Kumar D (Orcid ID: 0000-0003-2253-4129) Present and future changes in precipitation characteristics during Indian Summer Monsoon in CORDEX-CORE simulations Pyarimohan Maharana1,2, Dhirendra Kumar1,3@, Sushant Das4, P. R. Tiwari5,6 1 School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India 2 3 4 Faculty of Science, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha, India National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, University of Reading, United Kingdom Earth System Physics Section, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy 5 Centre for Atmospheric and Climate Physics Research, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom 6 Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom @ Correspondence: D. Kumar; Email: dhirendra.cub@gmail.com 1 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3175-8714 3 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2253-4129 4 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2417-7970 5 http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7580-0446 This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/joc.6951 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Abstract This work examines the changes in precipitation characteristics over the Indian region using the latest high-resolution CORDEX-CORE model simulations. Individual RCM (COSMO, RegCM4.7, and REMO) experiments, their ensembles, and all RCM ensembles are examined to evaluate their performance using various statistical metrics. It aims to provide a holistic idea for choosing better models for specific analysis (variability, climatology, temporal evolution, indices, etc.) of precipitation distribution over India. The COSMO model experiments show lesser mean bias and have a high correlation coefficient (>0.8) compared to REMO and RegCM4. Each RCM ensemble performs better than its members in representing the spatial patterns of precipitation. Interestingly, the RCM experiments downscaling the forcings from MPI_ESM GCMs and ERA-Interim outperforms other RCM experiments in the present day period. The probability distribution function reflects that the mean frequency and the intensity of precipitation are best represented in the RegCM4 ensemble. Further, most RCMs agree to a robust increase in low-intensity rainfall (>0.1 to 4 mm/day) in the future under the RCP8.5 scenario. The intraseasonal variability in terms of active and break spells are best represented in the RegCM4 ensemble. There exists uncertainty in terms of projection of active phases, while all model experiments agree to the decrease in the break phases in the near future compared to the present day. The projected consecutive dry (wet) days and their spells will decrease (increase) over India. The heavy precipitation events are expected to increase (by 18-32 days) along with its contribution (by 14-48%) towards the total precipitation over entire India indicating a possible increase in flooding events in the future. Keywords: CORDEX-CORE, Indian Summer Monsoon, Precipitation extremes, RCP8.5. 1. Introduction The Indian subcontinent is home to 1.3 billion people and a lot of its economy depends on agricultural production. The Indian summer monsoon (ISM) precipitation, which spans typically from June to September (JJAS) each year, plays a critical parameter in providing water for agricultural purposes and other necessities. The ISM precipitation is highly variable in terms of its spatial and temporal distribution, which can lead to extreme events such as floods and droughts. Apart from the land-sea contrast, the spatial variability of precipitation is also governed by the local drivers. These also include the orography, land use, and land cover, terrestrial moisture sources, anthropogenic emissions, aerosols, etc. (Shastri et al., 2014, Das et al., 2016, Salvi et al., 2019, Pathak et al., 2017). These regional forcings could also shape the spatial patterns of rainfall. A thorough understanding of both global and local drivers is extremely crucial to study the complexities associated with the rainfall pattern over a particular region and its possible variations in the future. To address this problem, the dynamical downscaling approaches are incorporated. Understanding the ISM and its dependencies on various factors have been challenging and the topic of scientific interest in the climate modeling community. Within the context of climate modeling, many studies using global climate models (GCMs) and regional climate models (RCMs) have been carried out to investigate the complexity of ISM. GCMs are expected to understand the effect of forcings at both global and regional levels for skillful projections. However, on account of their spatial resolution, important subgrid features are missed, thereby affecting the skills of GCMs in capturing important features of ISM. Also, the coarse resolution of GCMs acts as an impediment in utilizing the data for impact assessment. Most climate models struggle to capture the spatio-temporal characteristics of precipitation over India and have reported the consistent mean dry bias tendencies in simulating precipitation during the ISM season (e.g. Mishra et al., 2018, Preeti et al., 2019, Narapusetty et al., 2016, Singh et al., 2016, Devanand et al., 2018, Nayak et al., 2019). Another factor could be the inaccurate replication of precipitation extremes over India (Mishra et al., 2014). One of the reasons for such discrepancy could be the inefficiency in simulating regional processes due to their coarser resolution. Studies have shown that improper representation of coastal lines and topography in coarser-resolution models could be a deviating factor in developing errors in the mean variability and extremes and hence regional climate models (RCMs) could be handy for the purpose (Kumar et al., 2013; Tiwari et al., 2016). The application and demand of RCMs have been continuously increasing due to their ability to provide high-resolution regional climate information (Giorgi et al., 2019). They are considered to be a modern-day tool for providing such continuous information by the means of dynamically downscaling. For this purpose, the COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX) project (Giorgi et al., 2009, 2012) was initiated. This is aimed to attain high-resolution regional climate information over different CORDEX domains across the globe. One such domain is the CORDEX-South Asia (CORDEX-SA) that covers the Indian subcontinent, which is characterized by complex topographical features as well as significant climate variability. In the first phase of the CORDEX program, RCMs were utilized to downscale the GCMs at 50 km (Giorgi et al., 2012) over all the CORDEX domains. Progressing further, in the second phase of CORDEX, it is initiated to further achieve a downscaling resolution of 25km for studying the regional and local impacts in detail and to also highlight the added value of the RCMs (Giorgi and Gutowski 2015). Several modeling groups have participated in the ongoing project across different domains. Previously, several RCMs studies over the South Asia CORDEX domain have been carried out to evaluate their performance in various aspects e.g. spatial variability of parameters such as precipitation, temperature, winds, etc. Choudhary et al. (2018) evaluated the performance of CORDEX RCMs in simulating the ISM using a set of RCM simulations. They show that some models were able to simulate the mean climate during ISM well over different sub-regions. Studies have shown the ability of the RCMs to showcase the variability of the precipitation over the Himalayan region during the ISM (Choudhary and Dimri, 2017). They also projected an increase in precipitation over the eastern Himalayan region in the near future under a warming scenario. Moreover, a reduction of dry bias in the regionally downscaled rainfall, onset dates and the interannual variability by the CORDEX experiments have been reported previously (Varikoden et al., 2018; Choudhary et al., 2019). Maharana et al. (2019) used RCMs to show that the earlier onset of ISM is possible due to an increase in an anthropogenic influence on air temperature under 1.5° and 2°C warming levels. No doubt that these studies give us confidence about the reliability of the RCMs application on various aspects of ISM. In this regard, here we use the CORDEX-CORE simulations over the South Asia domain to evaluate the characteristics of ISM precipitation. In the current framework, we have used the recent generation regional climate simulations with improved resolution (~25km) and updated physical parameterizations. The CORDEX-CORE experiment is a leap towards high-resolution modeling and thus, we present first-hand information on their capabilities in representing the features of ISM. Further, we aim to provide a holistic idea for choosing better models for specific analysis (variability, climatology, temporal evolution, indices, etc.) of precipitation distribution over India. To be precise, the present study focuses on the following aspects: i) Inter-comparison of the models in simulating the mean spatial distribution of present-day (1979-2005) ISM precipitation and its changes in two-time slices i.e. near future (NF; 2030-2055) and far future (FF; 2070-2095). ii) We then look into the intraseasonal variability and its changes in terms of active and break phases within the ISM in NF and FF relative to present-day and iii) changes in extreme precipitation indices. Subsequent sections discuss the data and methodology, results and discussion, and concluding remarks respectively. 2. Data and Methodology The projected RCM outputs downscaled from CMIP5 GCMs over the South Asian region under the World Climate Research Programme’s CORDEX (Giorgi et al., 2009) project are procured for the present analysis. Here, the recent model experiments at much higher horizontal resolution (25km) are utilized, which is termed as the CORDEX-CORE experiments. All the available model experiments are examined for the study, which consists of a total of 12 GCM (reanalysis)-RCM combination. The details of the model combination used along with their abbreviation are provided in Table S1. The daily precipitation is obtained from 1979 to 2100 (1979-2014) for GCM-RCM (reanalysis-RCM) experiments. As mentioned before, the entire period has been divided into three-time slices; the present (1979-2005), near future (NF; 2030-2055), and far future (FF; 2070-2095). The two-time slices for the future are considered to study the short term and long term impacts of climate change on the precipitation pattern, its distribution, and extremes. The experiments are validated against the daily gridded rainfall from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) available at a horizontal resolution of 25 km (Pai et al., 2014). The 26 years (1979-2005) considered in the present-day period is selected based on the common period among all experiments, which is based on the historical emission (Taylor et al. 2012). In order to highlight the model performance, the widely used Taylor diagram has been employed which relies upon the standard statistics like standard deviation (SD), correlation coefficients (CC), and root mean square error (RMSE) (Taylor 2001; Maharana and Dimri, 2014; Choudhary et al., 2017; Kumar and Dimri, 2019, 2020; Kumar et al., 2020). The present work examines the RCP8.5 (Riahi et al., 2011), the most pessimistic warming scenario to account for the worst possible impacts of climate change. To understand the variability in the magnitude of mean ISM precipitation, we used probability distribution functions (PDFs). It is a useful analysis for comparing the simulated precipitation intensities over a region by fitting the gamma distribution to the daily precipitation data. The PDFs have been computed in time for the JJAS months while considering the Indian landmass area (Fan et al., 2015; Kumar et al., 2020; Kumar and Dimri, 2020). After analyzing the present-day conditions, near and future changes in the mean ISM precipitation under the high warming scenario (RCP8.5) are explored. The initial analysis is based on the individual model’s experiment, but also, each RCM ensemble has been carried out to have robustness in the results. Secondly, we investigate the changes in the frequency of active and break phases in the NF and FF periods relative to the present day. The mean date of monsoon onset over the Kerala coast is 1st June with an SD of 8 days (Pai and Nair, 2009). The monsoon progresses northward and reaches Delhi around 25th June and by the end of June, the entire country is influenced by the monsoon. It starts to retreat from the northern parts of India in early September. Ideally, July and August are the two months where the entire season is under the influence of monsoon. However, the rainfall during these months is not constant due to the oscillation of monsoon trough between the central Indian region and foothills of the Himalayas (Joseph and Gadgil, 2003), which lead to the active and break phases of the ISM. Therefore, all India averaged rainfall is not a good measure to study this intraseasonal oscillation and hence a representative zone signifying the all India rainfall is a better approach (Maharana and Dimri, 2016; Rajeevean et al., 2010; Mandke et al., 2007). The daily areaaveraged rainfall over central India was extracted following Mandke et al. (2007) for the study of active and break phases. The standardized rainfall anomaly is prepared following their methodology i.e. the dates corresponding to the standardized anomaly value with +1 (1) for three consecutive days is defined as the active (break) spells. Finally, the precipitation indices for different time-slices are computed in this study following the ETCCDI climate change indices (http://cccma.seos.uvic.ca/ETCCDI/list27indices.shtml). This is important to understand the overall behavior of the rainfall and its projected change over India. The details of these indices, their definition, and the abbreviation used are mentioned in Table S2. 3. Results and Discussion Based on different analyses discussed in the previous section, the performance of different experiments, RCM ensembles, and all model ensemble is explored and presented with the relevant discussion. 3.1 Evaluation of RCMs in simulating the spatial distribution of ISM precipitation The daily mean JJAS precipitation patterns from the observation and different experiments suggest significant spatial heterogeneity across the Indian landmass (Fig. 1). The observed precipitation maxima are located over the Western Ghats, Northeast India, central India, Eastern India, and the Himalayan foothills (Fig. 1a). By and large, the major precipitation features over these regions are well reproduced in the experiments and their corresponding ensemble (Fig. 1n-p). The further comparison suggests a differential behavior in the magnitude of simulated precipitation across different regions and in different RCMs. This holds in particular if seen in RCMs with similar boundary conditions e.g. ERAIN (Fig. 1b-d) and NorESM1 (Fig. 1k-m). This indicates a lesser dominance of the boundary forcing from GCM on the precipitation simulation during JJAS and can be implied from all RCM experiments. Such a strong imprint of RCMs on the ISM simulation was reported previously over the CORDEX-South Asia domain using RCA4 experiments (Rana et al., 2020). This underlines the role of different physical parameterizations and the internal dynamical formulation of the individual RCMs. The Indian region lies in the center of the CORDEXSouth Asia domain and very far from the boundary of the RCM to avoid unrealistic values (Seth and Giorgi, 2007); hence model physics becomes dominant in the evolution of meteorological parameters. Also, the CORDEX-SA domain is reasonably large to produce its own circulation (Jones et al., 1995). The simulation from the evaluation runs (driven by ERA-Interim) characteristically represents different spatial patterns for different RCMs. Focusing on the particular suites of RCMs and their ensembles, the spatial precipitation maxima, and its magnitude is better simulated by COSMO model experiments. The orographic precipitation along the Western Ghats, Northeast India, and rain shadow region over the southern peninsula are well represented. A similar distribution is found for the REMO experiments except that there is a shift of high precipitation areas below the core central region compared to IMD. In RegCM4 experiments, there is high precipitation over the leeward side of the Western Ghats which is more aggravated in case the experiment is forced with MIROC5 (Fig. 1f). Such unrealistic precipitation has also been reported previously while using the RegCM4 framework (Kumar et al., 2020; Pattnayak et al., 2013) and this further affects the model ensemble in computing the biases during ISM. On the contrary, there is a high underestimation of precipitation over northern India (> 5 mm/day) in all the experiments (Fig. 2). The experiments with the COSMO model have widespread and moderate dry biases across the major parts of India. In a study using the COSMO-CLM, the dry biases over the central Indian region were attributed to the removal of moisture due to the warming over the adjoining oceans and the overestimation of the precipitation over the Western Ghats (Rockel & Geyer, 2008). In most cases in this suite, such dry biases range in the order of 1-5 mm/day. Focusing on the regional features, the Western Ghats and parts of Northeast India are characterized by moderate to strong wet biases (3-6mm/day). Comparative analysis of the spatial distribution indicates that the ensemble of the COSMO model seems to have relatively less bias over the central Indian region and hence stands close to observation (Fig. 2m). Therefore, it tends to outperform the other two with a lesser magnitude of dry (wet) biases across India. The ensemble of RegCM4 experiments seems to be dominated by the greater wet biases over the southern peninsula (Fig. 2n). In fact, the downscaling carried out from the NorESM contributes more to this bias in the RegCM4 compared to REMO and COSMO ensemble. Such features further suggest an important role of the large-scale circulation and the associated moisture transport in the RegCM4 suite of experiments (Ghosh et al., 2019) and are subject to further verification. Commenting on the overall performance in representing the spatial features of precipitation climatology, the ensemble of individual experiments is better than many of the individual experiments. A similar feat of ensembles has been previously reported from CORDEX-SA experiments, where the ensemble outperformed the individual experiments (Choudhary et al., 2018). More importantly, the model experiments in the current framework also seem to improve the mean precipitation climatology over the central Indian region, which were previously strongly underestimated in CORDEX-South Asia experiments (Choudhary et al., 2018, Singh et al., 2017, Rana et al., 2020). 3.2 Statistical Validation 3.2.1 Taylor Diagram Taylor’s diagram is one of the instrumental and widely used ways of summarizing the major statistics of a meteorological variable (Taylor, 2001). It uses the correlation coefficient (CC), SD, and the RMSE to provide comparative information about the model performance. The capabilities of different models in representing the spatial distribution of daily mean JJAS precipitation over the Indian region is explored (Fig. 3). Most of the models can capture the spatial patterns of precipitation (CC>0.6). The COSMO suite of experiments including the evaluation run outperform the other experiment with higher CC (>0.8), lower RMSE, and the SD closer to that of the observation. Among these, the EIN_COSMO and MPI-COSMO experiments have greater proximity to the observation. Besides, few of the REMO experiments lie within the 0.7-0.8 correlation range and among them, the MPIREMO experiment better resembles the observation. The RegCM4 experiments portray a wide range of behavior with CC varying between 0.5 to 0.7 with EIN_RegCM4 and MPIRegCM4 resembling closer to the observation. Such performance aligns well with the spatial distribution of the bias (Fig. 2). The mean annual cycle (or the temporal evolution) is an important indicator of the seasonal behavior of precipitation within the year. The performance of individual models in representing the mean annual cycle and the inter-annual variability of precipitation is investigated over the Indian landmass as a whole and the Monsoon CORE Region (MCR); defined by Mandke et al., (2007) using Taylor’s metrics (Fig 4a&b respectively). All the models tend to capture the temporal evolution of the precipitation over India fairly well with CC >0.8. Although the COSMO experiments were outstanding in representing the spatial patterns of mean JJAS precipitation, they display a range of behavior in capturing the mean annual. From the RegCM4 experiments, again the MPI-RegCM4 (CC=0.92) stands out compared to the other two models. Considering the overall performances, the REMO experiments stand better in simulating the mean annual cycle with the CC>0.95. In particular, the MPI-REMO resembles the observation with greater proximity. Interestingly, this experiment has considerable dry biases over the Himalayan foothills and northeast India. This means, despite the REMO model’s shortcoming in representing the spatial patterns, it certainly better simulates the temporal evolution of precipitation within the year. Moreover, all the experiments perform satisfactorily well in representing the mean annual cycle over the MCR region (Fig. 4b). Again, the MPI-REMO experiment performs exceptionally well with a lesser RMSE (~ 0.5) and greater CC (~0.99). It is important to note that this experiment is characterized by a mixed pattern of positive (negative) bias over the MCR during the monsoon (Fig. 2i). We also examined the ability of the model experiments to represent the Interannual variability over India and the MCR through the correlation matrices (Fig. 4c-d). The simulated all India rainfall for all the experiments are not well correlated (correlation coefficient ~0.4) with the IMD observed value (Fig 4c), while the RMSE is also high (between 0.5 to 1.2) among the experiments. The less value of the CC indicates that the model experiments, in general, fail to capture the year to year variability. A similar line of results was reported earlier over Africa and Indian domains using RegCM3; where models particularly fail to reproduce the excess rainfall years (Sylla et al., 2009, Maharana and Dimri, 2014). Further, a weak correlation (< 0.4) with relatively higher RMSE (0.9-1.8) is obtained from the analysis of precipitation over the MCR (Fig. 4d). As mentioned earlier, the model physics and internal dynamics play a major role in determining the interannual variability of rainfall as compared to the initial and lateral boundary conditions. The marked improvement in the representation of rainfall in the model experiments (CORDEX-CORE) can be attributed to the improvement in physics and resolution as compared to the previous CORDEX-SA experiments. Therefore, the inability of the model experiments to represents the year to year variability should not be considered as a weakness of the RCMs; rather it reflects that that improved model physics are good enough to produce the climatological picture of the rainfall distribution and hence these high-resolution RCMs can be considered as a good tool to study the underlying atmospheric processes associated with the ISM with much conviction. 3.2.2 Probability Density Function The temporal characteristics of the daily mean JJAS precipitation are explored using the PDF by fitting the gamma distribution to the daily precipitation values from JJAS averaged over the Indian landmass. The PDF indicates the relative frequency of a particular precipitation category and hence provides a broader sense of the mean and extreme distribution of the variable in a more coherent manner. The gamma distribution can be used to summarize the mean and intensity of the precipitation distribution with the low mean and high variability (Fan et al., 2015; Husak et al., 2007). Moreover, the right long tail of the distribution is indicative of the extreme values present within the distribution (Ananthakrishnan & Soman, 1989). Fig. 5 shows the PDF of daily mean JJAS precipitation from different experiments and the IMD observation. To investigate the possible changes in the mean precipitation distribution under the near and far future climate in the RCP8.5 scenario, the corresponding distribution is also considered. For the present climate, a wide range of behavior is exhibited by the suite of experiments, with many of them underestimating the precipitation magnitude. The distribution of observation suggests the peak frequency of the precipitation magnitude around 4mm/day while the extremes range up to 11-12 mm/day. Owing to the stronger dry biases in the REMO suite of experiments, the peak frequency in these experiments is found at 1-2 mm/day while the magnitude of extremes is also underestimated by 2-3 mm/day. While most of the RegCM4 experiments tend to resemble the observed distribution with a higher degree of proximity to the mean frequency and intensity of the precipitation. This may be attributed to a wide range of spatial variability in the precipitation magnitudes in the RegCM4 suite of experiments, which are canceled out on spatial averaging and hence closer to the observed distribution. This also indicates that the total all India precipitation may be better captured in these model experiments, although significant biases are present in spatial distribution across all the models. The COSMO suite of experiments exhibits a wide range of behavior in PDF depending upon the driving GCM. This also indicates a wide range of uncertainty within the same RCM suite as well as among the whole pool of experiments. While deliberating over the time slices under future climate, most of the experiments suggest a gradual shift of the JJAS precipitation regime towards a drier climate from near to far future. In due course, the experiments overestimating the mean and extremes shift towards a drier climate and thus reach close to the distribution of observation (Fig. 5b&c). The patterns of disagreement in the precipitation dominates through the NF and FF as well, thus again giving rise to a large degree of uncertainty. As seen in the present, NorESM_RegCM4, MPI-RegCM4, and the NorESM_COSMO experiments are closer to the observed distribution. These experiments also show decreasing precipitation with the shift in the peak and tail of their distribution under the warming scenario implying a robust increase in lowintensity precipitation (>0.1 to 4 mm/day) during the NF and FF periods. 3.3 Intraseasonal Variability This section examines the behavior of active and break spells of the IMD observation for the present time and RCM ensembles for the present, NF and FF (Fig. 6a-b). The observed number of active spells during the present time is 39 (Fig. 6a). The simulated active spells for the ensemble of COSMO experiments are underestimated for the present time (28), which increases in the NF (33 days) and then declines in the FF (28). A different pattern is found for the ensembles of RegCM4 models, where the number of active spells in the NF (32) declines as compared to the present time (39) whereas the FF shows an increase (38). The ensemble of REMO experiments shows a constant decline in the active spells from the present (28) to NF (26) and FF (23). The ensemble of COSMO and RegCM4 experiments reflect an increase in the active days at FF with respect to the present time. A similar projected increase in the short active spells using CMIP5 model experiments over India during FF has been reported (Sudeepkumar et al., 2019; Sharmila et al., 2015). This suggests that despite the consistent dry (wet) biases in the daily mean ISM precipitation in RegCM4 experiments, the distribution of precipitation within the season is better captured during the present climate. This is indicative of the interplay of the synoptic disturbances inside the environment of a particular RCM and the ensemble. This also strengthens the confidence in the projected number of active spells by their ensemble. The number of observed break spells during the present time is 34 (Fig. 6b). The ensemble of COSMO experiments overestimates the break spells in the present time (38), which declines during FF (27) as compared to NF (30). Similarly, a higher number of simulated break spells (41) are found in the ensemble of RegCM4 models for the present time. This declines in the NF (31) and then increases in the FF (33). The number of break spells (36) in the ensemble of REMO experiments is very close to the observation in the present time. Following the pattern of active spells, the breaks spell also declines in the NF (29) and FF (22). However, the CMIP5 model experiments illustrated a non-significant increase in the break spells and its length in FF over Indian regions (Sudeepkumar et al., 2019; Sharmila et al., 2015). In addition, there are considerable inter-model differences in the changes in rainfall anomalies during the active spells of ISM under future warming (Fig. S1). In such a case, the rainfall during the active phases is likely to be more intense during the future with a more profound signal from the ensemble of the REGCM4 over central India. On the contrary, the ensemble of other RCMs does not project such anomalous rainfall during the warming climate. It is noteworthy that, all the models agree to a greater extent in representing the decline in the rainfall during the break phases of ISM in the NF and FF (Fig. S2). This analysis reflects that all the RCM ensembles have a different signature in terms of the number of projected active and break spells and have uncertainties. Such behavior of the ensemble of particular RCMs underlines the uncertainty among themselves as well as in their contributing individual experiments. However, the ensemble of RegCM4 is close to the observed value in terms of presenting both, the number of active as well as break spells during the present climate. Importantly, the different RCM ensembles have different characteristics of the active (break) climatology which may be affected through how the mean is represented with them. 3.4 Extreme Precipitation Indices In this section, we discuss, the changes in the behavior of various precipitation indices over India using all model ensembles. In general, the observed consecutive dry days (CDD) per year are much higher (100 to more than 200) in number over Rajasthan and Gujarat region due to less rainfall; whereas the Western Ghats region, northeast India, and the eastern coast of India shows relatively less count of CDD per year (20 - 80 days). Similar spatial patterns are also found for all the model experiments (figure not shown). The projected change in the CDD per year for the ensemble is found to decline all over the Indian region in the NF except for a few regions in Uttarakhand and northern Arunachal Pradesh (Fig. 7a). The decline is higher (15–21 days) over western and southern India as compared to the central and eastern Indian region (3 – 12 days). The pattern further intensifies during FF, where the CDDs have further declined over most of western and southern India (Fig. 7b). Interestingly, there is a slight increase in the CDD during the FF over the central and eastern Indian region as compared to NF, which is evident from the values which range from 3 – 9 days. It increases by 3 - 6 days per year over Uttarakhand and northern Arunachal Pradesh as compared to the present time. The increasing frequency of CDD (3-5 days) during FF under RCP8.5 over the west-central and western Rajasthan region was also reported (Rai et al., 2019a; Kundeti el at., 2013). In contrast, a declining trend of dry extremes such as the CDD has been projected to occur in CORDEX-South Asia simulations (Rai et al. 2019b). Further, the analysis reflects an overall decline of CDDS over the entire Indian region except for the western Rajasthan and Gujarat region under NF and FF (Fig. 7c&d). The decrease in the CDDS is highest over the J&K region (> 4) followed by southern, northeast India (1-2), and the central Indian region (1). The CDDS over the western Rajasthan and Gujarat region is normally very long due to the lack of rainfall. The increase of CDDS over these regions may be attributed to the possible increase in the projected rainfall which splits the longer spells into a few smaller spells. The observed consecutive wet days (CWD) per year are highest over the Western Ghats (more than 70 days). Moreover, northeast India experiences around 20 to 60 days CWD per year while it varies from 10 to 25 over the central and east Indian region. The lowest numbers (5-10) are observed for the southern peninsula and western Indian region (figure not shown). The projected CWD of all model ensembles in the NF w.r.t the present time reflects an increase over the entire Indian landmass (Fig. 8a). This increase follows a pattern with the maxima over the southern peninsular region (36-48 days) followed by the central and eastern Indian region (20-36) and western India and part of the western part of Gangetic plains (4-20 days). The previous suite of CORDEX-SA experiments also suggests a marked increase in the frequency of CWD over central India (Rai et al. 2019b). Interestingly, the eastern J&K which consists of the western Himalayas and northern Arunachal Pradesh also reflects an increase of CWD per year (36-48). A similar increasing pattern of change of CWD is also found for FF w.r.t present time (Fig. 8b). This could be due to the intensification of local precipitation caused by moisture feedback provided by the melting of snow there. However, careful observation of the spatial patterns reflects that the CWD in FF has declined throughout the study domain as compared to NF. This is evident from the decrease in the spatial extent of higher CWD over southern and central India and the northeast part. The rise in the CWD in NF increases the CWDS throughout the Indian landmass (Fig. 8c). The increase (1-4) is greater over the dry regions of India such as the J&K and Rajasthan region. However, most of the central Indian region and Gangetic plains show an increase of 1 spell per year. Besides, the CWDS tends to decrease over the major rainfall peaks of the summer monsoon region (northeast and east coast) and northeast monsoon (southern tip of India). The rise in CWD over these rainfall peaks probably increases the length of the CWDS, which ultimately decreases their count. The change of CWDS at FF with respect to present follows an almost similar pattern like NF, but again the magnitude decline at higher temperatures rises following the behavior of CWD (Fig. 8d). This is apparent from the decrease of the spatial coverage of the magnitude of CWDS particularly over the western, southern, eastern, and northeast parts of India. The very wet days, which are represented by the daily rainfall exceeding the 95th percentile (ECAR95P) of the period, is an indicator of the very heavy rainfall events. In general, the ECAR95P is high (low) over the drier regions like northwest India (high rainfall locations such as the Western Ghats, eastern and northeast India). The per-year count of ECAR95P is highest over the Rajasthan region (30-50 days) followed by the western part of Gangetic plains (20-30 days) and most parts of southern peninsular India except for the west coast (20-30 days) (figure not shown). Whereas, the major precipitation dominated peaks such as the Western Ghats, eastern and northeast India reflects an ECAR95P value ranging from 2-15 days. These regions during JJAS, in general, receive rainfall of higher magnitude. Therefore, the chances of rainfall exceeding 95 percentiles are less. On the other hand, the drier region like Rajasthan and southern peninsular India experiences a smaller number of wet days, and hence the chances of rainfall exceeding 95 percentiles are higher. The projected change in the ECAR95P at NF w.r.t. the present time illustrates an increase in the heavy rainfall event all over India (Fig. 9a). The increase of ECAR95P over northern J&K, eastern Rajasthan, eastern Maharashtra, and eastern Tamilnadu is higher ranging from 26-28 days, while the rest of India shows an increase of 18-22 days. The very heavy rainfall events further intensify over the entire Indian region at FF with the global temperature rise (Fig. 9b). The ECAR95P exceeds 32 days over northern J&K. The Rajasthan and Gujarat region along with the entire Maharashtra and southern peninsula shows a rise by 26-28 days, while the rest of India shows an increase of 24-26 days. Rai et al. (2019b) also found an increase in the ECAR95P over the entire Indian landmass with the rise in global temperature from present to FF. With the increase in the projected ECAR95P in NF and FF, the percentage contribution of the rainfall due to 95 percentile rainfall or above (ECAR95PTOT) has increased over the Indian landmass (Fig. 9c). The increase of ECAR95PTOT during NF w.r.t. the present time is highest over the northern J&K region (>30%); while over the Western Ghats and northeast region, it varies between 22-26%. The lowest increase is found over the Rajasthan region (14-20%)n with further intensification during the FF. This is reflected by the increase of ECAR95PTOT up to more than 48% over J&K, 24-28% over the entire west coast, the southern tip, northeast, and few parts of the east coast. Also, it will contribute around 2024% more rainfall over the central Indian region w.r.t. the present time. The intensification of heavy rainfall in FF due to the ECAR95PTOT declines over Rajasthan as compared to NF. The observed ECAR95P distributed over all the grid points over the Indian region is examined using a violin plot (Fig. 10). This violin plot is a combination of the box plot and the distribution of data points. The observed median value of ECAR95P is around 21 mm/day. The range of the rainfall over these grids varies from 8-62 mm/day. However, the 4th quartile indicates a higher spread of ECAR95P from 25-62 mm/day, which indicates the heavy rainfall range. The distribution in the violin plots indicates the maximum density around 19 mm/day, which means the maximum number of the grid points receives this amount of precipitation. The all model ensemble shows a lower median of 18 mm/day as compared to the observed values with a much higher spread (6-67 mm/day). The 4th quartile also has a greater range from 22-67 mm/day. The maximum density is found in a range of 16-22 mm/year. There is a significant rise of the median value to 45 mm/day at NF for all model ensembles. The NF range shifted to 33-84 mm/day, while the 4th quarter shows a higher spread (47-84 mm/day). Interestingly, the very heavy rainfall distribution reflects a bimodal rainfall peak at 39 mm/day and 47 mm/day. Similarly, the median of ECAR95P further rises to 47 mm/day during FF. The rise of rainfall over the entire domain further increases the range to 35-85 mm/day, while the 4th quartile ranges from 50-85 mm/day. The distribution of ECAR95P at FF also indicates a bimodal distribution with maximum numbers of grids receiving rainfall either in 42 mm/day and 49 mm/day. The overall distribution of ECAR95P shows a drastic increase from the present time to NF and FF under the global warming scenario. The increase of heavy rainfall events under the higher warming scenario has been reported earlier (Sharmila et al., 2015; Rai et al., 2019a, Sudeepkumar et al., 2019); which may increase the future flood events over India. 4. Conclusions The present study examines the precipitation characteristics over India using the model experiments from the second-generation high resolution (25km) CORDEX-CORE experiments. Various statistical metrics are employed to evaluate the performance of the individual model experiments, RCM ensembles, and all model ensembles. The main aim of the study is to provide a holistic idea for the CORDEX community in choosing the better RCM or their ensembles for specific applications over the Indian region. Specifically, as carried out in this study e.g. climatology, the temporal evolution of precipitation, i.e. interannual and intraseasonal variability during JJAS and annual extreme rainfall indices. The concluding remarks of the study based on this work are as follows: ● The spatial distribution of rainfall is well represented in the COSMO model experiments (high correlation, low RMSE, and SD) compared to the REMO and RegCM4. Each RCM ensemble is better than its members in representing the spatial patterns of precipitation over India. In general, the experiments forced with ERA- Interim portrays good agreement with the observation across all the RCMs. Moreover, within each of the model ensembles, the MPI_ESM GCMs (i.e. MPIESM-MR and MPI-ESM-LR) driven simulations outperform all the other GCM driven experiments. However, the individual model experiments have improved in representing the mean precipitation climatology over central India as compared to the same from the previous CORDEX-SA experiments. ● The examination of the PDF shows that the precipitation distribution in terms of mean frequency and the intensity in RegCM4 experiments tend to closely resemble the observation. Also, the intraseasonal variability (active and break spells) of precipitation over the MCR is best represented in the RegCM4 ensemble compared to COSMO and REMO models. Most RCMs show decreasing precipitation with the shift in the peak and tail of their distribution under the warming scenario implying a robust increase in low-intensity rainfall (>0.1 to 4 mm/day) in the NF and FF. Ensemble of RegCM4 shows a projected increase in the active cases and a decrease in break cases in the FF compared to the present day. The respective ensemble of the RegCM4 and REMO shows a decrease in the active cases while all the ensembles show a robust decline in the break cases during NF. ● All model ensemble analysis indicates that projected CDD and CDDS will decline with the global temperature rise from present to FF. However, the projected increase in CDDS over rain scarce western India can be attributed to the splitting of prolonged CDDS into smaller ones due to the projected increase in the rainfall. The projected CWD and CWDS increase from present to NF and then declines in FF. ● The very heavy rainfall and its contribution (ECAR95P and ECAR95PTOT) consistently increase from the present to NF and FF under RCP8.5, with a larger increase over the western Himalayas; which has also been reported earlier over the Indian region (Rai et al., 2019a, Sharmila et al., 2015; Sudeepkumar et al., 2019). This may result in an increase in flood events in the future. The present study focuses mostly on the evaluation and possible changes in precipitation characteristics over India. As a next assignment, the authors will try to examine the change in the monsoon dynamics driving these precipitation distributions. Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to two anonymous reviewers and the editor for the constructive comments, which have helped in improving the quality of the manuscript. The authors would like to thank the WCRP and the ESGF (https://www.esgf-data.dkrz.de/projects/esgf-dkrz) for the provision of CORDEX-CORE simulations. PM acknowledges the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India for providing a timely stipend to the Research Associate (CSIR sanction letter no.-09/263(1184)/2019/EMR-I). SD acknowledges ICTP postdoctoral fellowship. PRT acknowledges funding support from ECR programme operational at Centre for Atmospheric and Climate Physics Research, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. 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All rights reserved. Accepted Article Fig. 2. The JJAS precipitation climatology bias (mm/day) for (a-l) different model experiments and ensembles (m–p) for the COSMO, RegCM4 and REMO experiments respectively with respect to the IMD observation. Fig. 3. The Taylor diagram for daily mean JJAS precipitation climatology (mm/day) during the present period over the Indian region from different model experiments. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Accepted Article Fig. 4. The Taylor diagram for the mean annual cycle of daily precipitation and the interannual variability over the (a&c) Indian region and (b&d) Monsoon Core Region respectively during the present period. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Accepted Article Fig. 5. The probability density function of the daily mean JJAS climatological precipitation area-averaged over the Indian landmass for the IMD observation and different model experiments for (a) Present (P), (b) Near Future (NF, 2030 – 2055) and (c) Far Future (FF, 2070 – 2095). Future simulations correspond to RCP8.5 scenarios. Fig. 6. The number of (a) active and (b) break spells of precipitation for IMD observation and different ensembles from the experiments for P, NF and FF periods. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Accepted Article Fig. 7. The difference of all model ensemble consecutive dry days (CDD) for (a) NF – P, (b) FF – P. (c-d) same as (a-b) but for the difference of consecutive dry days spells (CDDS). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Accepted Article Fig. 8. The difference of all model ensemble consecutive wet days (CWD) for (a) NF – P, (b) FF – P. (c-d) same as (a-b) but for the difference of consecutive wet days spells (CWDS). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Accepted Article Fig. 9. The difference of all model ensemble very wet days w.r.t. 95th percentile (ECAR95P) for (a) NF – P, (b) FF – P. (c-d) same as (a-b) but for the difference of precipitation percentage of ECAR95P (ECAR95PTOT). Fig. 10. The violin plot of the very wet days w.r.t. 95th percentile precipitation over India for IMD observation and all model ensembles for P, NF, and FF periods. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.