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Canterbury Tales Prologue Guided Reading Questions

Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Guided Reading Questions: “The Prologue”
Lines 1-20
1. What season is it?
2. List two examples of imagery that illustrate the season. (Include line #’s with the direct quote).
Line #’s_________________
Line #’s_________________
3. What is the Greek Mythological allusion?
4. Why does the author use this allusion, meaning, what doe Chaucer want the reader to see?
5. Who are palmers?
6. Why do so many English go on a pilgrimage from England to Canterbury?
Lines 21-39
7. Where is the narrator of the prologue, and how many pilgrims did he encounter?
8. After talking to the pilgrims, what does the narrator decide before going to sleep?
Lines 455-485 (The Wife of Bath)
1. Using the STEAL method, how does the narrator characterize the wife of Bath? *Note: Some of
the letters of the acronym may not be applicable. If this is the case, just write N/A.
(S) What is said about the Wife of Bath (profession/personality)?
(T) Wife of Bath’s thoughts?
(E) Wife of Bath’s effect on others?
(A) Wife of Bath’s actions?
(L) Wife of Bath’s Looks (Wife’s looks/appearance (to include what he is wearing).
2. How does Chaucer throw shade at the wife of Bath?
Lines 689-734 (The Pardoner)
1. Using the STEAL method, how does the narrator characterize the wife of Bath? *Note: Some of
the letters of the acronym may not be applicable. If this is the case, just write N/A.
(S) What is said about the pardoner (profession/personality??
(T) Pardoner’s thoughts?
(E) Pardoner’s effect on others?
(A) Pardoner’s actions?
(L) Pardoner’s looks/appearance (to include what he is wearing).
2. How does Chaucer throw shade at the pardoner?
Prologue/Conclusion (The Host’s Wager)
Lines 735-756
1. What three things has the narrator shared with the reader?
2. The narrator decides to tell how the pilgrims behaved. He says that he will begin after they
had “alighted at the Inn.” What does alighted mean?
3. He then says that he will report their pilgrimage, “stage by stage?” What does he mean by
stage by stage?
4. What is the narrator concerned about in in lines 745-749? (Use your own words).
5. What is the narrator’s point in lines 750-757?
6. Explain what the narrator means by “And Christ Himself spoke broad in Holy Writ,/Yet there
is no scurrility in it…” (Scurrility means scandal). In essence, what point is he trying to make
about how he shares the story of the pilgrims?
7. What is the narrator’s tone, and how does it impact the mood of the story?
The Host
Lines 767-809
1. Using the STEAL method, how does the narrator characterize the host? *Note: Some of the
letters of the acronym may not be applicable. If this is the case, just write N/A.
(S) What is said about the host (profession/personality??
(T) Host’s thoughts?
(E) Host’s effect on others?
(A) Host’s actions?
(L) Host’s looks/appearance (to include what he is wearing).
Lines 810-819
1. The host suggests that each pilgrim tell tales. What two things must the tales have to be
considered the best tale?
2. What does he offer the winner (person who tells the best tales)?
Lines 820-829
3. What two things does the host offer to do on the way to Canterbury?
4. Hat is the consequence for not obeying the rules?
Lines 830-841
5. According to the narrator, how do the pilgrims respond to the host’s wager?
Lines 842-855
6. How is it decided who will tell the first tale?