Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Name: tasha Class/Period: Date: 1/15/21 Essential Question: Questions: Notes:Reproductive Isolation • Reproductive Isolation: the inability of formerly interbreeding organisms to produce offspring Reproductive isolation can occur through disruptive selection. Two Types: Prezygotic- Differences in mating times; Postzygotic- death / sterility of offspring Pre zygotic Isolation • Reduce the chance of hybrid formation ( no new alleles are formed) Geographic isolation( diff. places) Ecological isolation(utilize diff. resources) Behavioral Isolation (diff. mating rituals) Temporal Isolation(Mating at diff. seasons) Mechanical isolation( structural differences) Prevention of gamete fusion( gametes function poorly) • Developmental ( poor development of embryo) • Hybrid unviability (adults do not survive in nature Hybrid sterility ( hybrids are sterile/reduced fertility Rates of Speciation • Punctuated Equilibrium: a theory that speciation may occur during brief periods of rapid genetic change • Gradualism: a theory that speciation may occur through a gradual change of adaptations Questions: Summary: Notes: