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Assignment Instructions: Perception, Emotion, Motivation

Instructions for assignment submissions
1. All students should submit 3 response answers/assignments related to the three papers
we are discussing in the tutorials.
2. Each assignment will be evaluated for 10 marks. The best 2 will be included in the
final assignment for 20 marks.
3. Please do not copy from anyone. If assignments are similar, all concerned will get 0.
We are very strict about this.
4. Schedule of submission:
a. Assignment 1: Perception; deadline: March 1.
b. Assignment 2: Emotion; deadline: March 6.
c. Assignment 3: Motivation; deadline: March 11.
5. If you do not submit on time, there will be deduction in marks. Hence, please stick to
the deadline.
6. The length of your response note should be around 500 words.
7. Do not describe the experiment for us. The assignment should cover two mains
a. Critical evaluation of the experiment. Some highlights.
b. If you plan to design such an experiment, what are some of the variables you
would like to include and why?
(Try to be as creative as you can- extra reward for creativity).