Scaffold for iden fy Iden fy ‐ recognise and name Objects or aspects to be iden fied: Points to note: Topic sentence that names ob‐ jects or aspects as asked in the ques on Aspect or object Brief descrip on and example: May need to include examples to illustrate you recognise what each item or object is Aspect or object This should only be a brief overview of the topic no more than one example per item Brief descrip on and example: There is no need to include a concluding paragraph Aspect or object Brief descrip on and example: Scaffold for define Define ‐ state meaning and iden fy essen al quali es Objects or aspects to be iden fied: Points to note: Topic sentence states the meaning of the term in the ques on Essen al quality Brief descrip on and example: Essen al quality Brief descrip on and example: May need to include examples to illustrate the essen al quali es of the term or objects being defined This should only be a brief overview of the term no more than one example per item Essen al quality Brief descrip on and example: There is no need to include a concluding paragraph Scaffold for outline Outline ‐ state in general terms; indicate the main features Issues to be outlined: Points to note: Statement of issue in the ques on Preview of each characteris c or feature Characteris c or feature Brief descrip on and example: Topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph that states main features followed by a descrip on and examples to illustrate point Use linking words such as: Characteris c or feature Brief descrip on and example: Characteris c or feature For instance, for example, including, and such as to introduce your examples This should only be a brief overview of the topic no more than two sentences per feature Brief descrip on and example: There is no need to include a concluding paragraph Characteris c or feature Brief descrip on and example: Scaffold for describe Describe ‐ provide characteris cs and features Issues to be described Points to note: Statement of issue Preview of each characteris c or feature Characteris c or feature Descrip on and example: Topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph that states characteris cs or features followed by a descrip on and examples to illustrate Characteris c or feature Descrip on and example: Use linking words such as; for instance, for example, including to introduce your examples Characteris c or feature Descrip on and example: Conclusion: Brief summary of main characteris cs and features. Not necessary if you have given a thorough descrip on in the body of your answer Scaffold for compare Compare ‐ show how things are similar or different Issues to be compared Points to note: Iden fy the things to be com‐ pared from the ques on. Similari es Point: Elabora on and support: Preview each point you will raise. Topic sentence at the beginning of each point followed by ex‐ plana on and relevant exam‐ ples to illustrate point Point: Elabora on and support: Point: Elabora on and support: Use linking words between each point such as; also, in ad‐ di on, similarly, another simi‐ larity is Differences Point: Elabora on and support: Point: Elabora on and support: “For instance”, “this can be seen in “’ An example of this is” and ‘for example 'can be used to start sentences that provide examples for your points. Point: Elabora on and support: Conclusion and judgement: Must make a judgement relat‐ ed to the similari es and differ‐ ences in the topic. Scaffold for discuss Discuss ‐ iden fy issues and provide points for and / or against Issues to be discussed: Points to note: Point for: Statement of issue from your point of view (without using “I”) making your preferred side clear. Elabora on and support: Preview each point. Point for: Topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph followed by explana on and examples to illustrate point. Elabora on and support: Point against: Elabora on and support: Point against: Elabora on and support: Use linking words such as; therefore, because, however, for instance, for example Brief summary of points for and against Conclusion Draw conclusions regarding support for and against issue Scaffold for dis nguish Dis nguish ‐ recognise or note / indicate as being dis nct or different from; to note differences between Issues to be discussed: Points to note: Statement of issue. Preview each point of Differences difference. Point Elabora on and support: Topic sentence at the beginning of each point followed by Point for: Elabora on and support: explana on and examples to illustrate point. Point for: Elabora on and support: Use linking words between each point such as : also, in Point against: addi on, similarly. Elabora on and support: Point against: Elabora on and support: Point against: Elabora on and support: Conclusion and judgement For instance and for example can be used to start sentences that provide examples for your points. Use linking words such as: on the other hand, whereas, in contrast to, however You can again use for instance, for example to start sentences that provide examples for your points. Scaffold for analyse Analyse ‐ iden fy components and the rela onship between them; draw out and relate implica ons. Topic to be analysed: Points to note: Statement of topic taken from the ques on Component Elabora on and support: Component Elabora on and support Preview of components and their rela onships. Topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph followed by explana on and examples to illustrate each component Rela onship Point: Elabora on and support: Component Elabora on and support: Use linking words between each point such as: therefore, thus, as a result, leading to, to illustrate the rela onship be‐ tween each of the components Component Elabora on and support Iden fying and explaining the rela onship between the vari‐ ous components is essen al in answering these ques ons. Rela onship Point: Elabora on and support: Implica ons of the rela onship between each of these components. The implica ons of the rela‐ onship (what happens / what effect it has) can be dealt with in each of the paragraphs or as a concluding paragraph. Scaffold for assess Assess ‐ make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size. Issues to be assessed: Points to note: Statement of topic to be assessed which reflects your view point or judgement. Either Point for (advantages) Elabora on and support: Preview of points for and against and concluding judgement. Point for (advantages) Elabora on and support: Topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph followed by Point for (advantages) explana on and examples to illustrate point. Elabora on and support: Or: Point against (disadvantages) Elabora on and support: Point against (disadvantages) Elabora on and support needs to include informa on about the value, quality or outcomes of the point being discussed. This can also refer to nega ve cri cism about the point. Elabora on and support: Point against (disadvantages) Elabora on and support: Conclusion and judgement Use linking words such as: therefore, because, however, for, instance, for example, as a result Informa on used to make a judgement needs to be explained in your elabora on and then examples given to support it. Must make a judgement at the end. Either for or against the argument based on the value, quality or outcomes of the topic. Scaffold for jus fy Jus fy ‐ support an argument, opinion or conclusion Argument or point of view: Points to note: Statement of the argument showing your opinion on it. Point for Elabora on and support: Preview of each point of argu‐ ment. Point for Topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph followed by explana on and examples to illustrate point. Elabora on and support: Point against Elabora on and support: Use linking words such as: therefore, because, however, for instance, for example, to build your argument and clearly link examples to points. Point against Elabora on and support: Conclusion Brief summary of points of argument and a concluding statement to restate your point of view. Scaffold for evaluate Evaluate ‐ make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of Issue to be evaluated: Points to note: Statement of topic to be evaluated.. Point for Elabora on and support: Point for Elabora on and support: Point against Preview of points for and against your judgement (without using “I”) Topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph followed by explana on and examples to illustrate point. Points could also be advantages and disadvantages instead of for and against. Elabora on and support: Use linking words such as: therefore, because, however, for, instance, for example, as a result Point against Elabora on and support: Criteria used to make a judgement could be used during the points for and against the argument to illustrate these more clearly. Criteria used to assess points for and against: Brief summary of points for and against. Conclusion and judgement: Relate judgement at the end either for OR against the argument. Scaffold for cri cally analyse Cri cally analyse ‐ add a degree or level of accuracy, depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, ques oning, reflec on and quality to analyse. Analyse ‐ iden fy components and the rela onship between them; draw out and relate implica ons. Topic to be analysed: Points to note: Statement of topic which reflects how deeply you have thought about the ques on. Component Elabora on and support: Preview of components and their rela onships. Component Elabora on and support Topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph followed by explana on and examples to illustrate each component Rela onship Point: Elabora on and support: Component Elabora on and support: Component Elabora on and support Rela onship Point: Elabora on and support: Implica ons of the rela onship between each of these components. Use linking words between each point such as: therefore, thus, as a result, leading to, to illustrate the rela onship be‐ tween each of the components Iden fying and explaining the rela onship between the vari‐ ous components is essen al in answering these ques ons. The implica ons of the rela‐ onship (what happens / what effect it has) can be dealt with in each of the paragraphs or as a concluding paragraph. Scaffold for cri cally evaluate Cri cally evaluate ‐ add a degree or level of accuracy, depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, ques oning, reflec on and quality to evaluate. Evaluate ‐ make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of Points to note: Issue to be evaluated: Statement of topic to be cri cally evaluated. Preview of points for and against and concluding Point for judgement (without using “I”) Elabora on and support: Point for Topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph followed by explana on and examples to illustrate point. Elabora on and support: Point against Points could also be advantages and disadvantages instead of for and against. Elabora on and support: Point against Use linking words such as: therefore, because, however, for, instance, for example, as a result Elabora on and support: Criteria used to assess points for and against: Criteria used to make a judgement could be used during the points for and against the argument to illustrate these more clearly. Brief summary of points for and against. Conclusion and judgement: Relate judgement at the end either for OR against the argument.