Energy Project Assessment Checklist Completion of: Essential Guiding Questions Research these (2-3 lessons) – o □What is energy? o □What do we need energy for? o □What are the current World Energy Sources, give percentages? o □What are Australia’s energy sources o □What are the two main types of energy sources o □Advantages and disadvantages of the various energy sources o □What Energy Source would you propose is best for Australia and why? o □What is a” Business Pitch”? o □What makes a good Business Pitch? 2. Completion of: □1Stile.Lesson: What is energy? Half to 1 lesson □2.StileLesson: Renewable energy 1 Lesson □3.StileQuiz: Renewable energy 10 minutes □4.Stile Test: Half lesson 3. Project Journal: o □Numerous entries covering 4 weeks 1. o 4. □ Graphs - somewhere in your work there should be something done in a spreadsheet (Excel) which contains a table of data which is then converted into a chart/graph. 5. 6. 7. □ All References are stated □ A Declaration of Authenticity Major Presentations: This is the most important part At least three of the following (4 to 8 lessons): o □ a movie, possibly a news broadcast or similar o □ a newspaper spread (digital) o □ an eTextbook (using iBooks Author) o □ a podcast o □ a website o □ A Persuasive Writing Piece 8. The Sales Pitch See Rubric See Rubric