Title: Clinical Outcomes of Medication Therapy Management Services in Primary Health Care Authors: Simone de Araújo Medina Mendonça, Angelita Melo, Gabriela Cristina Coelho Pereira, Danielle Maria de Souza Serio dos Santos, Elisa Brandão Grossi, Maria Do Carmo Vilas Boas Sousa, Djenane Ramalho de Oliveira & Adriana Soares Year of Publication: 2016 Place of Publication: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The study first established that pharmaceutical care materialized into medication therapy management (MTM) may be reproducible and widely-used in developed countries but in developing countries such as Brazil, it is still limited. This is also the current setting in the Philippines (also a developing country), where pharmacists work mainly in activities related to acquisition and inventory control of drugs, with little involvement in direct patient care. The results of the study concluded that the management of patients’ drug therapy by MTM had positive outcomes in medication use and control of medical conditions. By adapting MTM in the Philippines, Filipino patients could benefit by engaging in a more comprehensive medication therapy and monitoring thus improving control and preventing aggravation of health conditions. Reference: Mendonça, S., Melo, A., Pereira, G.C., Santos, D.M., Grossi, E.B., Sousa, M.B., Oliveira, D., & Soares, A. (2016). Clinical outcomes of medication therapy management services in primary health care. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 52, 365-373.