EFFECT OF SOAK AWAY AND SEPTIC TANK POLLUTION ON HAND DUG WELL WATER QUALITY (A CASE STUDY OF GWALLAMEJI VILLAGE) AUNGWA, Aondoyima Angus JANUARY 2020 1 EFFECT OF SOAK AWAY AND SEPTIC TANK POLLUTION ON HAND DUG WELL WATER QUALITY (A CASE STUDY OF GWALLAMIJI VILLAGE). BY AUNGWA AONDOYIMA ANGUS (FPTB/CET/HND/17/121020) A PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA TECHNOLOGY, (HND) IN CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC BAUCHI. JANUARY, 2020. 2 DECLARATION I hereby declare that this research has been accepted by me and it is a record of my own work. It has been accepted in any previous application for HND. All source of information are specifically acknowledged by means of references. ______________________________ Aungwa Aondoyima Angus 3 APPROVAL SHEET This project titled Effect of Soak away and Septic Tank Pollution On Hand Dug Well (A Case study of Gwallamaji Village) by Aungwa Aondoyima Angus meets the requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma _________________________ ___________________ Project Supervisor Date ________________________ ____________________ H.O.D (CET) Date ________________________ ____________________ External Supervisor Date 4 DEDICATION I dedicate this work to almighty God who made everything possible for me and my family 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My special gratitude goes to Almighty God for guidance protection throughout my academic ambition in this great institution and for the love, mercy and grace he has shown to me. And to my family Mr. & Mrs Igbege for making this dream comes into reality for their support both financially, spiritually and parental role accorded to me right from childhood for teaching me how to endure both favorable and unfavorable situation and perseverance I love. To my supervisor who I am very most indebted to, in the successful execution of this work, my supervisor Mallam Auwal Saidu who is my mentor without his help and encouragement, this work could have been difficult to complete. To the entire staff and students of Civil Engineering Department for constructive comments and suggestions which crown the fullness of this work. To all my wishful thinkers I want to sincerely say thank you. 6 ABSTRACT To access the suitability of good water source for drinking purpose is one of the critical problems that deserve most attention. Samples were taken from ground water sources (hand dug wells). The effect of soak-away and septic tank system on ground water quality is a problem with a complex nature, it necessitate a multi disciplinary research explore sustainable ways of improving access to potable water in Gwallameji village of Bauchi State. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to analyzed the six samples of water taken from six different well in Gwallameji village and were transported to Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University for analysis and results were obtained from each well. Result obtained in six wells showed that, the volume of conductivity and pH concentration on ground water depends on the location of soak away system the higher the concentration of contamination in ground water quality. However, more test needs to be carried out on the chemical, biological and physical methods of the water found in the area to ascertain its safety for consumption. Recommendations should be been made to the community and other stakeholders to ensure sustainability of potable water in Gwallameji village. 7 TABLE OF CONTENT Title page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------i Declaration----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii Approval sheet-----------------------------------------------------------------------iii Dedication-----------------------------------------------------------------------------iv Acknowledgement--------------------------------------------------------------------v Abstract--------------------------------------------------------------------------------vi Table of contents--------------------------------------------------------------------vii CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1Statement of the problem--------------------------------------------------------2 1.2 Aim---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.3 Objectives-------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.4 Significant of the study----------------------------------------------------------3 1.5 Scope and Limitation------------------------------------------------------------3 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Literature Review----------------------------------------------------------------4 2.1 Environmental Health-----------------------------------------------------------5 2.1.2 Environmental Health--------------------------------------------------------6 8 2.2 Environmental hazard---------------------------------------------------------6 2.3 Water------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 2.3.1 Water quality-------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.3.2 Water and its relation to health---------------------------------------------8 2.3.3 Factors affecting water quality----------------------------------------------8 2.4 Ground water source-------------------------------------------------------------9 2.5 Ground water sources and protection----------------------------------------9 2.6 Management of water use------------------------------------------------------10 2.7 Drinking water standard-------------------------------------------------------11 2.7.1Table 1physical/organic parameters----------------------------------------11 2.7.2 Table 2chemical parameters-------------------------------------------------12 2.7.3 Table 3chemical parameter--------------------------------------------------14 2.7.4 Table 4 organic constituents------------------------------------------------14 2.7.5 Table 5 microbiological Limits---------------------------------------------15 2.8 Soak away pit and septic tank-------------------------------------------------15 CHAPTER THREE 3.0 Material and Method-----------------------------------------------------------17 3.1 Data collection------------------------------------------------------------------17 3.2 Interview with sources owner-------------------------------------------------17 9 3.3 Water quality test---------------------------------------------------------------17 3.4 Test for physical constituent on ground water----------------------------18 3.4.1 Temperature test--------------------------------------------------------------18 3.4.2 Colour -------------------------------------------------------------------------18 3.4.3 Turbidity-----------------------------------------------------------------------18 3.4.4 Total Dissolved Solid (TDS)------------------------------------------------18 3.5 Chemical constituent Analysis------------------------------------------------18 3.5.1 Water PH----------------------------------------------------------------------19 3.5.2 Total Hardness----------------------------------------------------------------19 3.5.3 Conductivity-------------------------------------------------------------------19 3.5.4 Manganese (Mn)--------------------------------------------------------------19 3.5.5 Calcium (Ca)------------------------------------------------------------------20 3.5.6 Chloride (Cl)------------------------------------------------------------------20 3.5.7 Sulphate (SO4)----------------------------------------------------------------20 3.5.8 Phosphate (P)------------------------------------------------------------------20 3.5.9 Zinc (Zn)-----------------------------------------------------------------------21 3.5.10 Lead (Pb)---------------------------------------------------------------------21 3.5.11 Copper (Cu)------------------------------------------------------------------21 3.5.12 Sodium (Na)-----------------------------------------------------------------21 10 3.5.13 Iron----------------------------------------------------------------------------21 3.6 Testing for Biological constituent of ground water quality---------------22 3.6.1 Bacteriological method------------------------------------------------------22 3.6.2 Method of collection---------------------------------------------------------23 3.6.3 Procedures in carrying out coliform Test----------------------------------24 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 Results and Discussion--------------------------------------------------------27 4.1Results-----------------------------------------------------------------------------28 4.2 Figures----------------------------------------------------------------------------34 4.3 Discussion-----------------------------------------------------------------------37 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------------39 5.1 Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------------39 5.2 Recommendation---------------------------------------------------------------39 5.3 References -----------------------------------------------------------------------41 5.4 Plate-------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 11 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION Hand-dug well water sources are often contaminated by soak away when the safe distance between a water point and a soak away is not adequately maintained. Microbial contamination and water-borne diseases are caused by improper sanitation system in many countries for example Ghana, Bangladeshi and including Nigeria. Infectious diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery and other diarrheal diseases are common to get when using such water. Subsurface sewage disposal systems are the largest sources of wastewater to the ground, and are the most frequently reported causes of ground-water contamination (Miller, 1980,p. 186). The likelihood of ground-water contamination by these systems is greatest where septic systems are closely spaced as in subdivided tractys in suburban areas and in areas where the bedrock is covered by little or no soil. The main contaminants from a soak away are the microorganisms present in the pit. Distance between a tube well and a soak awayand local geological and hydro geological conditions are important factors for bacterial spread contaminating the tube well. When the organisms leach out into the soil, amongst other factors, the hydraulic conductivity of the soil (i.e the volume of water that moves in a unit time under a unit hydraulic gradient through a unit area), determines how the organisms move to the saturated zone of groundwater. The other important factors that influence transport of bacteria in aquifer systems are the physical transport processes of advection and hydrodynamic dispersion and microbe decay. The transport of 12 microbiological pathogens in groundwater is limited by die-off and attenuation (including filtration and absorption). 1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM One of the problems of Gwallameji is water crisis, where the available water does not meet the inhabitant`s water demand. Adulterated water in Gwallameji arises due to numbers of factors such as wastage of water, deforestation and urbanization. Water-borne diseases are leading causing of death (Augustine, 2001). Wells are designed and located without proper site investigation on possible pollution sources. Septic tanks and soak-away pit and among the soil absorption system used for disposal of domestic sewage in Gwallameji village, and that may poses the threat of potential groundwater contamination. People in the area use ground water especially from hand-dug wells for domestic and commercial factors without undergoing treatment. Possible migration of contaminate from soak-away into the septic tanks into the ground water may renter well water of unfit for human consumption . so there is a need to conduct thorough investigation on ground water quality in other to ascertain the level of contamination and provide suitable recommendation for tackling threat. 13 1.3 AIM To determine the effect of soak-away pit and septic tank pollution on handdug well water quality in some areas in Gwallameji village. 1.3.1 OBJECTIVES 1. Determine if a hydraulic connection exist between septic-tank system and the ground water system. 2. Determine the potential for occurrence or existence of ground water contamination by septic tank system effluent. 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The significances of this research are; a) To review the risk to health caused by groundwater contamination from on-site sanitation. b) To review the importance of soak-away and septic-tank location from ground water. 1.5 SCOPE AND LIMITATION The scope of the study covers the following. i. Six (6) soak-away and septic-tanks are considered and six handdug wells are were nearby and the distances between them will be measured and recorded. Samples of well water were collected and tested and transported to the laboratory for experiment. ii. Ground water analysis. iii. Laboratory test will be carried out on the following contaminations; physical, chemical and biological methods. 14 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Soak-away and septic tank are thought to have been originated in French during early 1800`s where it was developed to deal with human waste generated in the new town that expanded rapidly to support the industrial revolution following the regime of Napoleon Bonaparte. The tank invention was credited by a French man called `John Louis Mouras` who was able to patent the septic tank invention on 22nd Sept.1881. It was believed that the septic was first introduced to the United Kingdom (UK) in 1895. Until that time the wealthy used buckets in an ablution room within their house and staff (chambermaids) emptied the content when necessary into the same cesspit latrine adjoining the house that they used themselves. Some larger buildings had a quite sophisticated sewer that drained it within the house to a cesspit and associated need bed on the grounds. Fecal solid were flush along the pipe (by household staff) using random buckets of wash water. 2.1 Environmental Health World Agency of Health Biology (WAHEB 1991) defined an environment as, all the conditions, circumstances and influences surrounding and effecting the development of an organism or group of organisms. Or environment is defined as the combination of elements whose complex interrelationships makes up setting, they are or as they are felt. Pollution: is it the introduction by man into the environment of certain substances or energy that are liable to cause hazards to human health, harm to living resources and ecological system, damage to structure and amenity. 15 Health as defined by World Health Organization (WHO) health deals with the prevention and control of all the factors in man`s physical environment which exercise a deleterious effect on the physical development of health and survival of an individual. Some of these factors are natural while some are man-made. Sanitation is an act of removing all unwanted/ harmful substances from man`s surrounding including the modification of some harsh environmental elements for healthy living and survival (Bassey, 2004). Philosophy, sanitation can be seen as a way of life, the quality of living that is expressed in clean homes, business, farm, work place, market and neighborhood, and must be constantly nourished by knowledge and effective legislation. The activities that are carried out under environmental health are: Air pollution Solid waste management Vectors and pests control Wholesome and adequate water supply Noise and radiation control Liquid waste management Food hygiene and sanitation Provision of good housing 16 2.1.2 Environmental Health The objectives environmental health are: To prevent accident and injury The prevent spread of diseases To enhance environmental beauty The prevent pollution of environment To enhance resource uses by way of solving environmental problems and preserving natural resources To assist the ecosystem To enhance health and comfortable living as well as enhance longevity 2.2 Environmental Hazards They are elements, substance or factors found within man are surrounding which has harmful or delirious effects to man`s health and survival. They are those elements in physical environment which, though cause by forces extraneous to man, are harmful to him (Maurice, 2004).The are categorized under:: physical, chemical, biological, mechanics, psycho-social and ergonomic hazards. 2.3 Water Water is a natural occurring substance. Water is very important to man, animal and plants. Without water, life on earth will not exist. Man need about 1.5-3 liters of water daily for body metabolism (Philip 1990) apart from this basic requirement, man need water for domestic, irrigation, recreation and transportation activities. 17 Water in its pure state is compound made up of two elements, oxygen and hydrogen chemically combined together in the ratio of 2:1 (H2O) which exist in three stages: solid, gas and liquid. It boils sat 100OC, freezes at 0oC and reaches maximum density at 4oC. On the other hand, water if polluted predisposes users to a number of diseases. Also water in excess could cause food hazard, dampness in buildings as such and detrimental to man. 2.3.1 Water quality Water qualities are those suspended particles in dissolved form found in water. There is no single measure that constitutes good water quality. It depends on its use and also, water quality problem can be treated because it is defined by analyzing it in terms of its chemical content, physical content and biological content. Good water quality (portable) drinking water is free from disease causing organisms, harmful chemical substances and radioactivity matter. Water tastes good, is aesthetically appealing and is free from objectionable colour or odour. It should be emphasized that there is a difference between “ PURE WATER” and “SAFE DRINKING WATER”. Pure water, often defined as water containing no materials or chemical, does not exist naturally in the environment, on the other hand, may retain naturally occurring minerals and chemicals such as potassium, calcium, sodium or fluoride which are actually beneficial to human health. These chemicals impart some taste to the water that meant for drinking. Water meant for human consumption should have the following characteristics: 18 It should be soft and not hard It should be odorless, colorless and tasteless. It should be free from suspended materials 2.3.2 Water and its relation to health Water as a compound is innocuous (harmless) but the presence of some suspended substances in it (organic or inorganic) may be capable of causing diseases to man. 2.3.3 Factors Affecting water quality Water (H2O) is used for three main purposes, domestic uses, industrial uses and agricultural uses. Each country uses different amount of its available water for these three main purposes. In percentages, the global uses for the three main purposes are divided up as follows: Agriculture (mainly irrigation) – 69%: industrial -23% and domestic drinking, and sanitation (-8% Lenntech, 2007). This case study only focuses on access to portable water for domestic activities. Domestic activities are divided into drinking water, bathing, food preparation, sanitation hygiene (Billig, et al 1999). Ground water in rocks such as limestone and dolomite, which contains significant amount of highly soluble minerals, has a higher dissolved- solids content that ground water in rocks such as granite and basalt, which are relatively few soluble minerals. Because of its long contact with minerals surfaces and relatively low dissolved oxygen contents, ground water in an area usually has higher dissolves- solids content than surface water. 19 The quality of ground water is of vital importance, whether the water is to be uses for industrial or domestic purposes. In general, ground water is to be free from bacteria’s because the passage of water through the ground strata constitutes a natural filtering process. This does not remove the vital necessity for routine bacteriological examination of all ground water to be used for domestic purpose especially when site geology would permit contamination of the ground water from surface sources. 2.3 Ground water sources When a hole is dug into the ground to the aquifer layers, the area filled with water within a few minutes of the surface area. The water would appear even if no rain fall and no streams flow nearby. The water that seeps into the ground is part of the vast reservoir of subterranean ground water that saturates the earth`s crust un the zone between a few meters above and few meters below the surface. We can extract the water by digging wells and pumping it to the surface. Before the invention of advanced drilling and pumping technologies, human impacts on ground water resources were minimal. Deep wells and highspeed pumps can extract ground water more rapidly than natural processes can replace it. 2.4 Groundwater Sources and Protection This water is obtained from the ground through wells, boreholes, springs these water sources are relatively safe (wholesome) depending on the level of external pollution and the level in the earth crust where the water is 20 obtained. The groundwater (borehole or wells) can be protected by the following ways: Making sure the water is obtained from deep wells Maintaining a safe distance of 30 and above before locating a well away from soak away pit and septic tanks Providing water lightning to the well at least 60cm above Covering should be made to slope to a drain leading to a soak away ease waste discharge from the mouth. A newly constructed well should be disinfected before use. Providing cover to the well Ground level to prevent entry of rain water runoff into the well. 2.5 Management of water use When dealing with groundwater that is naturally replenished in wet season, we should develop plans to use surface water when available and not be afraid to use ground water in dry season, the replenishment in dry seasons. During wet seasons, natural recharge and artificial recharge (pumping) take place as excess surface water gets into the ground to replenish the groundwater resources. This management plan recognizes that excesses and deficiencies in water are natural and can be planned for. Bartram (1999) argued that the management of water resources cannot be successful so long as it is naively perceived, primarily from an economic and political standpoint. A new philosophy of water management is 21 needed based on geological, geographic and climate factors as well as the traditional, economic, political and social political factors. 2.6 Drinking water standard All drinking water quality standards describe the quality parameters set for drinking water. Despite the truth that every human on this planet needs drinking water to survive and that water may contain many harmful constituents, there are no universally recognized and accepted international standards for drinking water. All drinking water sources intended for human consumption shall comply with Nigeria Standard for Drinking Water Quality and shall receive authorization from ministry of health before being supplied to the population. 22 2.7.1 Parameters and Maximum Allowable Limits Table 1- physical/ organic parameters Parameter Unit Maximum Health impact permitted levels Colour TCU 15 None Odour - Unobjectionable None Taste - Unobjectionable None Temperature Celsius Ambient None Turbidity NTU 5 None 23 2.7.2 Chemical parameters Table 2- inorganic constituents Parameter Unit Maximum Health impact permitted Aluminum Mg/L 0.2 (Al) Potential Neutrodegenerative disorders Arsenic (As) Mg/L 0.01 Cancer Barium Mg/L 0.7 Hypertension Cadmium Mg/L 0.003 Toxic (Cd) to the kidney Chloride (Cl) Mg/L 250 None Chromium Mg/L 0.05 Cancer Conductivity Mg/L 1000 None Copper Mg/L 1 Gastrointestinal (Cr6+) (Cu+2) Cyanide (CN) disorder Mg/L 0.01 Very toxic to the thyroid and the nervous system Fluoride (F) Mg/L 1.5 Fluorosis, skeletal tissue (bones teeth) morbidity 24 and Hardness (as 150 None 0.05 None 0.3 None 0.01 Cancer, CaC3) Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) Iron (Fe+2) Lead (Pb) Mg/L interference with vitamin D metabolism, affect mental development in infants, toxic to the central and peripheral nervous system Magnesium Mg/L 0.20 (mg+2) Manganese Consumer acceptability Mg/L 0.2 (Mn+2) Neurological disorder 25 2.7.3 Chemical parameters Table 3- Inorganic constituents Parameters Unit Maximum Health permitted Mercury (Hg) Mg/L 0.001 Affects the kidney and central nervous system Nickel (Ni) Mg/L 0.02 Possible carcinogenic Nitrate (NO3) Mg/L 50 Cyanosis and asphyxia (blue- baby syndrome) infants under 3 months. Nitrate (NO2) Mg/L 0.2 Cyanosis and asphyxia (blue- baby syndrome) in infants under 3 months. PH Mg/L 6.5-8.5 None Sodium (Na) Mg/L 200 None Sulphate (SO4) Mg/L 100 None dissolved Mg/L 500 None Total solids 26 Zinc (Zn) Mg/L 3 None Note 1: parameter to be monitored only if aluminum chemicals are used for water. 27 2.7.4 Chemical parameters Table 4- organic constituents Parameter Unit Health impact Detergents Mg/L Possibly 0.01 carcinogenic Mineral oil Mg/L Possibly 0.003 carcinogenic Pesticides Mg/L Possibly 0.01 carcinogenic Phenols Mg/L Possibly 0.001 carcinogenic Poly aromatic Mg/L Possibly hydrocarbons carcinogenic Total Cancer organic Mg/L carbon or Oxidisability 28 0.007 5 2.7.5 Microbiological Requirements Table 5- Microbiological Limits parameter unit Health Impact Maximum permitted levels Total coliform Cfu/100ml 10 Indication of faecal contamination Thermo tolerant Cfu/100ml coliform 0 or Urinary tract infection, E.coli bacteraemia, meningitis, diarrhea, of (one the main cause of mortality among children), acute renal and failure hemolytic anemia Faecal Cfu/100ml 0 streptococcus Indicator recent of faecal contamination Clostridium Cfu/100ml 0 perfringers Index intermitted 29 of spore faecal contamination 2.7 Soak Away and Septic Tank Systems Soak away pit and septic tank system have the traditional way to dispose of storm water from buildings and paved areas remote in Nigeria, in recent years, soak away system have been used within urban areas, latrine pits are to limit the impact on discharge of new upstream building works and to avoid costs latrine up to adding outside a development (soak away design, Digest 365) Soak away are seen increasingly as a more widely applicable option alongside either means of ground water control and disposal. Soak away must store the immediate storm water run-off and allow for its infiltration into the adjacent soil. They must discharge their stored water sufficiently quickly to provide the necessary capacity to receive run-off from a subsequent storm. The time taken for discharge dispends upon the soak away shape and size, and the surrounding soils infiltration characteristics. According to Part H2 of the 2000 building regulation, aseptic tank should be sited within 30m away from a well and should be ventilated. Ventilation should be kept away from a building. Also a septic tank system should be sited at least 7m away from any habitable part of a building. 30 CHAPTER THREE 3.0 MATERIALS AND METHOD 3.1 Data collection For the purpose of the research, six (6) samples from six different wells in Gwallameji which are oceanic lodge, Destiny connection, Kwara lodge, Texas City, Dubai city and Havana lodge were collected and analyzed. Also interviews were conducted with hand-dug well owners and consumers about the quality of the well water they are using. Field observations were made during the survey work to make valid some of the information obtained from the society. These observation include, water colour, distance between water source and location of public and private water source. 3.2 Interview with source owners Different owners of the water source in their house were intervened for more information on the treatment of water as well as the procedures of water treatment, but some don`t treat their water because of ignorance, some due to availability of finance at particular time. 3.3 Water Quality Test The quality of drinking water was tested and analyzed in the laboratory. The contaminates are in three categories using physical, chemical and biological methods. The contaminate analyzed were PH, temperature, conductivity, manganese, turbidity, magnesium, calcium, chloride, ammonia, zinc, phosphate, sulphate, lead, copper, sodium and iron, total coliform, fecal 31 coliform, total dissolved solid (TDS), the tests were conducted at civil Engineering Laboratory. 3.4 Test for physical constituent on Ground water The physical analysis base on this research is to determine substances affecting the physical quality of ground water. 3.4.1 Temperature test The water was put into a beaker and a thermometer will be inserted into the water and readings will be taken and recorded for each sample. 3.4.2 Colour The water sample was place into a tube at right hand corner of the comparator; the disc will be placed on comparator and rotated. The nearest colour match will be taken and noted, the colour value. Then the colour will be determined using Photometer. 3.4.3 Turbidity Turbidity is a measure of the degree to which water loses its transparency due to the presence of suspended solids or particles. 3.4.4 Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) This is to be determined by multiplying the conductivity value by a constant 0.6, (i.e. TDS= conductivity x 0.6) 3.5 Chemical constituent Analysis The chemical parameters which were tested include the following and the concentration of each element was determined using a spectrophotometer. 32 3.5.1 Water pH PH is a measurement of how to know the acidic or how alkaline something or water is. PH is the amount of acid and base present in the ground water quality. The water sample will be put into the beaker and a PH meter probe and rinsed with distilled water and inserted into the water sample in the beaker Tin. Read key will be pressed and the PH value will be recorded for each sample. 3.5.2 Total Hardness Hardness is cause by different metallic ion or the ++ charges of Ca and are capable of reacting with soap to form precipitate and with certain anions (-) to cause scale. If water concentration is 0-75 milligram/liter, the water is said to be soft, the 75-150mg/L moderately hard; and 150-300mg/L- very hard (en.wikidpedia.org/wiki/hard water). 3.5.3 Conductivity The conductivity meter probe was rinsed with distilled water and inserted into the sample and the conductivity meter will be used and the values will be recorded. 3.5.4 Manganese (Mg) The manganese was tested using spectrophotometer. Water sample will be placed in a test tube and a 4 drops of manganese reagent Mn-1 will be added and shaken. This will be allowed to stand for two (2) minutes. Thereafter, 2 drops of manganese reagent Mn-2 will be added, shaken and allowed to stand for another 2 minutes before reading the manganese concentration from the spectrophotometer at wave length of 520mm or 520mg/LMn1. 33 3.5.5 Calcium (Ca) Calcium was tested using spectrophotometer. Some M1 of the water sample will be placed in a test tube and 4 drops of calcium reagent Mn-1 will be added and shaken. This will be allowed to stand for two (2) minutes. Thereafter. 2 drops of calcium reagent Mn-2 and Mn-3 will be added, shaken and allowed to stand for 2 another minutes before reading the calcium concentration from the spectrophotometer at a wave length of 520mm or 520mg/LMn1. 3.5.6 Chloride (CL1) Water was placed in a test tube of chloride reagent CL-1 added and mixed. CL-2 reagent will be added and shaken and be allowed to stand for one minute before reading out the chloride concentration from the spectrophotometer at a wave length of 460Mn-1. 3.5.7 Sulphate (SO4) Water sample was placed in the test tube and 2 drops of sulphate reagent (SO4-2A) will be added and mixed. One level spoon of reagent So1-2A will be added and mixed. The solution and then tempered in a water bath at 40oC for five minutes. This can be transferred into a round cell and placed in the water sample of a wave length of 520Mn-1 used values will be recorded. 3.5.8 Phosphate (P) Water was put in a test tube and some drops of phosphorus reagent P 1A were added to it and mixed. This is followed by the addition of one level spoon of phosphate reagent P-2A. 5 minutes time for colour development 34 was allowed before phosphorus concentration was reared in the spectrophotometer at a wave length. 3.5.9 Zinc (Zn) Drops (0.3ml) of zinc Zn-3k was added to a reaction cell and shaken, this will be allowed to stand for 1 minute and the zinc concentration will be taken from the spectrophotometer and recorded. 3.5.10 Lead (Pb) Water sample was place in a reaction cell and some drops of lead reagent pb-1k was added and mixed. The concentration of lead will be determined in a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 620Mn-1. 3.5.11 Copper (Cu) Water sample was placed in a reaction cell and 5 drops of copper reagent cu1k will be added and into it and be shaken. A reaction time of 5 minutes will be allowed before reading will be taken in the spectrophotometer at a wavength of 420Mn-1 wavelength. 3.5.12 Sodium (Na) Water sample was placed in a reaction cell 5 drops of sodium reagent Na-1k added and mixed the concentration of sodium will be determined in the spectrophotometer. 3.5.13 Iron Water sample was placed in a reaction cell and one ferrous iron reagent powder will be added and allowed to mix on a concentration of iron and determined. 35 3.6 Test for biological constituent of groundwater quality This is a process of testing the bacteriology (bacteria`s) of ground water, which include: a. Fecal coliform b. Total coliform 3.6.1 Bacteriological method: (Total Coliform and Fecal Coliform) The method for bacteriological test is the membrane filtration method. All the glass, waves and the media used were sterilized in an autoclave at 121 oC for 5 minutes. The media used (Endo agar and MF-c agar base) will be prepared according to manufacturer`s instruction before sterilizing. The media will be poured into sterile glass Petri dishes and allowed to cool and solidity. The filtration unit will be mounted on the Erlenmeyer flask and fastened with a clamp. A membrane filter will carefully be picked with a forced and placed on the filtration unit and some of the water sample will be measured and the measuring cylinder will be rising and poured into the filtration unit. The vacuum pump will then turned on and the water will filtered out into the Erlenmeyer flask. The membrane filter will be carefully removed with a sterile force p (dipped in alcohol) and placed on the molten medium incubation/ as done at coliforms in an incubator for 24 hours period, the cultures will harvested and colonies counted with a colony counter. The colony counts will be appropriately noted for all the samples. 36 3.6.2 Method of collecting sample: Six water samples are taken in the following manner: a. Water fetch from the well for about 3 minutes. While the water will still be following, distilled water bottle will be immersed for two second and withdrawn, the colour will be allowed to develop for 60 seconds and compared against the enclose colour strip and result was recorded. b. Sample in a clean water bottle was collected. c. Making visual observations concerning the turbidity d. Statement about the odour observation in water was made. e. With sample in clear glass, the TB`s with a total oxygen (TO`s) pocket meter was recorded in PPM (parts per million). f. Bacteriological test was constructed to obtain meaningful results. The pipe from the pump was briefly scorched with a match to ensure that any detected bacteria from the water itself and not the well surface. The flows of water for 2-3 minutes before sample will be obtained. The sterile plastic sample bag filled, taken care that the inner surface of the bag does not touched anything including hands. For total coliform, water will carefully poured into the sample vial until the liquid level reach the fill-line (the La Monte test requires 5 vials). Ensuring that the lip of anything cap placed back on. Vials place upright, the colour change will recorded and the gas formation and politic of the thimble in the vials. After the test, the lids will be removed, vials rinsed with bleach and crushed and buried in the ground where children would not be able to find them and play with, because they contain potentially dangerous bacterial. 37 3.6.3 Procedures in carrying out Coliform Test Plates are made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator, remove them and allow them to warm to room temperature. The crystals that form on M1 agar after refrigeration will disappear as the plates warm up. Label the bottom of the M1 agar or M1 broth plates with the sample number/identification and the volume of sample to be analyzed. Label QC TSA plates and the M1 agar are broth sterility control plate(s). Using a flame forceps, place a membrane filter, grid-side, on the porous plate of the filter base. If you have difficulties in removing the separation papers from the filters due to static electricity, place a filter with the paper on top of the funnel base and turn on the vacuum. The separation paper will curl up, allowing easier removal. Attach the funnel to the filter unit, taking care not to damage or dislodge the filter. The membrane filter is now located between the funnel and the base. Put approximately 30ml of sterile dilution water in the bottom of the funnel. Shake the sample container vigorously 25 times. Measure an appropriate volume (100 ml for drinking water) or dilution of the sample with a sterile pipette or graduated cylinder, and pour it into the funnel. Turn on the vacuum, and leave it on while rinsing the funnel twice with about 30ml sterile dilution water. 38 Remove the funnel from the base of the filter unit. A germicidal ultraviolent (254nm) light box can be used to hold and sanitize the funnel between filtrations. At 2 minutes of exposure time is required for funnel decontamination. Protect eyes from UV irradiation with glasses, goggles or an enclosed UV chamber. Holding the membrane filter at its edge with a flamed forceps, gently lift and place the filter grid side up on the M1agar plate or M1 broth pad plate. Slide the filter onto the agar or pad, using a rolling action to avoid trapping air bubbles between the membrane filter and the underlying agar or absorbent pad, run the tip of the forceps around the outside edge of the filter to be sure the filter makes contact with the agar or pad. Reseat the membrane if non-wetted areas occur due to air bubbles. Invert the agar Petri dish, and incubate the plate at 35oC for 24 hours. Pad plates used with M1 broth should be incubated grid side up at 35oC for 24 hours. If loose-lidded plates are used for M1 agar or broth, the plates should be placed in a humid chamber. Count all blue colonies on each M1 plate under normal/ambient light, and record the result, this is the E, coli count. Positive results that occur in less than 24 hours are valid, but the results cannot be recorded as negative until the 24-hour incubation period is complete. Expose each M1 plate to long wave ultraviolent light (366nm), and count all fluorescent colonies [blue/green fluorescent E, coli, blue/white fluorescent TC other than E, 39 coli, and blue/green with fluorescent edges (also E, coli). Record the data. Add any blue, non-fluorescent colonies (if any) found on the same plate to the TC count. Data Analysis 38hours. 40 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To ease this project analysis, the parameters obtained were split into six (6) tables. And graph will be presented on seven parameters (Manganese, Sodium, Copper, calcium, PH, magnesium and conductivity). 41 4.1 RESULTS TABLE 4.1.2 DESTINY CONNECTION LODGE PARAMETER RESULTS WHO`S Manganese (Mg/L) 0.0518 0.05 Sodium (Na) 87.2542 ND Copper (Cu) -2.8072 1.0 Calcium (Ca) 37.683 50 PH 6.7 6.5-8.5 TDS (PPM) 156 300 Temperature (oC) 25.9 Ambient Conductivity (US/CM) 21 500 Colour (Pt) 187 0 Magnesium (Mg) 15.11 100 Fecal Coliform 44 0 42 TABLE 4.1.3 OCEANIC LODGE PARAMETER RESULTS WHO`S Manganese (Mg/L) 0.0869 0.05 Sodium (Na) 99.7693 ND Copper (Cu) -3.2069 1.0 Calcium (Ca) 38.448 50 PH 6.6 6.5-8.5 TDS (PPM) 135 300 Temperature (oC) 26.1 Ambient Conductivity (US/CM) 18 500 Colour (Pt) 93 0 Magnesium (Mg) 11.9 100 Fecal Coliform 43 0 43 TABLE 4.1.4 DUBAI CITY LODGE PARAMETER RESULTS WHO`S Manganese (Mg/L) 0.1251 0.05 Sodium (Na) 70.5698 ND Copper (Cu) -0.1546 1.0 Calcium (Ca) 17.941 50 PH 6.6 6.5-8.5 TDS (PPM) 096 300 Temperature (oC) 26.7 Ambient Conductivity (US/CM) 9 500 Colour (Pt) 45 0 Magnesium (Mg) 13.09 100 Fecal Coliform 28 0 44 TABLE 4.1.5 HAVANNA LODGE PARAMETER RESULTS WHO`S Manganese (Mg/L) 0.1736 0.05 Sodium (Na) 122.6316 ND Copper (Cu) -0.3338 1.0 Calcium (Ca) 31.635 50 PH 7.0 6.5-8.5 TDS (PPM) 277 300 Temperature (oC) 26.9 Ambient Conductivity (US/CM) 37 500 Colour (Pt) 36 0 Magnesium (Mg) 15.01 100 Fecal Coliform 141 0 45 TABLE 4.1.6 KWARA LODGE PARAMETER RESULTS WHO`S Manganese (Mg/L) 0.05022 0.05 Sodium (Na) 80.6541 ND Copper (Cu) 0.190 1.0 Calcium (Ca) 28.15 50 PH 7.1 6.5-8.5 TDS (PPM) 196 300 Temperature (oC) 24.5 Ambient Conductivity (US/CM) 30 500 Colour (Pt) 45 0 Magnesium (Mg) 10.01 100 Fecal Coliform 35 0 46 TABLE 4.1.7 TEXAS CITY LODGE PARAMETER RESULTS WHO`S Manganese (Mg/L) 0.0512 0.05 Sodium (Na) 79.1460 ND Copper (Cu) -0.1301 1.0 Calcium (Ca) 27.30 50 PH 7.0 6.5-8.5 TDS (PPM) 89 300 Temperature (oC) 26.2 Ambient Conductivity (US/CM) 45 500 Colour (Pt) 39 0 Magnesium (Mg) 9.14 100 Fecal Coliform 37 0 47 FIGURE 4.2.1 Sodium (Na) 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 FIGURE 4.2.2 Manganese (Mg/L) 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 S1 S2 S3 S4 48 S5 S6 FIGURE 4.2.3 Conductivity 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 S1 S2 S3 S4 FIGURE 4.2.4 49 S5 S6 Calcium (Ca) 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S4 S5 S6 FIGURE 4.2.5 PH TEST 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 S1 S2 S3 50 FIGURE 4.2.6 Magnesium (Mg) 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 S1 S2 S3 S4 51 S5 S6 FIGURE 4.2.7 Copper (Cu) 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 4.3 DISCUSSION Drinking water quality standards describe the quality parameters set for drinking water. Therefore all drinking water sources intended for human consumption shall comply with Nigeria Standard for Drinking Water Quality. These results show that the results obtained from this research work show the effect of ground water source, to pollution source (soak away and septic tank) which is determine to a large extent, of the degree of pollution of that of ground water. However, there were few exceptions where locations at short distances away from soak away and septic tank recorded contamination levels higher than those at the nearest locations. Hydro geological nature of this location revealed that the topography and direction of ground water flow play very important role in ground water pollution. 52 Such other parameters like porosity, soil profile and permeability also influence ground water pollution. But for the purpose of this research, these factors (porosity, soil profile and permeability) were not taken into consideration, and thus were assumed to be constant. Hand dug wells are wrongly located downstream while nearby soak away and septic tanks are located upstream. In this case, sewage effluents flow from the toilets into the well, thereby causing heavy pollution of that ground water source. This is because of the wrong location of soak away without due consideration of hydro-geology of the area; such as determining the direction of ground water flow, soil nature, ground water table and so on. This research has confirmed the minimum allowable effect between a soak away and septic tank system and ground water source (well), from the results obtained in chapter 4 of this work, the minimum allowable distance between soak away and septic tank and well (in Gwallameji village) is less than 30 meter`s (30m), which is not in conformity with NAFDAC`s (National Agency for Food Drug and Administration and Control) recommendation. CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 CONCLUSION 53 The problem of groundwater pollution is caused by improper location of soak away system which disposes micro-organisms to the ground water. This problem itself is as old as man. Ground water quality will be completely spread if its hygiene`s are not checked. This research has proved that improper location/sitting of wells and soak away has greatly endangered the lives of the inhabitants of Gwallameji village area. Most students depend on the heavily polluted water for their daily consumption and other domestic needs. Therefore, there is an urgent need for appropriate government agencies arid others, stakeholders to adopt measures that will check this trend. This problem is not only in Gwallameji alone but most places in Bauchi and Nigeria at large 5.3 Recommendations: Based on this research, the following recommendations are made: Government should improve public water supply in order to avoid over dependence of well as sources of the water supply. Well should be very deep, to avoid easy infiltration of influents into the water sources. Where the water is high, deep soak away pits should be avoided or shutdown if already in existence. Well driller and intending owners should carry out site investigations. With a view of identifying possible source of pollution, there should be a minimum distance of 30m of a soak away and the well and the identified toilet facility should be maintained. Well should not be located downstream of a soak away but on the upstream side. 54 REFERENCES Augustine, A. E. (2001); Is your borehole water safe. Waterfront NIWASA issue. Oct.- Dec., P, 6,8. 55 Bartram (1999) Protecting Groundwater from Health. Bassey, E. 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