Uploaded by Nicole Stratton

The Office Business Management Assignment

Intro to Business
Chapter 7 Business Management and Building a Business Organization
“The Office” Assignment
 Demonstrate the Functions of Managers in a creative way using technology
 Demonstrate the Types of Managers in a creative way using technology
 Demonstrate Business Ethics in a creative way using technology
We are currently learning about Business Management. So Let’s have some fun with this!
Using the show “The Office” as your guide/inspiration you are to create the following:
You need to create something to demonstrate the types of managers and functions of managers.
You can demonstrate good and bad management styles, you can demonstrate appropriate and not
appropriate functions of managers, you can demonstrate how managers may motivate you or not
motivate you using the ever so famous “quotes” from all of the office personnel.
So how are you going to do this:
1. Create a Flyer of some type
2. Create a montage of video clips; (make sure you explain what is going on)
 Example: you can introduce good office/manager practices, briefly explain what they
are and then show clips; then introduce negative office/manager practices and
introduce clips
3. Have your own ideas? Fantastic!
The main objective for this assignment is to relate the concepts we are learning in chapter 7 by
using the “The Office” as your inspiration.\
You can work in groups of 2 (ONLY 2) if you choose, or you can work by yourself!
When is this Due: End of Class on Friday October 5th! Upload to google classroom when
done!!!!!!!!! Don’t share it with me, upload!
You will have class time to work on this