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Research Skills Practice: Source, Notes, Thesis, Outline

Name________________________________________Steps to Research Success Practice Packet p1
Research Handbook pp2, 11
Create a source entry for each of the following sources on boards before copying to practice sheet.
1. The Loch Ness Monster: The Evidence is a book by Stuart Campbell. Published by Prometheus in
2. A book published by Anchor Books in 1997. The title is Knights and Armor written by Daisy
Kerr and Mark Bergin.
3. “Graves of the Titanic” is an article from the webpage titled Gulf of Maine Aquarium. It was last
updated on Dec 8, 2005. http://www.gma.org/space1/titanic.html
4. Web article title "If the Stones Could Speak" by Caroline Alexander. On the National
Geographic website published on June 2008.
Fall 2017
Name________________________________________Steps to Research Success Practice Packet p2
Using the blank boxes below, create the specified notes from the excerpt.
Research Handbook p3
Murrell, Deborah. Knights and Armor. Stevens Publishers, 2009, p437.
The most valuable items to a knight were his armor, weapons, and his war horse. During the Middle Ages
knights wore two main kinds of armor: chain mail and plate armor. Chain mail was made from thousands
of metal rings. The typical chain mail armor was a long cloak called a hauberk. Knights wore a padded
cloak underneath the armor to help them carry the weight of the armor. A chain mail hauberk could
weigh as much as 30 pounds. Although chain mail was flexible and offered good protection, it could be
pierced by an arrow or thin sword. Some knights began to put plates of metal over vital parts of their
bodies for added protection. Soon they were completely covered in plate armor and they stopped wearing
chain mail. By the 15th century, most knights were wearing full plate armor which offered better
protection, but it was less flexible and heavier than chain mail weighing around 60 pounds.
Direct Quote:
Fall 2017
Name________________________________________Steps to Research Success Practice Packet p3
Research Handbook p4, 12
I. Thesis: Identify if the following thesis statements are (A) strong or (B) weak.
___________ a. Although it’s believed that Jack the Ripper was responsible for only five of the eleven
Whitechapel Murders, the person that committed these murders evaded capture because of
his allusiveness and cleverness when it came to outwitting his victims.
___________ b. The Titanic’s technology was far more advanced than any other ship, but not advanced
enough for the human errors of the captain, the shipbuilder, the architect, and the White
Star Director.
___________ c. Florence Nightingale was a heroic woman because she was a fantastic female nurse, cured the
ill and was a great team leader.
___________ d. From dissolving his marriages to initiating the English Reformation, King Henry VIII’s
personal and political decisions had the most influence of any other monarch in the shaping
of modern day Great Britain.
___________ e. Over 700 years, Robin Hood stole from the rich, and gave back to all the poor.
II. Create a thesis statement from the information provided:
Example: The Hundred Years War:
created a sense of nationalism
introduced new military war fare
helped shape modern political culture
affected the population
did not bring peace
Even though the Hundred Years war did not bring peace, it did create a sense of nationalism, introduced
new military war fare, helped shape modern political culture and affected the population
1. Lochness Monster
belief in the Loch Ness Monster
status of a classic phenomenon
2. Battle of Britain
The German failure to gain victory
challenged the beliefs and intelligence
popularity endures
international media star
British Forces.
3. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s character of Sherlock Holmes
pop culture
forensic science
detective fiction
Fall 2017
Name________________________________________Steps to Research Success Practice Packet p4
Research Handbook pp4, 12
Complete the outline for the body of a research paper using the information in the box.
Last to die
A. First Class
2. Famous names
B. __________Class
1. Description
2. Famous names
_____Third Class
1. Description
2. Famous names
_____Survivors and Victims
A. Survivors
1. Facts and Statistics
_____Personal Stories
B. Victims
1. Facts and
2. Eyewitness accounts of demise of victims
III. Aftermath of Survivors
A. First to die
Research Handbook pp4 ,13
Identify which sentence serves which purpose for the introduction paragraph.
Be able to explain the effectiveness for each sentence.
Place the sentences in the correct order.
Topic: Great London Fire Affects
a. _
“Oh, the miserable and calamitous spectacle!” said Samuel Pepys of
the terrible disaster.
b. _
The Great Fire of London was a major conflagration that swept
through the central parts of the English city of London, from Sunday, 2
September to Wednesday, 5 September 1666.
c. _
The modern-day Fire Brigade has evolved following development and
improvements of firefighting and the construction of buildings from the
Great London Fire.
d. _
Clang! Clang! Clang! was the sound heard heralding in one of history’s
greatest destructive fire.
Fall 2017
Name________________________________________Steps to Research Success Practice Packet p5
Research Handbook p5, 14
I. Combining Notes:
● Use the following notes from the gathering grid to write a paragraph for each topic.
● Use appropriate transitions as needed.
1. Construction of The Titanic.
Brewster. :888 ½ Amazing
“Titanic Construction” web
“Titanic: The Unsinkable
Answers– p6
Ship” web article
Thought to be indestructible but
broke right in the middle. “The
stress on the steel hull was so
great that it couldn’t support the
weight of the stern as it rose out
of the water.”
Construction began on March 31,
1909. Built at Harland and Wolff
Shipyards in Belfast, Ireland.
Over 1,500 people worked. Began
7:50 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 5 days a
2 reciprocating steam engines
1 Parsons turbine
2 propellers
29 boilers
159 coal furnaces
2. Stonehenge.
Lingen, Eric. “Stonehenge”
Web article
● a religious site, as all stone circles of
ancient times.
● man got in touch with the Gods. God
spoke to man there, and man to God.
● center of the cosmos, where God dwells.
● same as modern-day temples.
Daniel, George. Megalithic
Monuments. page 529
“Stonehenge” Britianica web
Many scholars believe that Stonehenge
was used as a place of worship. We now
know that the Druids did not build
Stonehenge, but they did use the
structure as a part of their worship.
"When you enter and cast your
eyes around, upon the yawning
ruins, you are struck into an ecstatic
reverie, which none can describe."
Fall 2017
Name________________________________________Steps to Research Success Practice Packet p6
Research Handbook p5, p14
II. Correctly use in-text citations for the sources by placing the required information in the blank.
Weir, Alison. The Six Wives of Henry VIII. Grove, 1991.
1. (from p370) Shortly after the birth of Edward VI, Queen Jane died from Post Natal illness
2. (from p385) Henry took notice of John III, Duke of Cleves, considering he had two unmarried daughters.
What better way to cement an alliance than marriage
3. (from p384) Weir states that Henry’s fifth wife, Kathryn Howard, was a frivolous, empty headed young girl
who cared for little else but dancing and pretty clothes
"Causes and Effects of the Rapid Sinking of the Titanic." Causes and Effects of the Rapid Sinking of the
Titanic. University of Wisconsin, Nov. 1998, http://www.writing.ucsb.edu/faculty/holms/titanic2.pdf
4. The fire in the coal room could have aided the sinking of the ship because it weakened the ship’s rivets
5. The study by University of Wisconsin also states that the captain’s human error contributed the sinking of the
titanic and the outdated regulations didn’t help much either
6. The bending of light could have deceived the Titanic’s lookouts from seeing the iceberg. It was recorded that
ships in the area saw a cold weather mirage. The refraction could have caused them not to see the freighter
Californian and communicating with it. This refraction may have deceived the crew and caused them to
collide into the iceberg
Alchin, Linda. "Knights’ Armor." Middle Ages, Lords and Ladies, 13 Mar. 2015, http://www.lordsandladies.org
7. “The knights were trained at a knight school, whence he served seven years as a page and then another seven
years as a squire which gave him the ability and skill with the weapons of a knight. these weapons required
constant training and and training”
8. Linda Alchin states, “Over time the armor wore in the medieval ages was perfected, the knight's armor was
crucial to the battle to be won”
9. The armor was very expensive to produce, which was essential to get an exact match to the knight or it could
mean death for the knight
III. Transitions: Record an appropriate transition for the following sentences of a paper.
, the Titanic was far more advanced in technology than any other ship during its time.
, the Titanic had sixteen primary compartments divided by fifteen bulkheads that
, the Titanic’s rudder was large enough that it needed
extended well above the waterline
steering engines.
, the tiller could be moved by ropes connected to two steam capstans.
, there were eleven watertight doors and fifteen bulkhead.
, the
“watertight compartments” actually were not watertight they had a small gap at the top of them. Six of the
sixteen bulkheads filled with water and then the others.
, the front of the ship filled
with water and the back raised up which caused an excessive amount of pressure on the mid-section and then it
split in half.
, the ship was far more advanced for its time, but the lack of experience
of its crew caused the downfall of one of the greatest ships in history
Fall 2017
Name________________________________________Steps to Research Success Practice Packet p7
● Identify which sentence serves what purpose for the conclusion paragraph.
● Be able to explain the effectiveness for each sentence.
● Place the sentences in the correct order.
● *See p4 of the Practice Packet for the introduction paragraph.
Research Handbook p6, p13
Topic: Great London Fire
1. The modern-day Fire Brigade has evolved following development and
improvements of firefighting and buildings from the Great London Fire.
2. All in all, the Great London Fire provided an opportunity to plan and rebuild
London and diminished the Great Plague immensely.
3. In many respects, the Great Fire of London, in 1666, created the London
which can be visited today.
4. The famous diarist John Evelyn compared London unfavorably with Paris,
calling it a "wooden, northern and inartificial collection of houses."
Research Handbook p6, p11
A. Listing the Sources.
Select which reference is correctly or incorrectly cited for a works cited list.
Correct incorrect examples in the space provided.
A. Correct Citation
B. Incorrect Citation
______1. “Stonehenge Decoded.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 1991 ed.
______2. Seidensticker, John, Smithsonian “Stonehenge: An Appealing Time Piece.” Feb. 1992, pp113–122.
______3. Warner, Matt. Mysteries of the World. 1976, Bantam Books.
______4. Johnson, Anthony. Solving Stonehenge. 1974.
______5. Fletcher, Dan. "A Brief History of Stonehenge Theories” TIME.com. 20 Mar 2009. <url>
______6. Jonathan Schell. The Fate of the Earth. Alfred A. Knopf, 1982.
______7. "Thomas Andrews." BBC News. BBC, 12 Apr 2012.
______8. "Wireless Could Have Saved Lives on the Titanic." Discovery News. Discovery Communications,
LLC, 2013, <url>
B. Ordering the Works Cited List
Based on the corrections of the above works cited entries, place the entries in the correct order.
Fall 2017
Name________________________________________Steps to Research Success Practice Packet p8
Research Handbook pp7, 14, 16
A. Edit the following passage and works cited entries:
From The Aftermath of the Sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic – a student paper
Philip A. S. Franklin, vice-president and general manager of the International
Mercantile Marine, denied rumor’s, brought too him by reporters, that the Titanic had
sank. (2) He stated, We place absolute confidence in the Titanic. We believe that the
boat is unsinkable. (Butler p. 168)
By 6:15 in the evening, after receiving a wireless communication
from Titanic’s sister ship, The Olympic, Franklin would be changing this
belief. (2)“Gentlemen,” he would say, “I regret to say that the Titanic sank at
2:20 this morning” (Daniel 169).
The stunned reporters issued extras for
the newsboys too disperse. (4)When America wakes up on the morning of
April sixteenth, it would be to the news that titanic, the larger passenger liner
in the world, had sunk, resulting in a major loss of life. (EyeWitness) (5)The
country was all the more shocked by this news because White Star and IMM
officials held up the claim that Titanic was unsinkable (Butler, 168-9).
Works Cited
Daniel Allen Butler. “Unsinkable” The Full Story of RMS Titanic. Stackpole
Books, 1998.
"The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912." EyeWitness to History May 2012.
B. Revising: What suggestions would you make to this student about revising the paragraph? Use of
transitions, word choice, etc…Record your comments here
Fall 2017