Seminar 7 Task 1. Translate into Uzbek or Russian, paying attention to the words of national coloring. Try to deduce from the sentences below the important role of culture in grasping the meaning. Model: The buildings of the University are measured by the mile. Университетнинг бинолари милялаб ўлчанади. Здания университета имеют в длину несколько миль. The difficulty in the translation is the noun mile which refers to the group of words national coloring having no equivalents in the other languages. (It is a length measure). The way of translation transliteration — миля. The pragmatic aim is to preserve the national coloring of the English language. 1. He extracted every ounce of emotion from Rachmaninov's third concert. In 1904 Martin Arrowsmith was an Arts and Science Junoir and he was preparing for medical school. 1. U Raxmaninovning uchinchi kontsertidan har bir hissiyotni chiqarib oldi. 1904 yilda Martin Arrowsmith Art and Science Junoir edi va u tibbiyot maktabiga tayyorgarlik ko'rayotgan edi. 2. She took off her stockings and walked around on the grass. (S, Lewis.) 2. U paypog'ini echib, o't ustida yurdi. (S, Lyuis.) 3. I have never failed to read the Literary Supplement of «The Times*. 3. Men hech qachon «The Times * ning Adabiy qo'shimchasini o'qimaganman. 4. The NATO representatives are unlikely to come to any agreement. («Moscow News».) 4. NATO vakillari biron bir kelishuvga erishishlari ehtimoldan yiroq emas. («Moskva yangiliklari».) 5. 1 got a cab outside the hotel, but I didn't have the faintest damn idea where 1 was going. (J. Salinger.) 5. 1 mehmonxonadan tashqarida taksi oldi, lekin men 1-ning qaerga ketayotgani haqida jirkanch fikrga ega emas edim. (J. Salinger.) 6. 1 wondered if the poor devil had been hammered on the Stock Exchange or run over by an omnibus. 6. 1 bechora shaytonni fond birjasida urishganmi yoki omnibus tomonidan urib yuborilganmi, deb hayron bo'lishdi. 7. The distance the man traveled covered many miles. 7. Odam bosib o'tgan masofa ko'p kilometrlarni bosib o'tdi. 8. The Austrian trenches were above on the hill-side only a few yards from the Italian lines. (Ј. Hemingway.) 8. Avstriya xandaqlari tepalik tomonida Italiya chizig'idan atigi bir necha metr narida joylashgan. (Ј. Xeminguey.) 9. He heard Mrs. Baines’s voice like a voice in a nightmare. 9. U missis Beynsning ovozini dahshatli tush kabi eshitdi. 10. There was old Jollying in Stanhop Place; the James in Park Lane, Swithin in the lonely glory of orange and blue chambers in Hyde Park Mansions ,..(J. Galsworthy.) 10. Stanhop Pleysda eski Jolling bor edi; Park Leyndagi Jeyms, Xayd Park Mansionlaridagi to'q sariq va moviy kameralarning yolg'iz shon-sharafida Svitin, .. (J. Galsuorti.) Task 2. Provide Uzbek or Russian equivalents to the following phraseological units paying attention to cultural aspects of languages. State the way of translation. Model 1. On the seventh heaven (Idiom) — Арши аълода — На седьмом небе The way of translation; Absolute equivalents. Model 2. It was all Greek to me (Idiom) — жумбоқ-(лексик эквивалент) — китайская грамота-(ФЕ) The way of translation: Translation by analogy Model 3. to kill two birds with one stone — бир ўқ билан икки қуѐнни урмоқ — убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом The way of translation: Translation by analogy Model 4. a bone of contention (Idiom) -Баҳсга(жанжалга) сабабчи бўлган нарса -яблоко раздора The way of translating; translation by analogy (Russ); Lack of adequance; Descriptive translation (Uzb). If it is understandable, here are the phraseological units for you to translate and analyze from cultural point of view: 1. She was taken aback. 2. I've been out of sorts all day. 3. to make both ends meet 4. to pull oneself together 5. to give oneself airs 6. to lose one's head 7. to be reduced to a skeleton 8. To rob Peter, to pay Paul 9. like a weather cock in the wind 10. kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 1. U hayratda qoldi. 2. Men kun bo'yi har xil narsalardan edim. 3. ikkala uchini bir-biriga moslashtirmoq 4. o‘zini tortib olmoq 5. o‘ziga havo bermoq 6. boshini yo‘qotmoq 7. skeletga aylantirmoq 8. Butrusni talash, Polga pul to'lash 9. shamolda havo xo'roziga o'xshaydi 10. oltin tuxum qo'yadigan g'ozni o'ldiring