Uploaded by Casey Pratts

Essay Grading Rubric: Global Markets Analysis

Essay 1.2 Grading Rubric
Student Name: Casey Pratt
I’ve copy and pasted the bullet points from the essay prompt below. You begin with 150 points! For each
requirement I don’t see met, I will take away 10 points. Things that have a strikethrough you missed points on,
and things that are highlighted you need to keep an eye on.
Requirements for Completing Essay 1.2:
 It must be no shorter than 1250 words, excluding the header, title, and Works Cited page.
 It must significantly revise Essay 1.1 based on both instructor and peer feedback.
Similar to Essay 1.1, this paper must still:
 Introduce a Q@I and give its background
 Define relevant terms
 Summarize at least three answers to the Q@I
 Explain why there's still debate
 Use evidence from at least two shared sources (assigned readings)
In ADDITION to those requirements, when you submit this draft:
 Incorporate one new source that was not part of your first draft
 It may not use more than two outside sources (sources you found on your own), but it may use as many
assigned readings as necessary.
 It should include an introduction that hooks the reader, provides background on the Q@I, and defines key
 It should include a paragraph (either the last or second-last) that provides a brief explanation of which
perspective/answer to the Q@I you agree with and why.
 All quotes and paraphrases from both outside and shared sources must be cited in-text using MLA style.
 It must include a Works Cited page in MLA style.
 It must be reasonably proofread and formatted for clarity and include a header and an interesting title.
Total points 150/150
Overall Commentary:
Casey, this is a strong and nuanced investigation of global markets. You certainly come at this from a
marketing and finance angle, which offers a very particular set of perspectives. You explore them thoroughly
and clearly, and your argumentation has a great flow about it that kept be onboard the whole way. Although I
think there is more to explore here from a cultural appropriation/exploitation standpoint, this was a fairly
short assignment and you did a great job covering good ground. In your next paper you’ll get to really dig into
argumentation and counterarguments 
Things I would like you to keep an eye on in your next paper are evidence incorporation and topic sentences.
When you introduce an author for the first time you need to let us know why they are qualified to speak on
the topic, and what conversation they are joining. For example, “Marie Jack is a nurse practitioner who writes
about working through COVID-19 on her popular blog. She explains ‘it’s crazy…’”. As for topic sentences, they
should 1) tell us what the paragraph is about and 2) tie back to your question at issue. They should be as clear
and concise as possible. Lastly, watch out for “wind-ups” the sneaky extra words at the beginning of
sentences like “It is interesting to consider”… etc.