Learning-Focused Strategies Extending Refining Lesson Plan: EATS Teacher : Marcus Simon Wilkes Unit: Electrical Safety, Theory, Planning, & Installation (AFNR-AMTI 7) Class: Agriculture Mechanics I, Second Period (Lesson Two Basic Electrical Theory) ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the MOST important concepts or skills? What are the basic components of electricity that make it work? With key questions if necessary. Activating Strategy: How will you activate your lesson or link to prior knowledge? (Examples: KWL, work maps, Wordsplash, etc.) To activate and link prior knowledge I will have a Rod Wave (Popular HipHop/R&B Singer) video loaded on the smart board ready to play. When the students are settled I will begin the video , which will get them excited, after a minute of the music video I will cut the power to the classroom. This will cause the students to get sad over not seeing the remainder of the video. I will use this show them the importance of electricity and relate their prior knowledge of how electricity is delivered to power a device AND/OR Planned Supports (if applicable): Planned supports will not be needed for this activity ACCELERATION STRATEGIES: A content map for this unit will be given to the students so they can see where the (Focus on content maps and key vocabulary for next lessons) lessons within the unit will ultimately take them. They will also be provided a key vocabulary sheet broken down by each lesson so they can pace their learning of the vocabulary. TEACHING STRATEGIES: This lesson will be taught utilizing collaborative groups and student based research. What instructional strategies will you use in your lesson? (Examples: graphic organizer, distributed guided practice, distributed summarizing, collaborative pairs) Students will research one of three topics utilizing Google and the Georgia Ag Ed Website. The topics they will be researching will be: 1. 2. 3. Theory of Electricity Two Types of Electricity AC/DC Explaining VOLTS, WATTS, AMPS, OHMS Students will be grouped so that each of my kinesthetic/tactile learners have a counter balance from the auditory or visual side. CK (tactile) will be paired with JP (visual), JD & BD (tactile will be paired with IM (visual), and JC (tactile) will be paired with TT (Auditory). These groupings are meant to utilize the tactile learners hands on skills which will be good at putting together and presenting the presentation with their counterparts skills of researching, whether that is through audio or visual research like youtube. Students will draw straws to select the topics. The longest straw will get to decide first. The students will be putting their research into a powerpoint or nearpod presentation for them to teach to the class. The students must incorporate the following aspects into their research and presentation; A lesson plan outlining exactly what the group will teach and how the information will be taught A Nearpod or Powerpoint of at least twelve slides Notes containing the information the class will be responsible for (these can be printed and given to the class, written on the board, or part of the PowerPoint). A copy of the notes will be turned in. The group must also prepare an assessment for the class. This assessment can be written or oral, but should me that the class understands and has retained the material being taught. A rubric will be utilized to assess the students competency in the components above. Students/Groups who score less than an 80/100 will have to participate in the re-teaching focus. Planned Supports: Planned support needed for this activity will address my one student CK with mild ADHD. She will be working with a partner that has done well in the past with keeping her focused on the activity. Secondally the presentation aspect and self research are activities that suit her kinesthetic learning style. SUMMARIZING STRATEGIES: How will students summarize what they are learning during the lesson and at the end? (Examples: Ticket out the Door, 3-2-1, etc. Answer the EQ) RE-TEACHING FOCUS AND STRATEGY (if necessary) The summarizing strategy that will be used for this lesson is 3,2,1. The students will provide 3 things that they learned from the lesson, 2 things that they would like to see more time spent on, and 1 thing that they already knew or have a strong understanding of after the lesson. This will allow me to assess their 3,21, and incorporate or exclude some information from the upcoming lessons. The reteaching focus will be given to students who score less than an 80 on the group activity rubric. The reteaching focus will be held on the Friday proceeding the lesson, students who need the remediation will be grouped together to complete a set of guided notes based off of a prepared powerpoint. The students who do not need the remediation will be able to participate in the Hands On Free Friday activity during this time. Planned Supports: If my student with mild ADHD qualifies for the re-teaching focus, she will be allowed to work with a partner to complete her guided notes. I will also incorporate mini breaks so she does not get overwhelmed with the material.