes
b. Fluctuating breast changes
c. Thickening breast changes
d. Fibrocystic breast changes
5. A soft, benign breast lump that is generally movable and painless.
a. Lipoma
b. Adenoma
c. Fibroadenoma
d. Breast Cancer
6. Which does not belong to the everyday causes of breast swelling?
a. Menstrual Cycle
b. Estrogen medication such as birth control pills
c. Mastitis
d. Pregnancy
7. Which does not belong to the benign causes of breast swelling?
a. Abscess
b. Breast Cancer
c. Duct Ectasia
d. Fat Necrosis
One of the causes of breast skin irritation that is a candidiasis in the breast areas that are fungal
infections often formed in the warm, moist area under the breasts.
a. Mastitis
b. Breast Cancer
c. Yeast Infection
d. Pregnancy
A rare form of cancer that specifically affects the nipple; one of the early symptoms is itchy
a. Paget disease
b. Masitis
c. Yeast Infection
d. Dry Skin
What does cyclic breast pain means?
a. Occurs once in a blue moon
b. Occurs on a regular pattern
c. Occurs constantly
d. Occurs once in a life time
What does non-cyclic breast pain means?
a. Occurs once in a blue moon
b. Occurs on a regular pattern
c. Occurs constantly
d. Occurs once in a life time
More likely to affect people in their 20s and 30s, as well as people in their 40s who are
transitioning to menopause
a. Cyclic breast pain
b. Pre-cyclic breast pain
c. Post-cyclic breast pain
d. Non-cyclic breast pain
Breast pain that is most likely to occur after menopause
a. Cyclic breast pain
b. Pre-cyclic breast pain
c. Post-cyclic breast pain
d. Non-cyclic breast pain
In breast self-examination, what does the doctor suggest to be used to best examine the
a. Horizontal method
b. Vertical method
c. Radial method
d. Spiral Method
What you should not ask to the patient before a clinical breast exam?
Are you pregnant?
When was your last menstrual period?
Are you want to be examined we might found out you have a tumor?
Have you feel any lumps in your breast