YCMS MAKERSPACE 7 Name:________________ Stop Motion Animation Project Outline Design Challenge: Make a short Stop Motion Animation that has a clear beginning, middle and end, and have 360-720 quality frames. My partners are _________________________ and __________________________ A. Ideate – Talk with your partner(s) and discuss THREE IDEAS for a stop motion movie project. This exercise is to get your thinking creatively as you explore your concepts. Use the space below to write down your ideas including characters, setting and plot / theme ideas. B. Storyboard – Once you have chosen your concept, you need to complete a storyboard. A storyboard is a frame-by-frame sketch that communicates the highlights your storyline. Use stick figures for your drawings and make notes about your shots underneath each frame. Your teacher will provide you with storyboard planning sheets. YCMS MAKERSPACE 7 C. Create your set and characters – your set should be no larger than 11x17. You need to have a clear plan that matches your storyline. It does not need to be too elaborate. D. Start Animating - make sure you work together!! E. Present your project!! ~BE sure to Read the Rubric for this assignment ~ Stop Motion Video Rubric Category Developing Proficient Extending Storyline is not present or extremely Story and difficult to understand. Concept Audience does not understand the story at all. Storyline is difficult to follow. There are many unrelated scenes in the plotline. The audience is sometimes confused. Storyline is mostly clear, although some scenes may distract the audience. There is a clear storyline, concept, or idea evident. May include complex animation elements or theme. Animation is extremely Animation choppy. Shakes, Technique Blurs, & Unwanted objects are often evident. Character and object motions are not realistic. No improvement seen as filming continues each day. Animation is sometimes choppy. Character and object motions are not always believable. Only minor improvement evident as the filming continues each day. Animation is mostly smooth and fluid. Technique improves as the filming continues each day. Animation is very smooth and fluid. Character and object motions are brought to life in a realistic way. Technique is excellent and consistent. 20 - 29 seconds of animation frames were captured (240 - 348) Or “stalling” is sometimes present. 30 - 60 secs of animation frames were captured. No “stalling” evident. (360 720 frames) 30 - 60 seconds or more of high quality animation frames were captured (360 720 frames) Duration Emerging 19 seconds or less of animation frames were captured (239 and below)