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Why No Two Snowflakes Are Alike: The Science Explained

Evidence is crystal clear: No two snowflakes
are alike
By Jason Bittel, Washington Post, adapted by Newsela staff on 02.21.20
Word Count 488
Level MAX
Image 1. All snowflakes have their own unique structure. Photo: Damian McCoig/Unsplash
Most people have heard the saying that no two snowflakes are identical. But with countless
snowflakes produced in every winter flurry, could such a thing be true?
According to Jason Benedict, a chemist and crystal expert at the University of Buffalo in New York,
the answer is yes.
This is because snowflakes are made of tons of water molecules that have become linked to one
another. The water molecules usually form around a central point of dust or dirt. Scientists call
this nucleation (pronounced noo-klee-ay-shon).
"So there's this teeny, tiny microscopic foreign object," said Benedict, "and that gives the water
molecules something to hold onto."
The shape these ice crystals take as they form is the result of many factors, including temperature,
humidity and air pressure. All of these factors are constantly shifting and changing as the winds
This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.
blow. This makes the likelihood that each water molecule in that snowflake would sit in exactly the
same place as each water molecule in another snowflake extremely unlikely.
"It just won't happen," Benedict said.
So does a snowflake's structure have anything to do
with whether it will be good for making snowballs, as
opposed to sled-riding? Well, sort of. In fact,
temperature is the main decider of what kind of
outdoor fun you'll be having on a snow day.
Benedict said light and fluffy snow, which is great for
skiing, snowboarding and sled-riding, is usually the
product of very cold temperatures. This is because all
the water molecules have frozen solid. Warmer
temperatures produce snow that still has plenty of
liquid water molecules. This creates a sticky and wet
winter wonderland for building snowballs, snowmen and snow forts.
You can do an experiment with another common crystal to see how this works.
With your parents' permission, stand over a sink and see if you can pack a handful of sugar into a
solid "snowball." Doesn't work, right? Now add just a few drops of water and knead it together.
"What you see is the sugar starts to stick together," Benedict said. "The liquid water is acting
almost like a glue."
If you think that's fun, you should consider entering Benedict's annual U.S. Crystal Growing
Competition, where thousands of students from across the country compete to see who can grow
the largest and highest-quality crystals.
Crystals are a huge part of our daily lives. Not only are they the basis for things such as snow,
sugar and salt, but Benedict says crystals are important components of computers, solar panels
and medicine. So the next time tiny crystals start falling from the sky, take a moment to appreciate
where they came from. Perhaps you'll be inspired to create crystals of your own.
This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.
Which sentence from the article BEST supports the conclusion that no two snowflakes are alike?
This is because snowflakes are made of tons of water molecules that have become linked to one
"So there's this teeny, tiny microscopic foreign object," said Benedict, "and that gives the water
molecules something to hold onto."
The shape these ice crystals take as they form is the result of many factors, including temperature,
humidity and air pressure.
This makes the likelihood that each water molecule in that snowflake would sit in exactly the same place
as each water molecule in another snowflake extremely unlikely.
Read the conclusion below.
Crystals can be developed by people to create goods humans use daily.
Which sentence from the article provides the BEST support for the statement above?
The shape these ice crystals take as they form is the result of many factors, including temperature,
humidity and air pressure.
With your parents' permission, stand over a sink and see if you can pack a handful of sugar into a solid
If you think that's fun, you should consider entering Benedict's annual U.S. Crystal Growing
Competition, where thousands of students from across the country compete to see who can grow the
largest and highest-quality crystals.
Not only are they the basis for things such as snow, sugar and salt, but Benedict says crystals are
important components of computers, solar panels and medicine.
Read the following paragraph from the article.
Benedict said light and fluffy snow, which is great for skiing, snowboarding and sled-riding, is
usually the product of very cold temperatures. This is because all the water molecules have
frozen solid. Warmer temperatures produce snow that still has plenty of liquid water molecules.
This creates a sticky and wet winter wonderland for building snowballs, snowmen and snow forts.
Why did the author include this information?
to emphasize the importance of dressing appropriately for snow-day activities
to introduce the idea that snowflakes require liquid water molecules in order to form
to elaborate on how temperature can affect snowflakes with a relatable example
to illustrate that Benedict spent a long time studying snowflakes to become an expert
How does the author build understanding of snowflakes and ice crystals?
by describing the process that forms snowflakes and explaining how students can experiment with the
idea at home
by defining the terms necessary for understanding crystal structures and exploring the different shapes
they can create
by including firsthand experiences and personal anecdotes about lookng at snowflakes while enjoying
outdoor activities
by indicating how the size and shape of the crystals that form inside of snow are different from those in
sugar and salt
This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.
This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.