Writing Advice for Business

Writing Advice for Business
1. Make sure it is understandable. Take a clear stand.
2. Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.
3. Avoid redundancies in short essays.
4. Do not make essay longer than necessary.
5. Use professional, not flowery or informal language (avoid overuse of adjectives;
do attempt to demonstrate you know how to use a thesaurus.)
6. Avoid passive voice.
7. Be concise. Simplify sentences where possible.
8. Use paragraphs and sentences that are no longer than necessary.
9. When typing use double spaced and 11 – 12 point standard fonts.
10. Avoid using blanket terms or take extreme positions you cannot defend.
11. Before submitting an essay, put it down and read it later, or have a friend or your
group partner read it.
12. Where quoting or paraphrasing, cite source.