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IECRM 2nd Semester Registration Confirmation

Dear Student:
You are registered for 2nd-semester classes. You are enrolled in FAST TRACK 2nd year 2nd semester on Fridays.
All classes will be held online. You will receive another email by the night of your class with how to access your
2nd-semester class.
Books can be picked up at the Northglenn Facility beginning on 12/28. Books can also be shipped for a fee, please
email shipping@iecrm.org.
All classes resume the week of January 4, 2021. Classes will begin at 9:00 a.m.
If you feel this is in error, please email studenthelp@iecrm.org.
Thank you,
IECRM Student Support Services
You are receiving this message on behalf of the following employees:
Ryan Joel Johnson, Christopher James Mathews
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11429 Pearl Street Northglenn, CO 80233 www.iecrm.org