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English 8 Worksheet: Consumed With Greed

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Road 3, Project 6, Quezon City
NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ DATE: _____________
GRADE & SECTION: ___________________________________ TEACHER: ______________________________
Read the story. Then answer the questions below. ( Malay Folktales)
Consumed With Greed
A long time ago, in a village called Kampung Asam Jawa, there was a young man called Yatim. He longed to
marry the daughter of the headman but his marriage proposal was rejected because he was poor. He was brokenhearted and left for Kuala Selangor
There he worked for a merchant by the name of Saudagar Muluk. At first he worked as a domestic assistant.
Later he worked in the merchant’s warehouse. He was very hardworking and. Saudagar Muluk and his wife grew
very fond of him. Eventually he married Murni, the merchant’s daughter. He was also appointed captain of a ship
and came to be Nakhoda Yatim. One day, a Syeikh Maulana came on board the ship, Syeikh Maulana told the story
of how he was stranded on a shore of remote island full of a great many treasure. To prove that what he said was
true he took out a jewel. Nakhoda Yatim asked Syeikh Maulana to show him the way to the island. Syeikh Maulana
agreed. In return Nakhoda Yatim promised half of the treasures to Syeikh Maulana
Not long after, they arrived at the island. There, they found a cave full of treasures. Nakhoda Yatim ordered his
crew to carry all the treasures to the ship. Finally, the two ship were loaded with treasures. Syeikh Maulan then
claimed his share. Unwillingly, Nakhoda Yatim surrendered one the ships loaded with the treasures to him. However,
greed began to overwhelm him. Nakhoda Yatim asked for half of the treasures in Syeikh Maulana’s ship. Syeikh
Maulana gave him the treasures. Later he asked for what left in the ship. Syeikh Maulana finally gave him all his
share. The ship was now empty. At the moment, Syeikh Maulana wanted to step onto the empty ship, Nakhoda
Yatim asked for a copper box which was in his hand. “In this box there is only an ointment. You may have it if you
want,” said Syeikh Maulana.
Then they set sail and went in different directions. Syeikh Maulana’s ship was empty but Nakhoda Yatim’s was
laden with treasures. When Nakhoda Yatim opened the copper box he saw on the bottle of the ointment some
writings: If this oil rubbed on the right eye all the treasures in the oceans, caves and under the ground can be seen. If
it is rubbed on the left eye, both eyes will go blind. Nakhoda Yatim immediately rubbed the oil to his right eye. He felt
a smarting pain, but seconds later, to his delight, he saw treasures hidden in the oceans, caves and ground. He
became greedier and more selfish. He rubbed his left eye. All of the sudden everything became pitch-black. He kept
rubbing his eyes but all he saw was blackness.
“Help! Help! I can’t see.” He screamed. At the moment a thunderstorm broke out. The waves grew huge.
Nakhoda Yatim’s ship was wrecked and it sank. However, he managed to hang on to a broken mast. He was
remorseful and he kept calling Syeikh Maulana to ask for forgiveness.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT. There are words used in the story that may not be familiar to you. In this
activity you are going to be familiar with them and learn how they are used in the sentence.
a.consume- past tense: consumed; past participle: consumed eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink). Eat eat
up, devour, ingest, swallow. Example: People consume a good deal of sugar in drinks.
b.Greed- intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. Example: Greed led
the selfish man to steal money from his employer.
c. overwhelm- bury or drown beneath a huge mass, beat, conquer, vanquish. Example: Sadness
threatened to overwhelm him.
d. remorseful- filled with remorse; sorry, regretful, repentant. Example: She was remorseful because
she tried to kill me.
Choose from the words listed above to complete the sentence.
Example: The city was overwhelmed by the flooding caused by the typhoon.
1. They ________________several bags of pretzels every day.
2. Refuse greed to ____________ you. Greed is a monster to be conquered with contentment.
3. He was _____________ about all the trouble that he had caused in the family.
4. Nakhoda Yatim was blinded by _____________ that he took everything form Syeikh Maulana.
1. Saudagar Muluk and his wife grew very fond of Nakhoda Yatim because he was______________.
2. How did Syeikh Maulana prove to Nakhoda that his story about the treasure was true? ___________
3. Nakhoda Yatim took Syekh Maulana treasures that was supposed to be his share because Nakhoda
was __________________.
4. What caused Nakhoda Yatim to rub his left eye despite the warning written on the bottle?
a. He was so overwhelmed with delight that he forgot about the writings on the bottle.
b. Perhaps he thought that rubbing his both eyes with the ointment he would see more treasures.
c. He was trying to find out if the writings on the bottle were true.
d. All of the above.
1. What is the moral of the story? (Write a reflection from the story on a sheet of paper)
Begin your reflection with this statement: “Happiness will never come to those who fail to
appreciate what they already have.”
Do you remember your activity in your worksheet for week 2? Let us find out how much you have
learned about how to begin a paragraph using a TOPIC SENTENCE.
2. The story Consumed With Greed tells a story about the horrible result of greed. There is a another
story that I want you to read The Greedy Dog. Go to this link to read the story http://www.englishfor-students.com/The-Greedy-Dog.html and answer these questions
What did the dog see in the river? Why did the bone in its mouth fell into the river?