TYPES OF SOIL C Soil contains mineral particles with various sizes, living organisms (earthworms) dead materials, water and air. • How soil forms? • Soil forms by the weathering of rock above ground and from weathering of bedrock, weathering of bedrock, which is below ground. • (weathering is the process in which rocks breaks up to form a fragments) fragments) Types of soil Clay soil Sandy soil Loam soil Particle size Small particles Space and air content Permeability to water Soil can become waterlogged in heavy Few and small air rain (sticky when wet) spaces Large particles Many large air spaces Mixture of small and large particles Many different sized air spaces Drains water quickly because of its larger grains of rock. It can hold water without getting waterlogged. It contains more humus. Clay soil Sandy soil Loamy soil Layer of the soil • 1. Humus – surface darkest layer (made up of remains of plants and animals • 2. topsoil – thicker layer under the surface (made up of humus and rock fragments where the plants grow. • 3. subsoil – contains less humus • 4. bedrock - made up of slightly unbroken rock and only a little bit of organic material is found here. Plant roots are not found in this layer. •Experiment