STAGE 1 – UBD UNIT PLAN Unit Title: Geometry Grade 5 Standard 5.3 Given previous mathematical concepts, students will be able to apply their knowledge and understanding of the concepts of coordinate planes system on grids. Enduring Understandings: Graphing points on a coordinate plane provides a representation of a mathematical context, which aids in visualizing situations and solving problems. Essential Questions: How can plotting points on a coordinate plane help us determine specific locations in real life? Students will know (Knowledge): Coordinate system vocabulary: axes, x-axis, y-axis, origin, ordered pair, coordinates, x-coordinate, y-coordinate. Techniques for constructing a coordinate grid and plotting points on that grid. Students will be able to (Skills): Construct a coordinate system. Explain how to identify the coordinates of a point on a coordinate system. Graph points corresponding to ordered pairs. Represent real world and mathematical problems on a coordinate plane. STAGE 2 – ASSESSMENT: ACCEPTABLE EVIDENCE Performance Tasks–Other Evidence Quiz on coordinate planes – placing and finding ordered Pairs a coordinate system. Students will find a secret image by following the coordinate pairs on a given task. Students will write the coordinate pairs of a letter designed by them. STAGE 3 – INSTRUCTION: LEARNING PLAN Summary of Learning Activities: IXL on Coordinate Grids Kahoot Manipulatives – Graph paper/Coordinate planes Learning activities - Battleship ( Brian Pop – Picture Portrait Quizlet Technology – Interactive SmartBoard coordinate planes. Websites – h/default.htm