ARIZONA COLLEGE SCHOOL OF NURSING LAS VEGAS CAMPUS FINAL COMPREHENSIVE PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT EVALUATION Gather all equipment needed prior to your assessment and clean as needed. Students should bring the following items for assessment. Name badge/Dress code/hair Stethoscope Black Ink pen Pen light Physical examination/assessment General Skills/ Subjective data Introduction Hand Hygiene Identify patient Provide privacy Check allergies A/O x 3 Observe for any monitors, IV tubing, O2, drains and tubes attached to the patient. Chief complaint/ or reason for visit Past medical/surgical history Medication history Explain procedure Place bed at a comfortable level Make patient comfortable Organization skills Don gloves prior to exam Vital signs Temperature Pulse Resp O2 sats BP Pain Scalp/hair Head, face and cranial nerves Eyes- PERRLA, position, pupil size, vision (ask if patient wears glasses. Snellen chart if applicable can be done while you do your ambulation) Ears- External, any drainage and hearing (able to obey commands) (No otoscope) Nose- Smell, patency and symmetry (No scope) Mouth- General appearance, teeth, tongue, uvula, Perform your cranial nerves and sensation while doing face and head. Neck Mass Trachea midline Lymph nodes/ thyroid ROM Skin JVD/Carotid artery bruits Chest Symmetry Skin Auscultate lungs Anterior Auscultate heart sounds and apical pulse Lateral lung sounds Posterior lung sounds Check spine for any abnormalities that are visible and skin on back. Abdomen Bowel movement and urination Inspection Auscultation (4 quadrants) Light palpation Deep palpation (Verbalize) Abdominal aorta for bruit or pulsation Upper Extremity Skin Edema Bilateral radial pulses Cap refill Clubbing Strength ROM Neuro check Lower Extremity Skin Edema Foot examination Pulses Cap refill Reflexes Strength ROM Neuro check Complete assessment check for safety issues, place bed in lower position and make patient comfortable. Before leaving room ask patient if there is anything else, they need. Remove trash from bedside. Perform hand hygiene and complete documentation