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Japanese Aggression: Analyzing International Response & Kanoe's Speech

International Response to Japanese Aggression
Who is the author of the excerpt?
James Le. Huffman, professor of east Asian history at Wittenberg University in the
What is the purpose of the speech?
The purpose of the speech was to discuss the aftermath of the Marco Polo Bridge
incident and also the disappointment with the chinese people’s action towards the
japanese. Since this is japan’s prime minister speaking, the nature of this speech
comes off as reflective and ashamed because of what japan now has to do stating
how he has been forced to make a “firm blow against the Chinese government in an
active manner.
3. How does Prime Minister Kanoe’s purpose affect the portrayal of China and Japan?
His purpose affects the portrayal of both China and Japan because Prime Minister
Kanoe the language he uses to describe the japanese and his disappointment with
them are negative words which expresses contempt and makes the chinese people
look vulnerable since they are the victims. He calls out the attack and the
repercussions of how it has spread to southern and central china and that japan’s
government has no regard for. “Thus, by the outbreak of uncontrolled national
sentiment, the situation has fast been aggravated.” Because the japanese were the
perpetrators, he made sure to call them out.
Key Information
Type of
Primary Source
Value being that it is a
credible and direct
source that doesn’t
paraphrase or
miscommunicate the
ideas of the person
This is a speech with no
historical analysis and also
might be a translation or rough
depiction so many things
mixed up
Value being that there
are more sources about
this topic as time has
progressed and the
direct quotations have
been translated for us
The date between 1919- 1941
from 2004 might be a
limitation since it is so long
ago and the information might
be limited.
e Issues
The value of the prime
minister's perspective is
that it gives us insight
into the mind of a leader
during the crisis and
what he had to do
afterward to remedy the
-Since he is retired, there
might be new information that
he is not aware of
-An american person might
not have as much insight on
the topic despite being a
-The value of the
professor’s perspective
follows someone who
teaches asian history
and probably went
through extensive
research on how
japan/china were
impacted and his
knowledge on the whole
picture might be more
advantageous that one
quote from Kanoe
-Limitation of Kaoe’s
perspective is that he comes
from a place of power and the
citizens and soldiers of Japan
might feel differently, also
things he might be leaving out
including his involvement and
To denote the
statement of the
prime minister
after the Marco
Polo Bridge
-Value of this is that it
helps identify the
situation in the war that
helps narrow down each
The limitations of the purpose
are that it doesn’t discuss
anything past the incident and
the motives, not necessarily
the outcomes and the effects
in each country
-Mentions of
chinese and
-Nature of
for japan
-True motives of
-Direct quotation for
-It was during the event
which is great for
opinions and accuracy
from someone
experiencing it firsthand
Limitations of the content
-Lack to mention what
happened to japan afterward
-Short and concise so not a lot
of room for historian opinions
or summaries
-Direct quotation from speech