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Lord of the Flies Name
Jonathan Maynard Date 12/9/19
& Night
Final Exam (Dec.2020)
True/False- Mark “A” for True and “B” for False.
1. When Ralph is elected chief, Jack is so frustrated that he refuses to
hunt. B
2. Ralph starts the signal fire by rubbing two sticks together. B
3. The signal fire goes out because Jack and the hunters neglect it. A
4. A wild boar eats the littlun who has a mulberry-colored birthmark on his
face. B
5. Piggy’s parents will come find them. B
6. The conch provides a symbol for authority that the boys recognize as
civilized. A
7. The main source of food on the island is food scavenged from the
wreckage of the airplane. B
8. The boys murder Simon because they think that he is “batty.” B
9. Piggy is not afraid of Jack because he knows that SamnEric will protect
him. B
10. Ralph and Jack initially had a mutual respect that diminished by the
end of the book. A
II. Match the following descriptions with the choices given (A-E).
a. Ralph
b. Piggy
c. Jack
11. dies when a rock falls on him B
12. the elected leader of the group A
13. the worst character; kills Piggy E
d. Simon
e. Roger
14. puts his own lust for hunting ahead of everyone else’s needs C
15. sees people for what they really are D
16. represents the power-hungry dictator in society C
17. represents the mystic philosophers in society D
18. represents the good-hearted rule-following leaders in society A
19. represents the evil sadist figures in society E
20. represents the scholars or thinkers in a society B
Multiple Choice
21. The boys are on the island because
a. their ship sank
b. they will be safe from the war there
c. their plane was shot down
d. they were on vacation
22. The boy with the mulberry birthmark who was fearful of the “snakething”
a. disappears
b. was Simon
c. later becomes one of the bravest boys
d. refuses to eat the meat Jack provides
23. The conch shell becomes a symbol of
a. freedom
b. authority
c. tyranny
d. death
24. Jack changes from a civilized schoolboy to a(n)
a. insane butcher obsessed with murdering his way to power
b. a sadist obsessed with torture
c. a clever tyrant obsessed with creating a new form of government
d. a savage obsessed with hunting
25. Which boy suggests, “We’ll have rules! Lots of rules!”?
a. Jack
b. Simon
c. Piggy
d. Roger
26. Simon recognizes that the beast
a. lives in the sea
b. lives on the mountain
c. is within each of them
d. is stalking them at night
27. In the early part of the novel, “a civilization that knew nothing of him
and was in ruins” prevents
a. Roger from hitting Henry with rocks
b. Piggy from carrying wood to the fire
c. Jack from killing the first pig
d. Simon from pushing over the pig’s head on the stick
28. The bodies of Simon and Piggy are
a. buried under Castle Rock
b. left as an offering for the beast
c. washed out to sea
d. carried to the top of the mountain
29. The only boy who does not participate in murder is
a. Piggy
b. Simon
c. Ralph
d. Roger
30. Who starts the fire that ironically brings rescue?
a. Roger
b. Jack
c. Ralph
d. Simon
31. When Robert suggests that the game needs a real pig “because
you’ve got to kill him,” what does Jack suggest using?
a dead pig
a dummy
a littlun
32. Simon’s death represents the death of
a. poetry and imagination
b. law and order
c. reason and common sense
d. democracy and freedom
e. love
33. Jack impales the sow’s head on a stick
a. as a warning to Ralph
b. to awe his followers
c. to establish himself as chief
d. as a gift for the beast
e. to freak Simon out
34. While staring at the severed pig’s head, Simon has a mystical
experience that reveals to him that the beast is
a. on the mountain top
b. a creature that the boys can hunt and kill
c. a creature from the sea
d. the evil within the human heart and mind
35. Roger is unable to throw rocks directly at the “littlun” on the beach
a. the laws of civilization restrain him
b. he is afraid of what Ralph will do
c. the “littlun” is partially hidden by a “sandy white wall”
d. Ralph is watching him too closely.
36. Piggy’s auntie owns a
a. factory
b. bakery
c. private school
d. dress shop
e. candy store
37. What functions does the fire serve?
a. warmth
b. cooks food
c. a,b,d
d. sends a rescue signal
e. a and b
38. Piggy suffers from
a. chronic diarrhea
b. fatigue
c. hearing impairment
d. asthma
e. congenital heart defect
39. The destruction of the conch occurs at the same time as:
a. Simon’s death
b. Piggy’s death
c. Ralph’s death
d. both a and c
e. both b and c
40. The naval officer’s comment about the boys’ fun and games is an
example of
a. foreshadowing
b. symbolism
c. irony
d. conflict
41. The inhumanity of this fictional society is seen in its treatment of the
a. parachutist
b. littluns
c. boy with the mulberry birthmark
d. naval officer
42. The Lord of the Flies is a symbol of
a. internal human evil
b. death
c. hope
d. war
43. For Jack’s tribe, the need for meat becomes secondary to the
a. need for security
b. lust to kill
c. need for a fort
d. desire to stay together
44. The reenactment of the pig hunt in which Robert is hurt foreshadows
a. Piggy’s death
b. The hunt for Ralph
c. The rescue
d. Simon’s death
Sequential Order - Put the following events in order by sequence
(“A” happened first, “B” happened second, “C” happened third, “D”
happened fourth, and “E” happened last.)
45. A parachute drags a body out to sea. D
46. A small boy with a birthmark goes missing. B
47. Ralph is elected leader. A
48. A naval officer rescues a group of children. E
49. Roger sharpens a stick at both ends for Ralph. C
Quotes – Match the quote with the appropriate speaker (There is not an
evenly matched number of quotes per speaker.)
a. the Lord of the Flies b. Samneric c. Jack
d. Piggy
e. the Officer
50. “Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill.” a
51. “Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?”
52. “Nobody killed, I hope. Any dead bodies?” e
53. “They’re going to hunt you tomorrow.” b
54. “I’m not going to play any longer. Not with you.” c
55. “I should have thought that a pack of British boys…would have been
able to put up a better show than that.” e
56. “You’re acting like a crowd of kids!” d
57. “What are you doing here all alone? Aren’t you afraid of me?” a
a. Ralph
b. Simon
c. Jack
d. Piggy
e. Roger
58. “That’s right! Favor Piggy as you always do!” e
59. “This head is for the beast. It’s a gift.” c
60. “Now I only got one eye. Just you wait!” d
61. “What I mean is. Maybe it is only us.” a
62. “Sam, I’m going to be all right, aren’t I?” d
63. “Because the rules are the only thing we’ve got.” b
64. “We’ve got to keep the fire going.” a
65. “No, I am not. I just think you’ll get back all right.” a
Elie Wiesel’s Night – Short-Answer Response
Write a ten-sentence paragraph to respond to one of the following
prompts. Follow the guidelines provided in Folder 03/12 Night Part 4 and 5,
reference document #6, How to Write a Great Short-Answer Response.
A. A young boy is executed when a raid reveals a stash of weapons in
his quarters. At the execution, both prisoners and guards are clearly
troubled by the victim’s young age. After the hanging, as the
crowd is leaving, a man asks, “For God’s sake, where is God?”
Eliezer responds, “Where He is? This is where – hanging here from
these gallows…” Write a commentary on Eliezer’s statement by
explaining what he means.
B. Throughout the book, characters demonstrate how survival instincts
can override moral decisions and actions. For instance, sons beat or
abandon their fathers to survive. In your opinion, is this an
understandable, or forgivable, phenomenon? Write a paragraph
voicing your opinion.
C. Eliezer faced unimaginable horrors as a prisoner. After reading his
story, has your outlook on life changed at all? For instance, do you
now appreciate something more than you did before reading
Night? Write a paragraph to explain how, if at all, his story has
impacted you.
D. What do you suppose Eliezer did after leaving Buchenwald? What
would you do? Write your answers in a short summary that should
not exceed ten sentences.
Eliezer’s statement is reflecting on his extremely low faith in God,
during these events. He has been traumatized by the horrific things
that he has seen during the holocaust, causing him to lose faith.
During these events, he questions why he prays, and therefore, why
he breathes and lives, for which he finds no answer. He starts to lose
his own sense of identity, as he loses faith in everything that he once
believed in. He says God was in those gallows, as it would appear
as though god is dead, due to current events being so horrifying.