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Faraday's Law Electrolysis Assignment

Isaiah Thomas Secondary School
Take Home Assignment
Name: __________________________________
Date: _______________________
Using Faraday’s Law and its various equations, work out the following questions with full
working and explanations. Use all the necessary symbols and terms in the answers.
Question 1:
In the electrolysis of silver nitrate, a current of 0.50A was allowed to flow for 60 minutes.
Calculate the mass of silver deposited on the electrode. (Ar of silver = 108)
[6 marks]
Question 2:
Calculate the mass of sodium metal that will form at the cathode when a 10.00 A current is
passed through molten sodium chloride for a period of 4 hours. How long must the electrolysis
be carried out to produce 1 kg of sodium metal? (Ar of sodium = 23)
[8 marks]
Question 3:
Calculate the volume of gases formed at room temperature and pressure (rtp) when a charge of
1544C is passed through a sodium nitrate solution.
[10 marks]
Question 4:
A steady current is passed through two electrolytic cells connected in series containing copper
(II) sulphate solution and dilute sulphuric acid respectively. All the electrodes are platinum.
What is the volume of hydrogen liberated at the cathode of the sulphuric acid cell, measured at
rtp when 12.7g of copper are deposited in the copper (II) sulphate cell? (Ar of copper = 63.5)
[6 marks]