T e a c h e r ’ s Hannah Shirley name: Faculty: AIS/B Teacher Development Plan – 2020 Primary School Grade (Elementary) or subject(s) taught: 1st Grade Timeline PART ONE: Goal setting 1. Review self-evalua/on against ELEOT, plus any available Formal Lesson Observa/on Feedback Reports and/or Appraisal Reports in order to set goals. 2. Four goals, aligned to the AdancED/Cognia Standards-Indicators, and/or the Learning Environments (ELEOT) should be set, and agreed with the Area Director. 3. Iden/fy the data that was used to formulate your goals, and the ac/vi/es that will be used to support the improvement each area. 4. A target date should be set by which you aim to demonstrate improvement in the specified area. Identifying Data Activities/CPD to support improvement Research high-expecta/on environments Immediately- throughout in order to learn more and learn ways to the year show evidence of this in my own classroom. Relation to AdancED/ Cognia Standards or ELEOT Provide an environment of higher expec- ELEOT Environment B / ELEOT ta/ons in my classroom Cognia Teaching and Learning Standard 2.5 Allow students to use technology (tablets Immediately- throughout and interac/ve white board) more oUen the year during small group instruc/on. Differen/ate IXL homework assignments and RazKids reading levels for students. Goals to be addressed 1 Implement more technology use by the ELEOT Environment G / ELEOT students during my lessons Cognia Resources Standard 3.5 Research more about small group instruc- Immediately- throughout /on in all subject areas (especially math). the year Find/create new ac/vi/es to use in my small groups for more effec/ve instruc/on. # 2 Improve my small group instruc/on- Cognia Teaching and Learn- Personal Goal more differen/a/on and one-on-one ing Standard 2.7 instruc/on when necessary, in par/cular Work with teachers who currently analyze AUer the first MAP exam MAP data in order to learn more about taken and results received the analyza/on process 4 3 Analyze the data from MAP exams and Cognia Teaching and Learn- Personal Goal implement changes in my teaching based ing Standard 2.11 on the results of the tes/ng PART TWO: Assessment GOAL 1 ELEOT Lesson Observa/on ELEOT Lesson Observa/on Ms. Paola Villarroel Ms. Paola Villarroel Observable, Evidence results on classwork and MAP exams Observable, Evidence results on classwork and MAP exams Observable, Evidence results on classwork and MAP exams Evidence (e.g. documentary, observable) GOAL 2 This will be assessed by observing the lessons and class- Ms. Paola Villarroel work provided to each small group. Observable, Evidence results on classwork and MAP exams Who will assess the improvement? GOAL 3 This will be evident by students’ future MAP scores (evi- Ms. Paola Villarroel dence of growth). How will the improvement be assessed? GOAL 4 Note: Review dates will be set by the Area Director.