Uploaded by Digna Martin

Soil and Water Experiment

Soil and Water Experiment / Investigation:
This will take about 30 minutes total. Students should be working on something else independently or in
1. Set up soil and water under a lamp similar to the image below.
2. Have students make a table where they will keep track of the water / soild temperatures for 15
minutes with lamp on, 15 min with lamp off for a total of 30 min.
3. Turn the lamp on and have a student track the temperature every 3 minutes (same student) for
15 minutes. (This is Daytime)
4. Turn the lamp off and have a student track the temperature every 3 minutes (Nightime)
5. Students will then graph their temperatures in a line graph, one line for water and another one
for soil.
If tracked correctly, the soil should warm up faster than the water with the lamp on. When the lamp is
off, soil should cool off faster and the water will retain the heat longer.
This experiment demonstrates what happens during land and sea breezes.