Daily English Language Lesson Plan (Lesson 81) Subject : English Language Year : 3A2 Enrolment : 38 pupils Date/Day : 16th June 2019 Time : 8.15 a.m. – 9.15 a.m. (60 minutes) Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends Topic : Food, please! Focused Skill : Listening Content Standard : Main Skill: Listening 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Complementary Skill: Speaking 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly Learning Standard : Main Skill: Listening 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts Complementary Skill: Speaking 2.1.1 Ask about and express basic Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. listen to a song and match each line that mentions food to the picture correctly. 2. Vocabulary ask and talk about their favourite food : food, egg, milk Cross Curriculum Element : Language Educational Emphases: i) Moral Values : cooperation, helpful ii) Thinking Skills : analysing, generating ideas, understanding, memorizing, predicting, sequencing, and creating iii) Multiple Intelligences : Communication, collaboration Resources/Teaching Aids : Flashcards, worksheet, audio CD, blank papers. Stages/Time Content To arouse pupil’s interests. Activities 1. To introduce the topic. Play Snowman Remarks Preparation Phase (variation of Hangman) with the Set Induction pupils. Use the (5 minutes) word - FOOD 1. Teacher shows flashcards of food and prompt questions. 2. Remind pupils of the food categories. 3. Write Food on the board and write the food categories to create a tree map. 4. In groups, pupils brainstorm food words to go under each category. Example of food map: Presentation (15 minutes) Imagination Phase 5. Elicit answers from groups and write them on the board. 6. Pupils copy the map into their exercise books. 1. Teacher asks pupils Development Phase what they see in the picture. (SB pg 55 Assessment for Act 1) learning objective (1) Practice (15 minutes) 2. Teacher distributes worksheet. SB pg 55 Act 1 3. Teacher plays the song and have pupils listen and match each line that mentions food to the correct picture. (track 84) 4. Teacher plays the song and have pupils check their answers. 5. Then, teacher gets them to sing the song. 1. Teacher asks Action Phase pupils to draw - Implementation three of their - Continuous practice Production favourite foods on (20 minutes) a piece of paper. Assessment for 2. Teacher demonstrates this by going up to a pupil, showing him/her your drawing and saying I like chocolate. Give a reason for your choice by saying It is sweet. Then ask Do you like chocolate? 3. Encourage pupils to answer Yes, I do, and show you his/her drawing. Then s/he say what s/he likes and give a reason. 4. Pupils do the same activity. 5. Teacher monitors and helps as and when necessary. Closure - Summary (5 minutes) - Recap the lesson 1. Teacher guides pupils to complete their learning diaries. This will include Unit 5 and learning objective (2) the beginning of Unit 6. Learning diary Reflection: