Research Methods & Business Analysis Paper

It is data collection method without
consenting or communicating to
the people. The observations on
human behaviour and human
interaction associated to the
particular phenomenon.
This technique is more personal
because it allows the researcher to
add their judgment to the data
The risk of biasness is maximum.
The observers can inculcate their
own prejudiced judgment in the
It can help to access the dynamics
of the situation. Besides, which
other techniques don’t.
Observation can be attained by
using the technological gadgets
such as videos sensors and
condition monitoring.
It is the scientific tool, used by the
researchers, it allows researcher to
study people without influencing
their behaviour due to their
The obtained data possess detailed
information about particular event
or behaviour of group of people.
This kind of data is highly enrich
understanding about large number
of people.
Focus group
It is qualitative data collection
technique in which responses of
diverse group of people are studied
in order to examined the reactions
that can be expected from dense
A qualitative research technique in
which members of focus group have
common ground, shares a common
The open-ended questions are used
in the focused group. For instance,
what additional features you want in
the product?
The focus group approach does not
encourage the venture of moving
forward without answering the
questions, which are asked before.
It eliminates the chance of external
interference and builds consoled
There is need of moderator, who
can keep the control of discussion
session. It is job responsibility of
the moderator to keep the
participants on the track, keep the
participants to brainstorm ideas and
draw information from the
Each session in the focused group
comprises of 90 minutes. It can be
extended, depending on the length
of information, a participant needs
to utter.
viii. Some methods allow researchers to
conduct study for the individuals.
However, observation method
enables researcher to allow study
group of people or masses
behaving in the groups.
ix. Both physical and mental activities
are involved. The eye catches
many sightings but the attention is
more focused on the data pertinent
to the researcher’s topic of study.
The observation is selective,
depending on the range of things,
which are to be observed on the
basis of scope, nature and
objectives of researcher’s study.
Focus group creates a particular
participants behaviour and attitude
is observed
It is a group interview of around six
to twelve people who shares similar
characteristics and attributes
The obtained data from the focused
group would be descriptive and
could not be accessed in numbers.
Q: NO.2:
Triangulation Method:
It is the research method that assists the researcher to validate whether the
obtained results are correct and certain-correct in sense research outcomes are
reflection of the situation and certain in sense that research outcomes are
validated with the evidence.
The triangulation method is embraced by the researchers to develop the validity
in their research finding/outcomes. It aids the research to foresee the results from
different perspectives.
For instance there is random research question let’s say: what people do in their
free time? There is a group of people, which are interviewed through focused
group technique and their behaviour is observed through observation technique.
It is examined that the people, who say what they do in the interviews” do not
really do when they were observed, they acquire different activities in their free
time and do not follow what they narrated in the interviews.
Therefore, the two different data, collected through different techniques aids the
researcher to validate the findings and eliminate the inconsistencies.
For the given research article “Energy security in Pakistan: Perspective and
policy implications from the quantities analysis”. The data is sorted out into
the flow chart for translucent understanding.
From above two-process flow chart, it is comprehended that the process starts
from problem identification. The identified problem from the given abstract is
related about Pakistan’s energy insecurity.
Furthermore, research question is designed for the given abstract of research
paper. The design research question is:
How green energy solution can turn the tide on energy insecurity in
Beside this, a comprehensive literature review is conducted, followed by the
Qualitative Data collection technique.
For the first process flow, qualitative data collection technique are: surveys, and
document and record techniques. Whereas, second flow process, observation and
case study techniques are engulfed.
From the first process flow, qualitative analysis opted for given abstract is
deductive approach and chosen methodology is based on theoretical model,
which is “The 4-as framework”. The 4-as framework possess four dimensions
Whereas second flow process for the given abstract, the opted approach is also
deductive but selected methodology is dissimilar and held on different theoretical
model. This theoretical model uses four dimensions, which are followed as:
Affordability ,
Energy and Economic Efficiency
Environmental and Social Stewardship
Both the flows are evaluated and leads to the similar findings, which is green
energy. The findings are validated through the triangulation method.
Furthermore, the findings are validated under three type’s triangulation method:
Data Triangulation, Theory Triangulation and Methodological Triangulation.
At last, the interpretation of both process affirms the findings that leads to the
consistent solution, which is Green Energy. If interpretations direct towards
inconsistency in the data, then different approaches are incorporated with-in
study. The inconsistency in the data shall not be seen as weakness the evidence
but comprehended as the opportunity to improve the study. If the study uphold
inconsistencies, it shall be eradicated that leads to the heightening of researcher’s
confidence in the findings.
Q# NO: 3
From the above model, it is deemed that research study relates with the business
marketing framework, particularly market orientation, where businesses align
strategies of its own with accordance to targeted market. The dependent and
independent variables are stated in the model that signifies the relationship and
no relationship between the variables
Therefore, the possible hypothesis formulated from the above model are:
Null Hypothesis
There is no relationship between customer orientation and competitor
ii. The model depicts no relationship between the variables, customer
orientation and inter-functional coordination
iii. There is no correlation between the variables, competitor orientation
and interfunctional coordination
iv. The model illustrates no connection between the variables interfunctional coordination and financial chain performance.
Alternate Hypothesis
There is a affirm relationship between the customer orientation and
It is found to be positive relationship between competitor orientation
and innovation with-in firm.
Interfunctional coordination is in positive relationship with the
Customer orientation upholds positive relationship with financial
chain performance
The model depicts positive relationship between the competitor
orientation and financial chain performance
There is a positive relationship between the innovation and financial
chain performance
Therefore, the stated hypotheses narrates the business approach, consist of:
 Customer orientation: it is the concept of market orientation that assist
businesses to identify the customer needs and wants, focuses on the
customer and aids them to meet their goals, simple it emphasizes on the
great customer value than business value.
 Competitor orientation: it is the model of market orientation in which
businesses analyses its existing strengths and weakness and discovers
potential competitors for moulding its better ideas into best that creates
value and satisfies the customer needs and wants.
 Inter-functional coordination: it is the strategy of market oriented
business, in which the businesses functions are working together,
synchronized enough to deliver the customer value.
 Innovation: is the process that aid businesses to attain emerging
technologies or service, through brainstorming of novel ideas that creates
value for the target customers, and easily implemented. Research and
development activities enhances the innovation with in firm, proposes
essential ideas to businesses to attain them.
 Financial Chain performance: it is the practice, attained by the business
to evaluate financial process at the holistic level rather than individual
level. These practices ensure businesses to align its strategies in a way that
best financial outcomes are accomplished.
Therefore, in the context of business approaches, the research question is
developed below:
How market orientation approach and innovation can reinforce the financial
performance of food value chains in developing economies?
The developed research question narrow downs the scope of the study, referring
food chain business and its operability in developing economies. The suitable title
for the given research question is comphrended as:
Food Value Chain (FVC) in developing economies: Investigating market
orientation, Innovation and Financial Performance.
Concluding, the stated hypothesis aids to formulate the research question and
allocate the suitable title for the particular case study.